metro carpet cleaning sydney

by Aniya Herman MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Where can I book a carpet cleaning in Sydney?

Metro Carpet Cleaning and Restorations are available during the week for regular carpet cleaning services in Sydney, and until the late evenings for call outs during an emergency. It’s easy to book a carpet cleaning in Sydney; you can call us, email us, or contact us online.

What is the best carpet cleaning method for your home?

There is no other carpet cleaning system that pretty much guarantees 100% soil removal. This method gets the dirt out from deep in the pile. The heat generated from the steam kills germs and bacteria. Above all, it’s excellent for stain removal. The best thing about steaming your carpets is we deodorise afterwards.

How do you Steam Clean Your carpets?

Carpet is steam cleaned using high-temperature hot solution extraction method. Carpet rinse surfactant emulsifier is applied to leave carpets in a PH neutral state and residue free. Deodoriser neutraliser is applied to leave a fresh smelling and healthy carpet.


About Us

Sydney Metro Carpet Cleaning boasts high-end expertise in an assorted range of carpet cleaning services. We are paced up with advanced steam carpet cleaning solutions and cleverly designed to maintain the looks and warranty of your carpets.

Customer Testimonial

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