mixing essential oils and vinegar for carpet cleaning

by Mrs. Mozelle McClure DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Here is how to do it:

  • Mix the baking soda with 5-20 drops of the essential oils of your choice.
  • Sprinkle that onto the carpet you are cleaning.
  • Mix 1 part water and 1 part vinegar in a spray bottle.
  • After sprinkling the baking soda mix onto the carpet, spray the water and vinegar mixture onto the carpet over the same...
  • Let sit for 10 minutes.

Homemade All Natural Carpet Cleaner Solution Recipe
  1. 1/2 gallon vinegar.
  2. 1/2 gallon hot water.
  3. 5 drops essential oils optional.
Aug 22, 2018

Full Answer

How do you mix essential oils with vinegar?

How to Mix an Aromatic Vinegar Solution Choose one or a combination of essential oils. (See below) Using a measuring cup and funnel, add the vinegar and water in the desired ratio, and shake to mix them together. Add the essential oils directly to your spray bottle. Shake the bottle to incorporate the essential oils.

Can you use vinegar to clean carpet stains?

If you have a steam cleaner or are planning to use one, you can combine it with vinegar to remove especially tough stains. Follow the instructions for your steam cleaner on how to add a carpet cleaning solution and replace that solution with white vinegar.

How do you make an essential oil spray?

You Will Need: 1/2 cup white vinegar (distilled) 1/2 cup water. 12 to 24 drops of essential oil. Spray bottle. Measuring cup and funnel. Choose one or a combination of essential oils. Using a measuring cup and funnel, add the vinegar and water in the desired ratio, and shake to mix them together.

How do you use essential oils to clean your house?

To use, spray any areas that need to be cleaned, rinse well, and wipe dry. For tougher cleaning jobs, like grout, use a toothbrush or scrub brush. Try these scents which are combinations of the top five essential oils : Lavender with tea tree (encourages relaxation)


How do you make carpet cleaner with essential oils?

0:231:54Natural Carpet Cleaner Recipe With Essential Oils - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo we're going to add 15 drops of our home body essential oil blend. Let's put the lid. On. And thenMoreSo we're going to add 15 drops of our home body essential oil blend. Let's put the lid. On. And then we'll shake to mix and we'll put a paper towel over it so that we don't get powder everywhere.

Can you mix essential oils with vinegar for cleaning?

Essential oils you might want to mix into your vinegar cleaning solution include basil, bergamot, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, grapefruit, lime, oregano, rosemary, and thyme. In addition, try these essential oil combinations that feature lavender and citrus scents: Lavender with tea tree (encourages relaxation)

What essential oil is good for carpet cleaning?

To make homemade carpet cleaner use baking soda, vinegar, a small amount of castile soap (optional), and several drops of essential oils. You can use lavender, tea tree, lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, rosemary, peppermint, thyme, and cinnamon.

What is the best homemade carpet cleaning solution?

Baking soda and vinegar is one of the best mixtures for spot-treating messes on a carpet. ... Using a mixture of salt and water can clean recent stains made from spilling wine or dropping food.More items...•

How much essential oil do I add to vinegar?

Mix 1/4 cup of white vinegar with 1 and a 1/2 cup of water and 30 total drops of essential oils. Try out 15 drops of lavender, and 15 drops of lemon essential oil - you'll enjoy it.

Is it safe to mix vinegar and peppermint oil?

Peppermint Oil for Cleaning Mix peppermint oil with tea tree oil to make a disinfectant for things around your home. Add about 10-20 drops to a mixture of white vinegar and water to a 16oz spray bottle and shake well. Spray to clean and disinfect.

Will essential oils ruin carpet?

Lavender will not only add a lovely scent, but it can also help remove unpleasant odors. In addition, essential oils do not stain the carpet or other fabrics like cooking oils do, so using essential oils on the carpet is OK. However, if you prefer to leave them out, vinegar and baking soda will be just fine.

How do you clean a dirty carpet naturally?

These are some of the best—and simplest, in terms of ingredients used—non-toxic solutions for cleaning your carpet naturally.Steam Vapor. ... Water + Vinegar + Salt. ... Baking Soda + Vinegar + Water. ... Salt + Borax + Vinegar. ... Baking Soda + Cornstarch + Cornmeal + Borax.

What essential oil neutralizes odors?

Some of the most popular essential oils for odor control are as follows: lemon, lemongrass, rosemary, lavender, tea tree, and orange. You can choose one, or create your own unique blend using your favorite oils!

Can I make my own carpet shampoo for machine?

DIY carpet cleaner (for machines): 1/4 C vinegar + 4 Tbsp dish soap + 4 Tbsp fabric softener + 1/4 C hydrogen peroxide. Stir gently, then add mixture to an almost full gallon of very warm water. Then slowly add warm water to top it off.

Does vinegar discolor carpet?

White vinegar is clear and will not leave any discoloration, which is possible with other types of vinegar. Next, you should cover the stain with the white vinegar, being sure to leave the area wet but not completely soggy.

How do you make a carpet cleaner with vinegar?

2 Vinegar Carpet Cleaner For synthetic carpets: Mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups of water. For natural fiber carpets: Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar with ¼ cup of water.

Can you mix lavender essential oil with vinegar?

There are several ways to make lavender vinegar. The simplest and fastest way is to combine a 1:1 solution of white vinegar and water, then add 30-40 drops of lavender essential oil to the solution. Put it in a spray bottle and use almost anywhere.

How do you make surface cleaner with essential oils?

DIY All Purpose Cleaner with Essential Oils1/2 cup vinegar.1 1/2 cups warm water.15 drops melaleuca (a.k.a. tea tree) essential oil.15 drops lemon essential oil.

How do you make a cleaning agent with vinegar?

Make a simple cleaning spray with 3 parts water and 1 part distilled vinegar. You can dilute the mixture according to your needs and you can also trade out the distilled white vinegar for apple cider vinegar. Add lemon juice to disinfect surfaces.

Which essential oil is best for disinfecting?

The lavender and tea tree essential oils both have natural disinfecting properties. Tea tree oil is also antiviral and antifungal.

How to make a natural carpet cleaner with salt and vinegar

Vinegar has long been used as an efficient household cleaner, for ovens, windows, bathrooms and more. It’s one of those staple items that’s loved by many and used regularly as part of their effective household cleaning schedule.

How to use your natural carpet cleaner

Once you’ve mixed up your ingredients for your DIY carpet cleaner you’re ready to get to work. Whether it’s wine, coffee, juice squirted from the carton, pizza grease, smushed raisins or otherwise, give the following method a try to get your carpet back to its best:

Does Vinegar Stain Carpet?

Before we get into the step by step guide on how to clean your carpet with vinegar, we should address one of the most common concerns that people have about using it.

How To Clean Your Carpet With Vinegar

When it comes to any type of carpet cleaning method, one of the first steps that should be taken is to vacuum the surface. Using a high-quality vacuum is an effective way to remove debris and dirt on the surface, as well as dirt that has become lodged deep inside your carpets.

How To Steam Clean Carpet With Vinegar

If you have a steam cleaner or are planning to use one, you can combine it with vinegar to remove especially tough stains. Follow the instructions for your steam cleaner on how to add a carpet cleaning solution and replace that solution with white vinegar.

Bissell Professional Carpet Cleaner Machine

Bissell’s Professional Carpet Cleaner Machine features 2 large tanks with each of them having a capacity of 1.75 gallons of water. As a result, it’s an excellent option for cleaning entire rooms without having to refill.

Vinegar On Carpets As a Deodorizer

As we mentioned above, the smell of vinegar can dissipate pretty quickly, so long as the area dries up. For cases where you want to remove a stain from your carpet that’s causing a smell, such as an accident from a pet, vinegar can be an effective remedy.

Other Tips Keeping Carpets Clean

When it comes to cleaning human or pet or pet hair from your carpets, one of the best things you can use is a vacuum. In particular, a vacuum that has been specifically made for removing pet hair that works effectively on carpets.

Deep Cleaning Carpets

For those of you interested in achieving a deeper clean for your carpets, using a steam cleaning machine is one of the best options. They only need to be used a few times every year but each time you use one, it can leave your carpets looking new.

What Are the Advantages of Using Vinegar to Clean Carpets?

Before diving into the juicy details of cleaning carpets with vinegar, you might be wondering whether it is actually worth the try.

How to Clean Carpets with Vinegar: A Step By Step Guide

Now that you know how vinegar can be the solution to many of your problems with artificial detergents, it’s time to know how to use it.

What Items to Use With Vinegar to Clean a Carpet?

Here’s a list of all the items that you may mix with vinegar to get better results while cleaning carpets:

What Items to Avoid Mixing with Vinegar While Cleaning a Carpet?

Here’s a list of 3 ingredients that you shouldn’t mix with the vinegar while cleaning a carpet.

What Are the Disadvantages of Using Vinegar to Clean Carpets?

Despite all its merits, like all things, vinegar has some drawbacks that you should be aware of. However, these disadvantages are minimal when compared to the number of benefits they can offer!

Can You Use Apple Cider Vinegar Instead of White Vinegar for Carpet Cleaning?

As a rule of thumb, cleaning carpets is usually done with white vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar just because it’s more affordable.

Wrap Up

There you have it. A complete guide that walks you through everything you need to know about cleaning carpets with vinegar.

Must-Have DIY Natural Cleaning Ingredients

Here is a list of ingredients we use in our homemade cleaning essential oil recipes, you may have some already in your home.

Best Essential Oils for Cleaning

Essential oils offer natural cleansing and purifying properties. Best essential oil for cleaning is any citrus oil

How to clean a Stain with vinegar

Let's look at the step by step solution on how to clean your carpet with vinegar.

How to use vinegar to remove odors

Last but not least, you might want to use vinegar to remove bad odors.


Thank you very much for reading! I'm sure you've fallen in love with vinegar as we did when we tested it! It's a great cleaning tool and you can save a lot of money too!

About us

I'm Tony and I consider myself a carpet cleaning expert! I've tried the 5 most common professional cleaning methods myself, and I've reviewed thousands of carpet cleaning & installation companies. I'm currently exploring the DIY Cleaning and Installation world. It's not that hard and it's a lot of fun!

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Your carpet not only needs to be cleaned for stains and dust but also odors. If you've got pets at your home, it's highly likely that your carpet can smell due to pet urine. Like all other stains, cleaning your carpet for removing odor is highly necessary as it can degrade and ruin your carpet if not treated.

Using Vinegar To Kill Odors In Carpet

Carpet cleaning is quite a hassle. There are a number of elements that one needs to consider before actually diving into the cleaning phase. Especially when one is DIYing. Elements such as over-wetting, over-shampooing, etc. need to be monitored so that the results can come in favor, cleaning the carpet without damaging it.

Methods For Removing Odors In Carpet

Apart from using just vinegar, there are other methods too that you can use to remove odor from your carpet. Let’s take a look:

Other Benefits Of Vinegar In Household Cleaning

Not only is vinegar effective for removing foul odor from your carpet but it can be used for a variety of other needs too, including:


Using vinegar to get rid of foul smells from your carpet is a good choice. It's easy to use and gives effective results in no time. You can also contact the best-carpet-cleaners-near-me to know about more of the effective vinegar uses for your carpet treatment.

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