new york renter laws cleaning carpet

by Laura Wintheiser Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

According to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, landlords CANNOT charge for routine carpet cleaning - either during the rental term or from a security deposit - no matter what the lease says. A landlord CANNOT legally deduct from a tenant's security deposit even if:

A landlord CANNOT require a tenant to pay for carpet cleaning in advance of moving. Any payments in excess of rent are considered security deposits ATCP 134.02(11). Withholding that money would be considered a withholding from a security deposit, which is illegal absent "unusual damage".

Full Answer

Can a landlord make a tenant pay for carpet cleaning?

Answer: No. Because routine carpet cleaning is not a statutorily-imposed obligation of a landlord, assigning this responsibility to a tenant through a contractual provision does not render a rental agreement void.

What are the new rent laws in New York State?

Changes to New York State rent laws, recently passed by lawmakers in Albany, make it harder for landlords to evict any tenant. In addition, the new rent laws strengthened protections for New Yorkers living in rent-controlled or rent-stabilized apartments.

Does routine carpet cleaning void a rental agreement?

Because routine carpet cleaning is not a statutorily-imposed obligation of a landlord, assigning this responsibility to a tenant through a contractual provision does not render a rental agreement void.

Can a landlord repair or replace carpet?

Landlords may only be required to repair or replace carpets if required in the lease or if the current state of the carpets render the unit “unlivable” ( read more ). Each state has its own rules on what needs to be provided for living conditions in rentals to be deemed “acceptable”, known as the Implied Warranty of Habitability.


How often does a landlord have to replace carpet in New York State?

1 attorney answer. Dear How often are landlords supposed to change carpets in NY? NY does not have a state law relating to carpet replacement in apartments.

Do you have to professionally clean carpets at end of tenancy?

Carpets must be professionally cleaned at the end of the tenancy. A tenant only has to leave the premises in a reasonably clean and tidy condition. Tenants do not have to have the carpets professionally cleaned. Tenants must replace stove elements, fuses and tap washers as they wear out.

Is my landlord responsible for carpets?

A good quality carpet in rental property should last for about 10 years with normal wear and tear. When a carpet wears out and it has not been damaged by the tenant, the landlord is usually responsible for replacing it.

Can landlord charge for cleaning ny?

In New York, a landlord is allowed to charge a cleaning fee but only insofar as necessary to bring the unit to the state it was in when the tenant moved in. Beyond that, the landlord can only charge cleaning costs against the security deposit if the rental agreement allows doing so.

Are stains on the carpet fair wear and tear?

Examples of what is not normally considered fair wear and tear are: burn marks or drink stains on the carpet.

Can landlords make you pay for professional cleaning?

So, can a landlord charge tenants for a professional cleaning service at the end of their tenancy at the rental property? The short answer is no. In fact, according to the Tenant Fees Act 2019, a landlord cannot legally charge tenants for end of tenancy cleaning services.

How often should a landlord change the carpets?

As with general redecoration, most landlords will review the carpets in their rental property every five years. When a carpet needs replacing depends on the quality of the one you bought – a better quality carpet could last up to 10 years, while a lower quality one may only last three to five years.

Can landlords claim for new carpets?

If the damage to the carpet is so extensive it affects the quality of the property and achievable rent, the most appropriate remedy will be to replace the carpet. However, charging the tenant the full replacement cost is unfair so you must apportion the cost to the tenant.

Do tenants have to pay for carpet cleaning NSW?

a. that the tenant must have the carpet professionally cleaned, or pay the cost of such cleaning, at the end of the tenancy [unless the cleaning is required because animals have been kept on the premises during the tenancy], b.

What can landlord deduct from security deposit NY?

New York landlords are permitted to deduct from a tenant's security deposit for reimbursement of repair costs that go beyond normal wear and tear, as well as for any unpaid rent....Damage Beyond Wear and TearWorn carpets or tile flooring.Faded paint.Loose door handles.Dust.Fading silver finish on bathroom fixtures.

What can a landlord deduct from deposit?

What are the common reasons for deposit deductionsUnpaid rent at the end of the tenancy.Unpaid bills at the end of the tenancy.Stolen or missing belongings that are property of the landlord.Direct damage to the property and it's contents (owned by the landlord)Indirect damage due to negligence and lack of maintenance.More items...

Can landlord take deposit for wear and tear?

Your landlord or letting agent can't take money from your deposit for 'reasonable wear and tear'. This means things that gradually get worse or need replacing over time, for example paintwork, or a piece of furniture.

Can a Landlord Enter Without Permission in New York?

New York law does not specify how much notice landlords must give, but most landlords and tenants agree to entry notification policies in the lease...

Is New York a “Landlord Friendly” State?

New York is not a landlord-friendly state because there are state-wide rent control policies and landlords have to give a large amount of notice be...

What Are a Tenant’s Rights in New York?

Tenants in New York have several rights including the right to a habitable dwelling and the right to due process during eviction proceedings. Tenan...

Can a Tenant Change the Locks in New York?

State law lacks any guidance on whether tenants can change their locks. Landlords are expressly forbidden from changing the locks as a form of evic...

Do you have to pay for carpet cleaning when you move out?

Your lease requires that you pay for it when you move out. Your lease states that you must provide a receipt showing that you had the carpets cleaned. Your lease says that you must pay for carpet cleaning when you move in. Your lease says that the cost of carpet cleaning will be deducted from your security deposit.

Can landlords charge for carpet cleaning?

According to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, landlords CANNOT charge for routine carpet cleaning - during the lease or from a security deposit-no matter what your lease says.

Is carpet cleaning a landlord's responsibility?

Answer: No. Because routine carpet cleaning is not a statutorily-imposed obligation of a landlord, assigning this responsibility to a tenant through a contractual provision does not render a rental agreement void.

Can a landlord deduct cleaning?

Write a letter to the landlord explaining that they cannot deduct routine cleaning according to ATCP 134.06 (3) (c), that there have to be damages that are beyond "normal wear and tear" in order to charge for it. ATCP 134.06 (3) (c) states that "a landlord may not withhold from tenant's security deposit for routine painting or carpet cleaning, ...

Can you deduct carpet cleaning charges?

Any carpet cleaning charges they collect in advance must be treated as part of a security deposit, which must be subject to a refund. Deductions cannot include "normal wear and tear.". Essentially, a landlord would have to sue a tenant as a separate matter if they did not pay for routine carpet cleaning required by the lease.

What are the changes to renters in New York?

If you are a renter in New York State, there are significant changes in the laws affecting tenants. The “Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019” provides important protections for renters across the State, like how much a landlord can charge for a security deposit on new leases. For families living in rent-controlled or rent-stabilized apartments, the laws affect how much a landlord can increase your rent. Especially important are the changes for those with preferential rents, and for those living in a manufactured home park.

How often do landlords have to send notices?

Your landlord must send you a written notice by certified mail every time you are more than five days late with your rent. If your landlord fails to provide you with the notice, you can raise this as a defense in court.

What is it called when a landlord raises the rent for an apartment?

Landlords of rent-regulated buildings who make improvements to individual apartments that are vacant or with written approval by the tenant can raise the rent for that apartment, based on how much it cost to make the improvements. This is called an IAI.

How much can a landlord charge for a security deposit?

Landlords can only charge up to one month of rent for a security deposit or “advance payment.” This applies to all residential rentals, with a few exceptions, whether you have a lease or not.

How long does it take to evict a park owner?

If a park owner wants their current residents to leave because they are changing the manufactured home park to another use, the park owner cannot begin eviction proceedings until two years after they provide you with notice that they intend to change the use of the park.

Can a landlord deny you an apartment?

A landlord cannot deny you an apartment, rental home, or any other type of rental based on a past legal conflict with a landlord. For example,

Can an attorney help with eviction in New York?

When facing eviction, it is often a good idea to consult an attorney. There are many free legal service providers across New York State who can represent tenants who qualify for their services. Check The Office of the Attorney General cannot provide direct legal advice.

What are the rights of a tenant in New York City?

In New York City, tenants have many rights relating to the safety and quality of their housing. Tenants should expect to live in safe, well-maintained buildings that are free from vermin, leaks, and hazardous conditions. Laws protect tenants from harassment and discrimination. Tenants have responsibilities to their building owners ...

When is heat required in NYC?

Heat is required between October 1st and May 31st, a period designated as "Heat Season.". Building owners are required to provide tenants with heat during these months under the following conditions:

What are the responsibilities of tenants in a building?

Tenants have responsibilities to their building owners and other tenants - including not damaging the building, and responding to annual owner inquiries related to window guards, lead-based paint, and to maintain smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

What to do if the owner of an apartment does not respond?

If the property owner, managing agent or superintendent does not respond, write a letter that describes the problems in your apartment and asks for the repairs to be made by a certain date. You should send the letter to the owner and management company by certified mail and keep a copy for your records.

What are the dangers of illegal basements?

Occupants of illegal basement and cellar apartments face potential dangers such as carbon monoxide poisoning, inadequate light and ventilation, and inadequate egress in the event of a fire. Occupants of illegal basement and cellar apartments may be ordered by the City to vacate or leave any such apartment.

Can a landlord enter an apartment without notice?

Generally no. However, a landlord may enter a tenant's apartment in some situations. Your landlord can enter your apartment at any time and without notice in an emergency, and at a reasonable time after providing appropriate notice if the entry is either: To provide necessary or agreed upon repairs or services, or.

Can you keep a pet in an apartment without permission?

If a tenant keeps a pet in the apartment without the building owner's permission, it may be considered a serious violation of the lease and may be a basis for terminating tenancy. In addition, many animals cannot be kept legally as pets in the City of New York. For more information on pet regulations, call 311.

What are the responsibilities of a landlord for replacing carpet?

Responsibility for Repairing/Replacing. State laws do not directly require landlords to replace or repair carpets. When the Landlord is Required to Repair/Replace. Landlords may only be required to repair or replace carpets if required in the lease or if the current state ...

What happens if a lease includes carpet?

If the lease includes carpets or provides for the landlord’s responsibility to maintain, restore or repair them, then the landlords must comply. If the lease or rental agreement is silent on the matter, then the landlord’s responsibility will hinge solely on whether or not, the state of the carpet or lack thereof makes the unit “unlivable.”.

Why is my carpet unit unlivable?

The dirtiness of carpets may cause the unit to be unlivable as in the case of being extremely filthy from things such as pet urine or feces. Another potential reason could be The presence of black mold. However, torn or damaged carpets may also cause the unit to bo unlivable.

How often should carpets be cleaned in a multi-family home?

3. All carpets and rugs which are permitted in any public part of a multiple dwelling shall be taken up and cleaned by the owner at least once a year or as much oftener as the department shall deem necessary. 4.

What is Section 80?

1. The owner shall keep all and every part of a multiple dwelling, the lot on which it is situated, and the roofs, yards, courts, passages, areas or alleys appurtenant thereto, clean and free from vermin, dirt, filth, garbage or other thing or matter dangerous to life or health. 2.

How long do you have to give notice of tenant inspection?

The landlord must also give the tenant at least 48 hours notice from the time of inspection.

Who is liable for the security deposit if the landlord has not transferred the deposit?

However, even if the old landlord has not transferred the security deposit, the new buyer is liable to the tenants for the amounts of security deposit that the new buyer has actual knowledge of plus interest thereon if any. The landlord is deemed to have actual knowledge of the deposits that were:

How long does it take to get a security deposit back in New York?

may be deducted. It must be returned within 14 days after the tenant vacates the premises.

What happens if a landlord refuses to return a security deposit?

Also, if the landlord did not have good reason to withhold the security deposit or part of it (e.g. if the landlord misused the security deposit or simply refuses to return the same), the landlord may be made to return the amount withheld plus a penalty of double the security deposit.

How much notice do you have to give a tenant for a security deposit?

The landlord must also give the tenant at least 48 hours notice from the time of inspection. After the inspection, the landlord must give the tenant an itemized statement of all the repairs and cleanings the cost of which he intends to deduct from the security deposit.

When can a landlord use a security deposit?

The landlord can only use the security deposit when the lease or tenancy has ended or has been terminated. Also, the landlord can only use the security deposit to cover the following: Unpaid rent. Damage caused by the tenant beyond normal wear and tear. Unpaid utility charges provided in the lease.

Can a landlord charge security deposit in New York?

New York statutes did not always limit the amount of security deposit that landlords can charge. Now, after the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection act of 2019 was passed, New York landlords may only charge up to 1 month’s rent#N#“…No deposit or advance shall exceed the amount of one month’s rent under such contract…”#N#NY Gen Oblig L § 7-108#N#for security deposit.

How long does a landlord have to provide hot water in New York?

Indeed, property owners in New York are absolutely required by law to provide hot water for 365 days a year at a minimum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

What to do if landlord is not responding to repairs?

In the case that the landlord is slow to respond or simply does not make the repairs, send a letter requesting the repairs . If the landlord takes no action at this point, then you might want to take your own steps to fix the issue or what you may call “Repair and Deduct.”.

Why can't tenants know what rights they have?

The problem is that many tenants don’t understand what rights they have, and because they don’t know their rights, they can’t discern when a landlord is overstepping his or her legal boundaries. If you’re a tenant in New York, this post is here to help you get informed — especially now that rent laws in New York have changed.

What does "livable, safe, and sanitary" mean?

Livable, safe, and sanitary means the landlord needs to properly manage the security of the building as well as maintenance of pipelines, heating systems, and electrical wires. While withholding rent is an actual right to exercise, it should be done only in very serious cases.

What is the duty of a landlord?

Again, a landlord has a duty to provide his tenants with livable, safe, and sanitary environments. Of course, the idea of “livable,” “safe,” and “sanitary” conditions are not fluid or arbitrary terms.

Can a landlord mix a security deposit with his own money?

The landlord should not and cannot mix your deposit with his own personal money. After a lease is up and upon vacating the premises, a tenant is entitled to get the security deposit back with interest. Under new legislation, the security deposit must be returned within 14 days of the end of occupancy.

Do landlords have to give notice of rent increase in New York?

Yes — under new rent laws in New York, landlords need to give tenants 30 days notice if they plan to raise the rent by 5% or more. With the passing of new rent legislation, tenants in rent-regulated apartments will be largely protected from substantial rent increases.

What are the two types of rent regulation in New York?

The two types of rent regulation in New York State are rent control and rent stabilization. An individual tenant’s rights will depend, in part, upon which regulations apply, although some apartments may have multiple laws governing their tenancies. While tenants in rent regulated or government subsidized apartments have special rights, many rules and laws apply to both unregulated and regulated apartments.

Who has the right to succeed a tenant who dies or permanently vacates the premises?

Family members living in an apartment not covered by rent control, rent stabilization, or other housing governed by a regulatory agreement generally have no right to succeed a tenant who dies or permanently vacates the premises. The rights of a family member living in a rent controlled or rent stabilized apartment to succeed a tenant of record who dies or permanently vacates are covered by DHCR regulations. Under these regulations, a “family member” is defined as husband, wife, son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, or daughter-in-law of the tenant; or any other person residing with the tenant in the apartment as primary resident who can prove emotional and financial commitment and interdependence with the tenant

What is harassment in real estate?

landlord is prohibited from any action intended to force a tenant out of an apartment or to compel a tenant to give up any rights granted the tenant by law. No landlord, or any party acting on the landlord’s behalf, may interfere with the tenant’s privacy, comfort, or quiet enjoyment of the apartment. Harassment may take the form of physical or verbal abuse, willful denial of services, disruptive construction or renovation projects that interfere with health, safety, and use of an apartment, or multiple instances of frivolous litigation. If a landlord lies or deliberately misrepresents the law to a tenant, this may also constitute harassment. Severe harassing conduct may constitute unlawful eviction and landlords may be subject to both civil and criminal penalties, in the form of a class A misdemeanor for harassment under Real Property Law § 768.

How long do you have to give advance notice to a landlord?

If the landlord of a non-regulated unit intends to increase the rent by more than 5%, they must provide advanced written notice of either 30, 60, or 90 days depending on how long the tenant has been in occupancy (see section on Renewal Leases).

What are the rights of a tenant?

Tenants have a legal right to organize. They may form, join , and participate in tenant organizations for the purpose of protecting their rights. Landlords must permit tenant organizations to meet, at no cost, in any community or social room in the building, even if the use of the room is normally subject to a fee. Tenant organization meetings are required to be held at reasonable times and in a peaceful manner which does not obstruct access to the premises (Real Property Law § 230).

When given notice of the tenant’s intention to move into one of the above facilities, the landlord must release the tenant

When given notice of the tenant’s intention to move into one of the above facilities, the landlord must release the tenant from liability to pay rent for the balance of the lease and adjust any payments made in advance.

What is a contract between a tenant and a landlord?

It defines how renters will enjoy their home, how owners will maintain their property, and it can even affect a neighborhood’s stability.


*Important Covid-19 Updates*

New Tenant Protection Laws

  • Changes to New York State rent laws, recently passed by lawmakers in Albany, make it harder for landlords to evict any tenant. In addition, the new rent laws strengthened protections for New Yorkers living in rent-controlled or rent-stabilized apartments. These laws are enforced by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR)...
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The ABCs of Housing

  • The ABCs of Housingis HPD's guide to housing rules and regulations for owners and tenants. Owners and tenants have legal responsibilities to each other. HPD is one of many city and state agencies that enforce those responsibilities. This booklet is designed to help owners and tenants gain an understanding of the rules and regulations affecting housing, and to provide informatio…
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Tenants' Rights FAQs

  • Note: The content on this web site is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice or opinion. The content of this web site may not reflect current legal developments. Since the law is constantly changing and since the law will vary based on different facts and circumstances, statements on this web site regarding the status of a given law or lega…
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