online marketing for carpet cleaning companies

by Madelyn Cruickshank Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Carpet Cleaning Marketing Agency
  • Create Social Media Profiles. “Before” and “after” photos are powerful advertising tools for carpet cleaning companies, and social media profiles give you places to share those photos. ...
  • Create a Solid, Mobile-Friendly Web Presence. ...
  • Use Pay-Per-Click Advertising.

How do I market my carpet?

Here are 10 marketing tips and ideas to grow your carpet cleaning business:Have a website for your carpet cleaning business. ... Get your carpet cleaning business listed on online directories. ... Post on social media actively. ... Respond to online reviews. ... Learn about SEO. ... Run a campaign to make prospects call you.More items...

What is the best method for commercial carpet cleaning?

Top 5 Types of Carpet Cleaning Methods used by CompaniesHot Water Extraction Cleaning. Commonly known as steam carpet cleaning, hot water extraction cleaning use high pressured hot water to agitate the carpet fibre and dissolve dirt in the carpet. ... Carpet Shampooing. ... Encapsulation. ... Bonnet Cleaning. ... Dry Carpet Cleaning.

Is professional carpet cleaning effective?

Professional carpet cleaning does more than just remove debris. It can also lift stains set into the carpet and eliminate the signs of everyday wear and tear that develop in office and home carpeting. You see those signs every day, yet you may not even think about them because you're so used to it.

What equipment do professional carpet cleaners use?

The Professional Carpet Cleaning ToolkitVacuum Cleaner. A vacuum cleaner is one of the essential carpet cleaning tools your staff will need to complete cleaning jobs. ... Carpet Cleaner. Carpet cleaners remove deeply embedded dirt, bacteria, and stains. ... Defoamer. ... Stain Remover. ... Air Scrubber. ... Carpet Rake. ... Smartphone.

Is it better to steam or shampoo carpet?

Overall, steam cleaning your carpet is going to be a lot more effective than shampooing. Unless you're trying to clean a big carpet surface regularly and as long as that carpet doesn't have a lot of stains on it, then steam cleaning is the best option.

Which type of carpet cleaning is best?

The best method of cleaning carpets is usually steam cleaning, which removes over 90% of dirt and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets are ready for foot traffic as quickly as possible.

Is it worth steam cleaning carpets?

Steam Cleaning Using carpet extraction is probably the best deep-cleaning method you can use on your carpets. Because it combines hot water with chemicals, it cleans much more than just the surface of your carpet-it can remove dirt and debris that have sunk deep into your carpet.

How often should a carpet be steam cleaned?

A general rule of thumb A good rule of thumb is to have your carpet professionally steam cleaned at least once a year, twice if you seem to track a lot of dirt in. This way you get a good, deep cleaning and don't let the dirt build up.

Is a Rug Doctor a steam cleaner?

The Rug Doctor Deep Carpet Cleaner made the list as Best Rated Home Carpet Steam Cleaner and the Rug Doctor Mighty Pro X3 Carpet Cleaner made the list as Best Commercial Steam Cleaner.

How profitable is a carpet cleaning business?

What's the Average Income for a Carpet Cleaning Business? As a solo carpet cleaning business owner, you can potentially earn between $75,000 – $100,000 per year. However, as a DryMaster carpet cleaning business owner you'll have the potential to earn up to $200,000 per year in income.

How long does it take to clean 1000 square feet of carpet?

Carpeting 1000 sq. Vacuuming (unobstructed) 20 min. Vacuuming (obstructed) 30 min. Spot vacuuming 16 min.

Do carpet cleaners use your electricity?

Yes. There are to have the electricity on while we are cleaning and for a short time after we leave. 1. We will need to vacuum your carpet before we start cleaning.

How many carpet cleaning companies are there in the US?

There were about 39,029 carpet cleaning businesses in the US, according to a 2018 IBIS World report. Although you may run a service in a city, you’re still likely to have some competition. And with many other carpet cleaners in your area, customers will want to know:

Why do I need a website?

If you don’t have a website yet, it’s time to create one. You’ll need one because most people go online to find products and services, to know more about businesses, and to make transactions. Also, websites can cater to a larger market, international even if you’ve built it that way and if an international market is relevant to your operations.

What is SEO in marketing?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a vital component of online marketing. It helps increase your website’s ranking organically on SERPs, particularly on Google. The search engine giant owns about 75 percent of the search market, so it’s essential to follow its guidelines.

What is the importance of running a business?

Running a business is not only about attracting more customers. It’s also about retaining your existing ones. You have to take care of loyal clients and be consistent with the quality of your services, so they’ll always call you for deep cleaning, brush and grooming, or stain removal.

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In today’s marketing climate, it is just not sufficient to rely on traditional marketing methods, such as print marketing or direct mail. You MUST be visible in the digital, online space in order for your business to be “findable” for your potential customers, and moreover, for you to stand out from the competition.


Strong and effective marketing and advertisment knowledge, resources, and expertise is what sets successful business owners apart from failing ones. And that’s exactly what DryMaster™ will provide you with: the proven, effective and developed tools and implementation techniques necessary to succeed in this industry.

How to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies?

One of the best ways to find carpet cleaning marketing strategies is to scour forums for unique perspectives. These can be community or neighborhood groups, where residents near you are always looking for quality services.

How to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year?

One of the best ways to make sure your carpet cleaning business is in the 5% that make it past the first year is to specialize in a niche. Choosing a specialty, like commercial carpet cleaning, for example, can dramatically increase your chances of success.

6 Ways Carpet Cleaners Are Dominating Their Markets

The internet has changed the marketing landscape significantly, bringing with it numerous opportunities for businesses in different sectors. However, with the different online marketing options available, knowing how to get started can seem daunting. Here are six carpet cleaning marketing ideas you can consider.

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This list is by no means exhaustive. There are many more ways through which you can market your carpet cleaning business. Even as you choose the best combination of techniques to use, you should remember to look at what your competitors are doing to reach their target customers.

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Carpet cleaning companies need marketing plans that are going to work

There are a few different ways of approaching marketing the company. One way to market the company is to provide coupons or deals for free services with every service purchased. Another option is focusing on the environmentally-friendly aspect of their products and services.

The coupons can be for a small cleaning like an entryway or just doing something specifically for that room such as removing pet stains

Knowing who their markets are is crucial when deciding on how to market the carpet cleaning company. By focusing marketing efforts on one area, it makes it easier to develop a marketing plan.

Selling environmentally-friendly products is going to be the main focus of this carpet cleaning company

All their services are green and can help people out with their carbon footprint. This is something that needs to get emphasized with all online marketing efforts. Having an online presence will help drive customers to the company website. This site should be designed to convert traffic into leads, helping the company gain more customers.

Carpet cleaning companies have to focus on online marketing efforts if they want to grow their business

By allowing people who would like services from the company access to a website is going to help them generate new business. Online reputation management will help with search engine optimization and help with the overall online presence of a company.

Carpet cleaning companies can provide coupons and deals that are going to help people who otherwise would not have thought about their services

People who are willing to spend money on services or products will want to save money at every turn if they can. Finding ways to market the business is going to help develop the marketing plan.

Getting your product or service in front of the right people and making it easy to act on that information is a crucial part of marketing

There are a few different ways of marketing the company, but it comes down to what will work best for the business. One way to market the company is through using coupons or deals for free services with every service purchased. The other way is to focus on the environment-friendly aspect of the products and services that they offer.

Marketing your business online is very important, especially because it allows for the ability to reach so many more people than just local advertising

It is also easy to track the information on where people are coming from online, which means no money will be wasted because of poor marketing.

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