oriental rug and carpet cleaning

by Dr. Eddie Rice V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Can you clean an Oriental rug with a carpet cleaner?

For a number of reasons, you should avoid using harsh chemicals and carpet cleaners on your Oriental rug. For one, these can damage the natural fibers and oils in traditional Persian rugs. Harsh cleaning agents may also harm the colors of your rug and cause them to run or bleed.

How much does it cost to clean Oriental rugs?

Oriental rug cleaning costs $5 to $8 per square foot.

Can Oriental rugs be steam cleaned?

Persian and Oriental rugs should never be steam cleaned. Steam cleaning is a common and effective way to clean rugs, but it's not suited for antique or modern Oriental rugs. The steam cleaning method can damage your valuable rugs as well as your floors.

How should Oriental rugs be cleaned?

1:232:28Housecleaning Tips : How to Clean an Oriental Rug - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWith dish soap and water you know and make it nice and bubbly. And grab your scrub brush. And useMoreWith dish soap and water you know and make it nice and bubbly. And grab your scrub brush. And use this to scrub your entire rug. I mean start at the top and work your way.

Can I clean my oriental rug myself?

Thankfully, cleaning oriental rugs, like Persian rugs, can be done by hand using simple vinegar and pH neutral detergents, so you don't need to rely on a professional clean every time yours starts looking a little tatty.

How much does it cost to clean an 8x10 rug?

$150 – $600 8'x10' Area Rug. Professional rug cleaning costs $2 to $7 per square foot on average, depending on the size, quality, material, and method. A standard 8'x10' area rug costs $150 to $600 to clean. Extra rug washing treatments such as odor or stain removal add $10 to $50 to the total cost.

How often should Oriental rugs be cleaned?

every three to five yearsAccording to the experts and professionals, you should get your Persian rug and oriental carpet professionally deep cleaned every three to five years in order to prevent dirt and dust build-up.

Is it OK to vacuum Persian rugs?

Fine Oriental rugs should be vacuumed weekly, and every 1-2 months be sure to vacuum the backside of your rug as well, in order to loosen dirt and debri from the underside.

How do you get dog urine smell out of an Oriental rug?

If warm water alone does not remove the stain or the odor, take 1 cup of warm water and add a few tablespoons of white vinegar to it. Use this mixture on the rug and blot the area in the same manner. Refrain from using ammonia, bleach, or any kind of strong cleaning products on the Oriental rug. Allow the rug to dry.

Can you power wash oriental rugs?

0:214:44How To Clean An Oriental Rug With A Pressure Washer - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYourself. Just a simple guide this is the power washer i have i would buy one that's between 3 200MoreYourself. Just a simple guide this is the power washer i have i would buy one that's between 3 200 psi. And 3600 psi give or take a hundred or two.

How do you clean expensive rugs?

Preferably, use brick or concrete surfaces. Brush over it using a broom or vacuum cleaner to remove dust and grime. Apply some liquid detergent or soap and use a sponge and brush for stain removal. Once the rug is clean, allow it to dry by air or in the sun.

Can I use baking soda on an Oriental rug?

Baking soda is considered the most useful cleaner for an oriental rug. Moreover, it is an inexpensive solution that has no impact on the environment. It will even help to get rid of odors and stains with ease. Depending on the stain you have to sprinkle the baking soda on your carpet.

How often should Oriental rugs be cleaned?

every three to five yearsAccording to the experts and professionals, you should get your Persian rug and oriental carpet professionally deep cleaned every three to five years in order to prevent dirt and dust build-up.

Is it worth it to clean area rug?

Area rugs are a great way to add warmth and personality to your decor, but after prolonged use, they will need a good cleaning to look like new. For most modern rugs, cleaning can be a once-a-year DIY project that saves you the expense of professional cleaning.

How long do oriental rugs last?

20 to 200 yearsDepending on the level of traffic, quality of the rug and the level of care it receives your rug could last anywhere from 20 to 200 years. Rugs held by collectors and sold for hundreds of thousands or millions can often be several centuries old.

What happens if you put dirt on an oriental rug?

Keep shoes off: Bringing mud and other dirt from the outside in and onto your Oriental rug can lead to a buildup of dirt that could turn into difficult stains.

How to get rid of musty smell on oriental rug?

Using a solution of vinegar and water in place of the detergent mixture above is a really effective and natural way to treat oriental rugs that smell a little musty. Plus, cleaning with vinegar is a great way to lift stains also.

How to get rid of fringe on a rug?

Start by protecting your floor with a towel, then use a soft brush to gently comb the fringe out flat. Next, spray the area with the white vinegar solution. Then mix up another solution of a few cups water with 2 tsps of the pH neutral detergent, and use this with the brush to scrub off any debris from the fringe.

How to get rid of dog urine smell?

So, if you are dealing with dog urine, greasy food or other unsightly and odorous stains, first thing you need to do is blot blot blot. Then you can try applying the white vinegar and warm water solution as above directly onto the area.

What are Persian rugs made of?

Originating from Iran, and sometimes India or China, Persian rugs are often made from wool or cotton – although some can be made from synthetic materials or silk – and they add a lot of personality to a space. It’s only right that you maintain them properly with careful cleaning and maintenance also.

Can you vacuum a rug?

Vacuum, but only when you need to: And, if your rug is made from wool, limit vacuuming as it can cause the fibres to become packed down.

Can you spot test Persian rug?

Note: As mentioned, we'd recommend spot testing this on the back of your Persian rug to ensure the colors don't run if yours didn't have any instructions or recommendations on the care label.

What is oriental rug cleaning?

Our off-site oriental rug cleaning allows us to safely remove dirt, pet urine accidents and odors through our state-of-the-art machinery - leaving you with a clean rug without the risk of damage.

How to contact Oriental rug cleaner?

You can find an oriental rug cleaner near you on our website here. Or, give us a call at 1-800-STEEMER (1-800-783-3637) and our customer service advisors will help you. Thank you for your submission. Get cleaning tips, alerts and coupons to save big!

How much does oriental rug cleaning cost?

Oriental rug cleaning cost can vary depending on the size of the rug. You can get a quote for oriental rug cleaning by giving us a call at 1-800-STEEMER (1-800-783-3637).

Does deodorizer work on rugs?

Our deodorizer acts to remove rug odors, immediately neutralizing them at their source, rather than simply covering up the smell. Our special urine treatment removes urine from the fibers of the rug.

Do oriental rugs need to be cleaned?

Oriental rugs need extra care when they’re cleaned. That’s why we recommend a professional oriental rug cleaning at one of our off-site rug cleaning facilities. At our facility, we can be more thorough than with our in-home area rug cleaning service.

Can you use deodorizer on a rug?

From food to kids to pets, your home is filled with odors that can become trapped in the fibers of your rug. That’s why we recommend an application of our rug deodorizer.

Can you steam clean area rugs?

We are often asked about steam cleaning area rugs. At Stanley Steemer we do not use steam to clean. We use a process called hot water extraction to clean rugs, which is often referred to as steam cleaning because of the steam you see as we clean. If you have more questions about how we clean area rugs, visit our area rug service page here.

What is the best way to clean an antique oriental rug?

Electric carpet sweepers use static electricity to pick up dirt and are the safest method for quickly cleaning an antique oriental rug.

What is the best material to clean oriental rugs?

Usually, on the label, it will have instructions on the safest way to clean your Oriental rug. Rugs can be made of silk, wool, cotton, or synthetic material and each requires a certain degree of finesse when cleaning. Cotton and wool rugs are generally more durable and easier to clean.

How to keep oriental rug from fading?

Keep your rug out of direct sunlight. Oriental rugs can be prone to sun damage, so keep it away from windows if you can. Keeping an oriental rug in the sun will cause the colors to fade over time. If your rug has to be in direct sunlight, rotate it at least once a month.

How to check if carpet is colorfast?

Test to see if your carpet is colorfast. 1 In the case that your carpet is not colorfast do a light cleaning but avoid getting your carpet wet or using chemical cleaners on it. 2 If you need to deep clean a carpet that is not colorfast, your best option would be to bring it in to be professionally cleaned.

Where do oriental rugs come from?

Oriental rugs are a common style of rug that originate from countries like Iran, China, and India. These rugs are known for their rich colors and unique designs and can be found in thousands of households across the world.

What does wool smell like?

Wool also shrivels, but will smell like singed hair. Silk shrivels and smells like burning hair, feathers or meat. Cotton burns, does not shrivel, and smells more like burning paper. Many traditional rugs are wool pile on a cotton base, so the fringe would be cotton, and the colored part would be wool. Thanks!

What to do if your carpet is changing color?

If the cleaning solution is changing your carpet's color or making the colors bleed, stop cleaning it and take it a professional.

How often should I clean carpet?

According to recommendations by the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), residential rugs should be cleaned every 12 to 18 months.

Is Oriental rug cleaning chemical free?

Oriental Rug Cleaning. Our organic and chemical-free cleaning solution is safe for all kinds of fabrics and rugs, from delicate or antique rugs to modern mats and carpeting. Oriental rugs require extra special care during cleaning to prevent damage from occurring.

How do I clean a woven rug?

You basically want to get that dirt out of it as much as you can before you clean and you want to clean it as dry as possible not as wet as possible and you want more detergent because the detergent’s really doing the cleaning of that fiber. I think with the other way, you’re pushing in more water and then cleaning solution, and plus when you get a rug that’s woven, it gets wet on the back just as much as it gets wet on the front. If you don’t get that rug up, you and leave it down and it’s a moist humid day, you’ll get mold and mildew that will create on the back there because it’s not dry. Anything that’s a damp situation, mold and mildew will come out and it is ugly and it happens so quickly and it spreads so widely, it’ll be shocking to you. I’ve seen a lot of bad results from that, especially with the mold and mildew situation after the cleaning.

How long does wool rug last?

Wool is nice because it tends to repel soil and when you sweep it, most of it gets into the sweeper and you get rid of it very easily. It takes a while for a rug, I’d say three to five years is average, but there’s some people I would say every year and there’s some people I could say go 20 years. A lot of people bring in a rug. It looks like a brand-new, I said, “Why clean it? I will take it and clean it, but you don’t need it.”

What does it mean when a rug has a fringe?

If a rug has a fringe on it, usually the fringe is cotton.

Can you rotate a rug?

The big thing for me besides cleaning is rotating your rug and that is something that I think probably nobody really does and I would highly recommend that where they basically just get traffic on one section of the rug. If they rotate it and even it out more, that would also be helpful in maintaining your rug.

Can you rotate a rug in front of a couch?

John: That would probably be especially true if you have your rug right in your living room, in front of the couch, say that spot right in front of the couch is going to get a lot of traffic on it from your feet just constantly.

Can you maintain an oriental rug?

Maintaining an Oriental Rug. John: Yes. Maybe if it’s just not in a high-traffic area, it doesn’t get a lot of traffic on it, it doesn’t get a lot of dirt on it and really doesn’t need much. Sam: Exactly. I think that’s a problem to get it clean just for cleaning sake. Cleaning takes life out of any textile.

Can You Clean an Oriental Rug with a Carpet Cleaning Machine?

John: Sam our topic today is do carpet cleaning machines work on Oriental rugs? Are carpet cleaning machines a good choice to clean your Oriental rug?

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