pet urine and carpet cleaning

by Prof. Darlene Schmitt IV Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

5 Steps to Clean Pet Urine Stains from Carpet and Rugs

  1. Soak Up the Urine. Using a thick layer of paper towel, blot the stain to remove as much moisture as possible.
  2. Apply Distilled White Vinegar and Water. Distilled white vinegar is the go-to household item to get rid of pet urine stains. ...
  3. Let It Sit. ...
  4. Ensure That All Odors Are Gone. ...
  5. Vacuum. ...

Mix a one-to-one solution of white vinegar and water. Using a sponge, rub the solution onto the stain. Let it sit for 5-to-10 minutes, and then wipe it up with a clean, dry towel. Some experts advise using a more diluted formulation of 1/2-cup vinegar to one gallon of warm water.

Full Answer

What is the best Pet Urine carpet cleaner?

  • Powerful - A little goes a long way with the Angry Orange pet odor eliminator for home use. ...
  • Citrus Scent - Derived from fresh orange peels, our carpet cleaner for pets smells like heaven and works like hell on stubborn odors.
  • Ready to Use - This bottle of urine odor eliminator can be used directly on cat pee or dog waste. ...

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How to make a homemade carpet cleaner for Pet Urine?


  • Take the plastic bottle and mix brown sugar, yeast, orange scraps, and water.
  • Close the cap and shake the bottle well, so the ingredient mixes well.
  • Place the bottle in a warm place for fermentation for two weeks. ...
  • After two weeks of fermenting, strain the mixture and store it in an air-tight container.

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How do you clean dog urine out of carpet?

  • Find the Urine! ...
  • Soak up: Once you locate the dog’s pee spots, you’ll want to use paper towels or wet rags to soak up the urine and absorb as much of it as ...
  • Neutralize: Then, you’ll want to extinguish the area with an enzymatic cleaner or make your own cleaning solution by combining vinegar (white or apple cider) and water in a 1: ...

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How to get Pet Urine out of carpet?

Method 1 Method 1 of 4: Cleaning with Vinegar and Baking Soda Download Article

  1. Mix together water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. ...
  2. Spray the mixture on the urine stain and let it sit for 15 minutes. ...
  3. Dab the carpet to lift up excess vinegar. ...
  4. Cover the vinegar solution with baking soda to deodorize your carpet. ...
  5. Vacuum the baking soda once it’s dry. ...


Does carpet cleaning get rid of pet urine?

There are some unfortunate accidents that can come with owning a dog or cat and accidental urinating on the rug or carpet is just a fact of pet-owning that is sometimes hard to avoid. Carpet cleaning can effectively clean dog and cat urine if the stains are addressed in a timely manner and with the proper equipment.

How do I get dog urine smell out of my carpet and house?

Rewet the Urine Area With Diluted Vinegar. Start by mixing white vinegar with water (undiluted vinegar can damage carpet fibers). ... Soak Up the Vinegar Solution. ... Repeat as Needed. ... Apply and Vacuum Up Baking Soda. ... Refresh With Odor Eliminators.

Will professional carpet cleaning remove urine smell?

Professional carpet cleaning technicians have the experience, equipment, and products to clean the worst of cat urine odors – and all pet odors and stains.

What is the best way to remove old dog urine from carpet?

Mix a solution of 2 cups of warm water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap and 1/2 cup of vinegar. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the mixture and apply to the soiled area. Blot lightly. Repeat the above a couple more times to remove a tough stain.

Why does my carpet still smell like dog pee after shampooing?

Hot water reactivates the bacteria and urea that give urine it's foul odor. Many times, if urine has been sitting in the carpet for a long time (perhaps even years) it has been dormant and the smell has gone away. Other times, a home's occupants have just become accustomed to the faint odor.

What is the best dog urine odor eliminator?

Top 5 Best Pet Odor Eliminators for Removing Dog's Urine Smell and StainsRocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator for Dogs and Cats.Genesis 950 Professional Strength Pet Stain and Odor Remover and Spot Cleaner.Sunny & Honey Pet Stain and Odor Miracle.BISSELL 2X Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator.More items...•

Can Stanley steemer get dog urine out of carpet?

For getting the urine stench out of carpet, here's what you need and the step-by-step to remove: Stanley Steemer Odor Out Plus - This solution uses natural bacterial enzyme action to digest organic odor sources like urine. This eliminates the odor at the source rather than masking it with fragrances.

Why does my carpet smell worse after cleaning it?

Reasons your carpet smells bad after cleaning. The leading cause of a carpet that smells bad after cleaning is that the backing has absorbed moisture in the process and is still wet. If not dried properly, the material becomes susceptible to water damage and mildew problems, which can cause the musty smell to appear.

How long does urine smell last in carpet?

two weeksThe bacterial odor fighting chemical will continue waging war with the urine smell on top and under your carpet for up to two weeks, so you need not fret if odor lingers after your cleaning. This is normal, and it will probably go away.

Does dog pee ruin carpet?

Dog urine doesn't just stain your carpet, it can leave a foul odor behind and permanently ruin your carpet. Don't panic, you may be able to save your carpet. The trick is to quickly clean up the stain as soon as you notice it [source: Hinckley].

What can I spray to make my dog stop peeing in the house?

Purchased Sprays to Make Dogs Not PeeHepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray.Nature's Miracle.Rocco & Roxie Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator.Vinegar Spray.Baking soda mixed with water.Hydrogen peroxide.Mouthwash.Rubbing alcohol:

Does vinegar eliminate dog urine odor?

Once it's dry, sprinkle a tiny bit of baking soda onto the carpet to get rid of the odor. Let the baking soda sit for 15 minutes and then vacuum it up. If you look at and smell the area, you'll realize that cleaning dog urine with vinegar and baking soda is highly effective.

How do I get rid of urine smell in my house?

Try mixing about a cup of peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda, and just a couple drops of dish detergent. Spray the area, allow it to sit for about 20 minutes, and rub the area until the odor is eliminated.

What can I spray to make my dog stop peeing in the house?

Purchased Sprays to Make Dogs Not PeeHepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray.Nature's Miracle.Rocco & Roxie Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator.Vinegar Spray.Baking soda mixed with water.Hydrogen peroxide.Mouthwash.Rubbing alcohol:

Does vinegar eliminate dog urine odor?

Because the vinegar is acidic, it will neutralize the bacteria in the dog pee, offsetting its odor. Vinegar is pet safe, effective, cheap, and eco friendly. Let the vinegar solution sit for 3-5 minutes or carefully follow the instructions on the cleaning product's label.

How do I get the dog smell out of my house?

Liberally sprinkling baking soda, a natural odor eliminator, on your furniture or carpet and allowing it to sit overnight is a great first step to neutralize dog smells. Plus, it's completely safe for your fur baby. Another option is to look to your bar cart. Reichert advises spraying areas where dogs lie with vodka.

Why Dog Pee Smells So Bad?

Dog pee is a special, smelly cocktail made up of hormones, bacteria, uric acid, and ammonia, ammonia in the urine becomes more concentrated over ti...

Will Baking Soda Clean Dog Poop From the Carpet?

Baking soda can help clean dog poop from a carpet, but only after using other cleaners to lift the mess and disinfect the area fully. Apply baking...

How Do You Get Dog Urine Odor Out of Carpet?

To remove dog urine odor from carpeting, apply one cup of water, one cup of white vinegar, and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. Leave the solution on th...

How Do I Get Pet Stains Out of the Carpet?

To remove pet stains from carpets, make a solution of ½ cup vinegar, 2 cups water, 1 tablespoon dish soap, and 1 tablespoon salt. Apply this soluti...

What happens if you don't treat your pet?

If not treated properly, the odor from pet accidents can travel through the entire home and impact your health and your happiness . The smell emitted from an accident area also often leads to repeat incidents in the same area until it is properly eliminated.

Can pet urine accidents be unpleasant?

Not only is it difficult to deal with a pet urin e accident once one has occurred, but it’s also tough to know where past accidents may have taken place, including accidents you may not have even known about that could be emitting an unpleasant odor.

Can cat urine be a pet odor?

Cat and dog urine in the carpet not only leaves an unsightly stain and an unpleasant odor, but it penetrates the fibers and contaminates both the carpet and the floor underneath. That’s why it can require a specialized pet carpet cleaner, well beyond just a simple cleaning and treating.

Does P.U.R.T remove pet urine odor?

In tests against the most common odor sources found in dog and cat urine, this study found that P.U.R.T. removes an average of 99.9% of pet urine odors from carpets. To go one step further, the study also tested Chem-Dry pet carpet cleaning service's ability to eliminate the bacteria that can be found in pet urine.

Does Chem Dry remove pet urine?

While most cleanings only masks the odor, Chem-Dry's revolutionary Pet Urine Removal Treatment works at the molecular level and destroys the urine crystals to fully eliminate the odor. With P.U.R.T., your most severe pet urine odors can be solved and your carpets, rugs and upholstery can be saved.

How to get urine out of a rug?

Run the towels under cool water, then wring them out so they're damp but not dripping. Place them over the stain completely and put something heavy on top, like cans of food, a pair of shoes, or a book. The moisture helps soak up the urine, while the weight presses the towels down into the carpet.

How to get rid of urine smell in dogs?

Using an enzymatic cleaner is the best way to help break down the proteins left over from the urine, removing the smell as well as the impulse for the pet to urinate in the same spot again. You can buy enzymatic cleaner at most pet stores, or you can make your own with clean water, brown sugar, and orange peels.

How to get rid of urine in a book?

Leave it on for at least 10 minutes. If you use heavy books, put a layer of plastic wrap or aluminum foil on top of the wet towels first, to avoid wetting and staining the book. Fold a bath towel two times and cover the urine spot. Stand on towel and dab the urine into the towel by walking In place.

How long should you keep enzymatic cleaner on?

Most enzymatic cleaners need to be kept on a wet area for several hours. However, some might use a different process, so be sure to read the instructions on the label. If you're cleaning wool carpet, make sure the cleaner is wool-safe. ...

How to get a stain out of a sandpaper?

Use the baking soda and vinegar method. Spray the area with vinegar, then sprinkle on enough baking soda to thinly coat the area of the stain. Cover the stain with a towel for 24 hours , then wash the area thoroughly with cold water. This mixture should absorb the stain and cleanse the area thoroughly, and cheaply. ...

How to get rid of urine stains on a towel?

After you've lifted the towel, pour a small amount of cold water over the spot again. Start pouring just outside the perimeter of the stain, slowly moving toward the center. This will prevent the water from spreading the urine out into an even wider circle.

How to clean a stain with blue painter tape?

Keep a roll of blue painter tape on you while you're looking around , and mark each spot that needs to be cleaned with a small strip of blue tape. When you've found all the stains you want to clean up, go back with your cleaning materials and find your stains easily. ...

How to get rid of urine stains on a carpet?

Spot clean with paper towels to remove as much urine as possible. Add vodka to a spray bottle. You can dilute the vodka with water using a mixture of 50 percent vodka/50 percent water to make it last longer. Spray the vodka (or mixture) on the spot. Allow it to sit on the stain for at least 10-15 minutes.

What is the best way to remove pet odor from a carpet?

Using vinegar and baking soda takes advantage of the pH of the stain. This method is ideally suited to pet waste because intense odors often come from either strong acids or strong bases.

How to clean pet waste with vinegar and baking soda?

Once the reaction is complete, the ingredients usually form a slightly less acidic version of vinegar, closer to the pH of salty water, depending on the proportion. To clean pet waste using the vinegar and baking soda method, gather the following materials: Rags or paper towels. 1 cup vinegar (white or apple cider)*. 1 cup water*.

What is the best way to clean pet waste?

Cleaning pet waste with a mixture of vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap also considers the waste’s composition. Vinegar and baking soda change the makeup of the stain, while dish soap manually removes germs, and hydrogen peroxide kills most bacteria.

How to get rid of odors in carpet?

Gather these materials to remove odors from carpet naturally: Rags or paper towels. A bottle of cheap vodka ( No need to the use top-shelf stuff) A spray bottle.

What essential oils are safe for cats?

Some oils considered safe, even around cats, are lemongrass and cedarwood oils . For more information on the safety and toxicity of essential oils, read our “ Ultimate Pet Aromatherapy Guide for Dogs and Cats .”. Gather the following materials for removing dog and cat urine odor from carpet naturally:

How to get rid of a stain on a rug?

Mix a solution of 50 percent vinegar and 50 percent water in a bucket or spray bottle and saturate the area with the solution. You can increase the proportion of vinegar in the solution for nasty stains. Leave the solution on the stain for a few minutes, then use a towel to blot it until it’s mostly dry.

How to get rid of dog pee spots on carpet?

Use a black light to locate the dog pee spots on your carpet. Turn off all other lights and keep the blacklight a few feet from the floor. Dog pee spots appear under the black light as a dull green or yellow. To confirm that the stain is indeed dog pee, sorry, but you will have to use the smell test.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

Dishwashing Sponge: Stubborn stains such as dried urine and feces should be wiped away with a dishwashing sponge to loosen their grip on carpet fibers. A sea sponge or an old cloth are also good alternatives. Toothbrush: To work in the cleaning solutions, a soft brush such as a toothbrush is economical and efficient.

How to get vomit acid out of a sandpaper?

Blot with a towel to remove the moisture. Mix a solution of 2 cups of warm water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of dish soap, and 1/2 cup of vinegar.

Can you wash dog urine on carpet?

Best Way to Clean Dog Urine From Carpet and Fabric. Dog urine on carpets is especially challenging. After all, you can’t just throw your carpet in the washing machine. The additional problem is that urine can seep into the filling under the carpet.

Removing wet (fresh) stains from Carpets

There are 5 steps to this process, although you can easily add a step or two if you want to be meticulous about the whole process. Here is what you need to do:

Removing already dried out stains from Carpet

Stains that have been on the carpet for a while and have dried out are a completely different type of challenge. They are harder to remove and can also bring odor and discoloration to your carpet. Still, here are a few tips that you can put into use when dealing with those type of stains:

Final Words on Getting Old Dog Urine Stains Out of Carpet

Knowing how to clean dog urine from your carpet or other parts of your home is a challenge that every pet owner will face at least once during his dog’s first few months. The major takeaway is that cleaning a fresh stain is far easier than dealing with an already set-in one.

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