professional carpet cleaning blog

by Pasquale Crona Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

1. Health Benefit

The most important reason to have your carpets deep-cleaned by a professional is the fact that it will improve the quality. Clean air in your home or office and make your home healthier.

2. Clean Carpets Are More Appealing

Let’s be real; cleaner carpets are way more pleasing and more elegant than their dirtier or worn out counterparts.

3. Eliminates Smell

A clean carpet is not an odorless one. The look and smell are two different aspects of its hygiene. I’m sure you must have noticed that sometimes your carpet still stinks a little despite having vacuumed it several times.

4. Get Rid of Tough Stains

Stains from coffee spills, red wine, mud and dirt, pet stains, ink, ketchup, paint, blood, and gum are amongst the toughest to clean on carpets. The problem with these stains is that they go right into the fabric of your carpet and sometimes attempting to clean them further spreads them, making them all too obvious.

5. Increase the Life of Your Carpet

Most people shy away from having their carpet professionally cleaned because they think it costs too much. But guess what, having to replace your carpet after a few years will cost you more.

6. You May Need It to Keep Your Warranty Valid

Popular “100% money-back claim” or “X years guarantee” on a new carpet will only apply if you get the carpet cleaned by a professional within a stipulated period. Most manufacturers will communicate this to you, but some wouldn’t, so always read the fine print. DIY carpet cleaning is not accepted as valid carpet cleaning as far as warranty goes.

7. Get Rid of Bacteria and Dirt

As you must have understood by now, one of the main benefits of deep-cleaning your carpet is that not only do you get rid of dirt. By doing this, you also eliminate any bacteria or small insects that may hide deep inside your carpet.

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