professional carpet cleaning blood cost

by Leonora Fritsch Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Full Answer

How much does professional carpet cleaning cost?

Professional carpet cleaning costs range from $122 to $235, with the national average at $178. Regular professional cleaning can keep carpets looking newer for longer. Professional carpet cleaners have the equipment and experience to ensure greater cleanliness than a DIY cleaning project.

How much does it cost to Steam Clean a carpet?

This type should be professionally steam cleaned every 12 to 18 months. They fare better with a lower pressure setting on the machine because they will dry quicker and eliminate the chance of stains being wicked back into the carpet. On average, expect to pay between $90 and $340 to clean cotton carpets.

Is it possible to get blood stains on the carpet?

Getting blood stains on your carpet can be a very problematic experience. Whether you get a small or large amount of blood on the carpet, it can have a staining effect which can seem quite irremovable at first. Fortunately, however, there are a few surefire ways to clear up the mess.

Which carpet cleaning method is best for You?

Hot water extraction (HWE), is the preferred cleaning method of most carpet cleaning companies and claims to remove about 97% of dirt and bacteria. Less water is used than steam cleaning, and drying time is shorter because of the suction power of the machine used, giving it a deep clean.


How much does it cost to clean carpet stains?

National Average: $178 The cost of carpet cleaning can range from $122 to $235, with the national average at $178. The type of carpet, size of the cleaning area, cleaning method, and any pretreatments or stain removal can affect carpet cleaning cost.

Can professional carpet cleaners remove red stains?

If a red wine stain is allowed to sit for a long time, it may be impossible to remove once it penetrates the backing of the carpet. But for fresh stains you may have a good chance for complete removal with professional carpet cleaning.

How do you get old blood out of carpet?

Mix one tablespoon of scent-free liquid hand dishwashing detergent with two cups of cold water. Using a clean white cloth, sponge the stain with the detergent solution. Blot until the liquid is absorbed. Repeat until the stain disappears, then sponge the spot with cold water and blot dry.

Does professional carpet cleaning remove stains?

Professional cleaning is indeed successful in removing stains from your carpet. With a little professional help from us and the use of top-notch cleaning equipment that we use, you can restore the look of your living room's carpet.

How do you get red out of GREY carpet?

Blot the stain with a clean, dry cloth. Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part dishwashing soap. Apply the solution to your carpet stain. Blot and repeat until the stain is gone.

Is it worth cleaning old carpet?

A general rule is to replace your carpets when they pose health risks like harboring mold or allergens. However, if your carpets have just a few stains, you can likely get professional cleaning help to restore them to their original glory.

Will Rug Doctor remove blood stains?

But when you return from giving out plasters and cuddles or from A&E, your carpet might be worse for wear. Rug Doctor can fix that. The Urine Eliminator is perfect for removing organic stains like blood. Whether you need to look after your children or your pets, let Rug Doctor look after your carpet.

How do I get Period stains out?

Mix together 1 part water to 1 part salt until thickened. Soak the stain in cold water and then use an old toothbrush to scour the stain with your salt scrub. Stains should lift with limited effort and any residue is easily eliminated with a spin in your washing machine.

Does hydrogen peroxide remove blood from carpet?

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used in cases where the blood stain on the carpet is particularly persistent. Add a small portion of hydrogen peroxide to the blood stain and let it work for 1-2 hours. Then, blot the carpet clean and repeat the procedure if you're still not happy with the results.

Do carpet steamers remove stains?

If you use a steam cleaner on your carpets, you can expect nearly pristine results. The process should deal effectively with most stains, dirt, and debris and can remove allergens and pests.

Can a steamer remove stains?

If you discover a ground-in stain on carpet, car seats or furniture upholstery, a blast of steam from a clothes steamer can help loosen it and make it much more simple to remove. Begin by holding the steamer at least six inches away from the stain and let it work for about 30 seconds.

How often should carpet be professionally cleaned?

every 12 to 18 monthsTo keep your carpet looking and performing at its best, The Carpet and Rug Institute recommends having your carpet professionally deep-cleaned every 12 to 18 months. Bear in mind that this recommended frequency is a general guideline only and can vary based on your particular circumstances.

How much does it cost to clean a carpet without wetting it?

However, you cannot clean as deep into the carpet as with steam cleaning. If you plan to use dry carpet cleaning, expect to pay between $75 and $300.

How much does it cost to dry clean a synthetic carpet?

On average, dry cleaning a synthetic carpet costs between $60 and $130.

How much does Scotchgard cost?

Scotchgard repels stains and soiling to protect carpets and keep them clean longer. A can of Scotchgard™ normally costs $9-$10. However, professional carpet cleaners charge about $5-$10 per room to apply Scotchgard.

How long does it take to clean a carpet?

Before the actual carpet cleaning, cleaners move your furniture and perform a pre-inspection, pre-vacuum, pre-spray, pre-spot, and pre-groom. Additionally, they can use a protector, deodorizer, and neutralizer afterward. On average, it takes approximately 30 minutes to an hour to thoroughly clean a carpet in an average 320-square-foot room. Cleaners usually charge between $25 to $65 per hour, and the overall cost of cleaning a room this size, including the pre-cleaning activities, ranges from $75 to $215.

Why is it important to clean your carpet before it looks dirty?

Cleaning your carpets before they look dirty prevents excessive staining and keeps dirt from accumulating. This also keeps your space healthier. An excessively soiled and dirty carpet costs more to clean because it takes longer.

Why do you need to clean carpets?

Carpets need annual cleaning to maintain a pristine appearance and ensure a long life by preventing unsightly permanent staining. Regular professional cleaning removes soil before it works into the carpet fibers, where it becomes impossible to extract.

How much does Green Choice carpet shampoo cost?

From a basic steam extraction cleaning to a deep cleaning carpet shampoo, Green Choice Carpet’s services range from $30 to $70 per room.

All Prices Are Estimates

Every cost detail included in this article is only an estimate. We’ve provided a range within which such prices fall.

Carpet Shampoo Cleaning Prices

There are carpet shampoos that serve to loosen or break the bond formed between dirt and your carpet fibers.

Carbonation Prices

Sometimes, carpet cleaning services may find it necessary to use this cleaning method. The process here involves the application of cleaning or carbonation chemicals. These lift or loosen dirt from carpet fibers.

Dry Carpet Cleaning Prices

If you’re looking for a quick cleaning fix for a carpet, dry carpet cleaning may be the preferred option.

i. Carpet Type

Although most carpets look the same, not all are actually the same. Some are much harder to clean than others. This characteristic alone determines the cost incurred for a cleaning job.

Cut & Level Loop

The cleaning difficulty of carpets within this category is medium. These aren’t as easy as Berber carpets but also not as difficult as cotton and wool carpets.

ii. Size & Number of Rooms

The size and number of rooms in a home normally impact cleaning costs. A home with fewer rooms will attract lesser cleaning costs than one with more rooms and bigger spaces.

Carpet Cleaning Cost Guide

Depending on the type of problem you are facing and your cleaning needs, the pricing presented by the cleaning companies will greatly vary. If the price itself will be formed by the number of hours needed to complete the work supplies that are used and the cleaning method that you selected.

Carpet Cleaning Prices by State

Below you will find the approximate prices for carpet cleaning in the following states:

Carpet Cleaning Prices Per Square Foot

There are a few approaches that carpet cleaning companies take to pricing their work. They can either charge you per square footage of the carpets that they will clean or per hour of their labor. Also, some companies have a fixed price for room cleaning. The average price to clean a square foot of carpet is around $.25 per square foot.

Carpet Cleaning Prices Per Room

In contrast, numerous cleaning businesses are willing to charge on a per-room basis, especially if the area in question is only a few hundred square feet. So far, the average cost of carpet cleaning services for a single room has ranged between $30 and $90.

Carpet Steam Cleaning Costs

Carpet steam cleaning is by means one of the most popular and effective cleaning methods. This team helps to separate the dirt from the carpet fibers loosen it so it can be lifted up and removed. Well, steam cleaning may not be practical for their heavily soiled carpet it’s very nice for a regular refresh of the carpet.

Carbonated Carpet Cleaning Costs

The carbonated carpet cleaning process uses millions of small bubbles which go deep into the carpet fibers and effectively lift the dirt. They dissolve stains and dirt and push them to the carpet surface.

Bonnet Carpet Cleaning Costs

Bonnet cleaning is an outdated method of carpet cleaning that, while still in use today, is not without huge risks and controversy.

How much will I pay for Carpet Cleaning services?

Don’t waste the money you’ve spent on your carpet by failing to keep it clean and healthy! Ensure your carpets stand the test of time by getting a professional cleaner in - find out just how much you’ll pay for a professional carpet cleaning service.

What is Carpet Cleaning?

Not only does professional carpet cleaning improve the look of your home by removing dirt, allergies, and harmful substances, it also ensures that your environment is healthy and clean.

Why do you need Carpet Cleaning services?

Having a dirty home isn’t just a sight for sore eyes, it can be seriously damaging to your health, too. Professional carpet cleaning makes sure that your environment is healthy and clean, reducing your chances of becoming unwell as a result of allergens, dirt, and debris hiding in your carpets.

How much does Carpet Cleaning cost in America?

Carpet cleaners tend to charge for the work they do per room. Let’s take a look at average costs throughout the US:

What affects the price of Carpet Cleaning in America?

The cost of carpet cleaning in America is impacted by a few key factors, including:

The location of your home

Like most services, your location will impact how much you’ll pay for a professional carpet clean, as prices reflect the cost of living in the area.

The size of your home

Since professional carpet cleaners charge you per room for the work they do, it’s no surprise that the amount you’ll pay will depend on the size of your room/home.

Carpet Cleaning Cost

The typical cost to clean your carpet ranges from 15 cents to 45 cents per squ are foot.

Proper Carpet Care and Maintenance

It's up to you to make sure your carpet is maintained and cared for according to the carpet manufacturer's guidelines. Failure to do so will void your carpet warranty and cause your carpet to wear out prematurely. Regular vacuuming and professional cleanings every 12 to 18 months is required and will allow your carpet to last as long as possible.

Carpet Cleaning Extra Fees

Some carpet stains need special treatment and require extra time, treatment and effort. You should expect pre-treatment of most spots and stains to be included as part of the basic price, but in some cases, especially with pet accidents or biological spills and stains there may be an extra charge.

Carpet Damage, Restoration and Repairs

Carpet Cleaners may be able to repair or restore your damaged carpet. Carpet is often damaged from floods, accidents, burns or pets, but may be repairable or restored by a competent carpet Cleaning technician. Some spots and stains are impossible to clean but other options may be available.

Methods Of Carpet Cleaning

There are different methods of cleaning a carpet. You can ask the carpet cleaning professional to wash your carpet by a specific method. Sometimes, depending on your carpet type, these professionals also suggest which method is better for your carpet. The cost of carpet cleaning also changes with the method of carpet cleaning that you are choosing.

Steam Cleaning

In deep carpet cleaning, a mixture of hot water and chemicals is sprayed on the carpet at high pressure. Then the dirt and the mixture are removed by using a heavy-duty vacuum. After this, you have to leave your carpet to dry for one day. This method is perfect if your carpet has deep and large stains.

Dry Cleaning

In dry cleaning, a mixture of chemicals and a small amount of water is used. This method is less time taking, and the carpet gets dry in less time. This method is best for wool carpets. Washing the wool carpet with water is not recommended as it can damage the carpet. So this method is best as a very small amount of water is used.


In this method, a cleaning liquid and a small amount of detergent are used. This mixture is rubbed on the stains and the dirty part of the carpet then it is vacuumed. As little water and no rinsing is included, so you do not have to worry about drying the carpet. This method is best if your carpet is less dirty or has very few stains.


In this method, only cleaning liquid is used on the carpet. The liquid is rubbed on the stain of the carpet with the help of a brush. Then it is vacuumed. As very little liquid is used, you can walk on the carpet right after the cleaning liquid is vacuumed. This method is only good for carpets that have very few stains on them.

Factors That Affect The Price

Home carpet cleaning services charge differently based on different factors. Here are the factors that affect the price of carpet cleaning.

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