rental carpet cleaning after 1 year

by Taryn Keeling Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

If a tenant resides for less than a year then they are responsible for cleaning the carpet, but if they are there for more than a year then the owner is responsible. This system of one year is more practical for the landlord. Once a tenant moves out there will be turnover work necessary.

Full Answer

Can a landlord ask a tenant to clean the carpet?

California rental laws state that the landlord is in charge of carpet cleaning and replacing charges and should not ask anything from the tenant. Some incidences require the tenant to incur cleaning costs, such as when the carpet has excessive damage, which is beyond the normal wear and tear.

How long can a landlord keep your carpet in California?

According to California rental laws on carpet cleaning and charges, a standard quality carpet should stay for ten years. It undergoes normal wear and tear during this period, provided the tenant does not damage it. After ten years, landlords should replace the carpets as they have served their useful life span.

How much does it cost to Steam Clean a tenant's carpet?

The tenant could only be held accountable for one year of normal depreciation that the carpet should have left. The original price of $1,500 divided by the 5-year depreciation period is $300 per year. Steam cleaning carpets is the responsibility of the property owner and must generally be done after a tenant moves out.

Does routine carpet cleaning void a rental agreement?

Because routine carpet cleaning is not a statutorily-imposed obligation of a landlord, assigning this responsibility to a tenant through a contractual provision does not render a rental agreement void.


How long is the life of a carpet in a rental?

eight to 10 yearsUnder California landlord-tenant guidelines, a carpet's useful life is eight to 10 years. Then the cost of replacing the carpeting would have to be prorated over a 10-year period. The cost of replacing the carpet after 10 years is the responsibility of the landlord.

Do landlords have to replace carpet after so many years?

Useful Life for Carpet Even if no damage to the rental property carpet has occurred, age and normal wear eventually triggers the need for replacement. Under California landlord-tenant guidelines, a carpet's useful life is eight to 10 years. The cost of replacing the carpet after 10 years falls to the landlord.

How many times a year should you clean your carpet?

Aim to clean the high-traffic carpet areas or rugs every three to six months. But to ensure your carpet gets the best treatment, hire a professional cleaner to wash them twice a year.

How do I know if my carpet is moldy?

The easiest way to detect mold in carpet is to smell the carpet to see if it has a bad odor. If it does, look for visible signs of mold on the top and bottom of the carpet, like black, green, or white growth. Experiencing bad allergies can also be a sign that your carpet has mold in it.

How long after you move out can a landlord charge you for damages?

The landlord must disclose all reasonable cleaning fees and damage charges in writing no more than 21 days after the tenant has surrendered the property. This is also when the landlord must send a bill to the tenant for any additional amounts billed.

Can vacuuming too much ruin carpet?

Not really. Overall, carpets can stand to be vacuumed several times a week without sustaining damage. Leaving dirt in a carpet, however, actually breaks down underneath the carpet fibers. It also creates a breeding ground for dust mites and bacteria.

Why does my carpet look worse after cleaning?

Just like your favorite shirt, over time, your carpet gets worn, faded, and frayed. Before cleaning, this worn pile is lying down. However, after you steam clean, you're pulling those bad boys back up to attention. When the pile is pulled up, those different lengths of the pile and worn fibers really show.

Can you shampoo carpet too much?

Myth: Cleaning your carpet often is bad for it. Fact: You can never clean your carpet too much. In fact, the more often you clean your carpet, the longer it will retain its original appearance. Carpets aren't cheap to buy; cleaning simply protects your investment.

Who is responsible for replacing carpets in rented property?

the landlordA good quality carpet in rental property should last for about 10 years with normal wear and tear. When a carpet wears out and it has not been damaged by the tenant, the landlord is usually responsible for replacing it.

How do I calculate carpet depreciation?

This is calculated by taking the original $900 cost of the carpet, dividing by 5 years of useful life, then multiplying by the 3 years of useful life remaining on the carpet (had the tenant not irreparably damaged it): $900 original carpet cost / 5 years = $180 per year x 3 years remaining useful life = $540.

How often does a landlord have to replace carpet Australia?

10 yearsThe standard depreciation period of carpets in Australia is 10 years. The cost of replacing after that falls on the landlord.

How often does a landlord have to replace carpet in BC?

10 yearsAs stated in the Residential Tenancy Policy Guidelines the useful life of carpets is expected to be 10 years and after that time they are considered to be completely depreciated and of no value.

How do I keep my carpet clean?

One of the keys to keeping carpets clean and looking good at all times is to practice regular maintenance. Stock your apartment with some basic carpet-cleaning suppli es and establish (and stick to) a good cleaning routine. At a minimum, keep carpet-specific spot remover, rags, and a good vacuum on hand. If the situation and budget allow, an at-home ...

How often should I vacuum my carpet?

Vacuum your carpets (at least) weekly to prevent dust, dirt, food, and pet hair from getting worked too deeply into the fibers, making them impossible to remove even for professionals. Spot treat stains as soon as they occur with carpet-specific products, and steam clean at least annually to eliminate hard-to-remove stains and smells.

How to keep carpets in good shape?

To keep your carpets in great shape, practice preventative living (shoes off, rugs down) and timely maintenance (spot treat stains, conduct regular cleanings). By employing these simple tips, your rugs will be in great shape for your tenancy, as well as that of the next renters!

How to keep shoes clean in a house?

First, reduce the amount of dirt that is brought in by making the entire place a shoe-free zone. Keep a shoe organizer by the front door for the entire household, and ask guests to remove their shoes before entering as well. Also, consider laying down inexpensive runners or mats in the high-traffic areas.

Is it stressful to clean carpets in an apartment?

Apartment Living. Maintaining clean carpets can be one of the most stressful aspects of rental living. Not only are they one of the most examined and fined amenities during move-out inspections, but they can also be easily worn and damaged through simple day-to-day living. Luckily, there are some easy and inexpensive steps you can take ...

What happens if a tenant pays for a claim by the landlord?

If any tenant pays for such a claim by the landlord, then it is abuse. Everything is bad, and the economy and everybody struggles to survive, so the landlord should not burden the tenant. The house owner did not find any tenant abuse before, and after the tenant moves into the rental apartment, then he has to reason to pay for anything.

What is tenant abuse?

Tenants’ rights reserved that he has no reason to pay any such fee. If any tenant pays for such a claim by the landlord, then it is tenant abuse. Covid 19 has crippled the economy, and everybody struggles to survive, so the landlord should not put his burden on the tenant.

Is carpet cleaning a normal thing?

Remember that routine carpet cleaning is a normal thing and can cause wear and tear. That is not also enough reason for the landlord to enforce any payment on the tenant.

Did landlord find tenant abuse before or after tenant moves into apartment?

Provided the tenant did not course any wear and tear on the building before the tenant moves into the property, he attended the tenant screening with the landlord, and this case was not introduced or brought to his notice. The landlord did not find any tenant abuse before, and after the tenant moves into the rental apartment, ...

Can a landlord charge for carpet?

The landlord has no right to charge for carpet. Even when it is enshrined in the lease agreement, the renter will not pay a dime for the cleaning of the property during the exit. I have never heard of an exit fee in my life. So if the landlord charges the tenant, it would be against the provision of the law. Tenants’ rights reserved that he has no ...

Should landlords replace carpet?

The landlord should quickly replace or repairs the damaged carpets to avoid high costs. Any damage seen should be fixed immediately to avoid pilling them up for future costs. By them, it might become a problem to fix because of the high cost of building materials.

Can landlords charge for carpet cleaning in California?

In California, landlords are never given the right to charge for cleaning except for a special case where the tenant has effected serious damage to the carpet beyond normal wear and tear. Then, the tenant s security deposit will be used to effect the repairs.

What happens if a carpet is cleaned by an outgoing tenant?

If the carpet is cleaned by the outgoing tenant, and before the turnover work is completed, then it will likely be walked on by maintenance people and get dirty again. Then when the new tenant moves in the carpet does not appear clean. If the tenant is there for less than a year then there will likely be very limited turnover work necessary so it ...

Who is responsible for cleaning carpets?

If a tenant resides for less than a year then they are responsible for cleaning the carpet, but if they are there for more than a year then the owner is responsible. This system of one year is more practical for the landlord. Once a tenant moves out there will be turnover work necessary.

Should tenants leave carpet in the same condition as when they move in?

There are two different thoughts on this–the first is that tenants should leave it in the same condition as when they moved in, which is just cleaned. The second thought is that they are only responsible for wear on the carpet that exceeds normal and that normal use of the carpet, just like the walls, is normal wear.

Do landlords have to clean carpets?

There is now law that specifically says a landlord has to clean the carpet, but they do have to keep it in good and sanitary condition. But it is customary and expected that it be cleaned and in good condition for every new tenant moving in. If you have any questions or thoughts about this, please let me know. Bill Ausen.

When to hire a professional cleaning company?

As a rental landlord, you probably experience high anxiety levels every time your rental units are empty. When an old tenant leaves, their security deposit is often not enough to cover significant renovations.

Deep clean rental property carpets

There are three main ways to go about cleaning the carpet in a rental unit, all of which use the method of extracting dirt from the carpet with suction. A landlord's preferred option will be based on various factors, including their budget, the carpets’ age, type of carpet stain, environmental concerns, and more.

Affordable cleaning options

Preventative care should always be your first line of defense against new stains. The second step is finding products and tools to remove stains. Removing carpet stains requires stain removal solutions that can permeate through dirt and eliminate it.

How to remove smells from carpet

Pungent smells can be a real turn-off for any tenant, leading to discomfort and, in rare cases, illness. When carrying out a deep clean, begin the process by making use of baking soda. Sprinkle the baking soda over the entire carpet and lightly brush it into the carpet using a brush or broom.

Buying vs. Renting a Carpet Cleaning Machine

Finding ways to save is always top of mind for the landlord or property manager.


The decision is ultimately yours – whether you choose to do it yourself and buy or rent your carpet cleaners or hire a professional cleaning company, it all comes down to 3 factors:

Can a landlord deduct carpet from a security deposit?

If the carpet in a rental property is excessively dirty or damaged, the landlord can deduct the cost from the security deposit. Sometimes landlords will discover tenant abuse of the carpeting that is considered unusual damage. Examples of unusual damage might include serious stains, oil, paint or pet urine that requires a professional carpet ...

Can a landlord withhold the cost of carpet cleaning?

A landlord should definitely withhold the cost of the cleaning from this type of damage to the carpet. They should provide a copy of the receipt in their itemized deductions of the security deposit. Some landlords include carpet cleaning responsibility as part of the lease agreement.

Should landlords charge for carpet cleaning?

When Landlords Should Not Charge a Tenant for Dirty Carpets. In most cases, landlords should not charge tenants for a standard carpet cleaning. Because carpet cleaning is part of the overall turnover costs, that is usually covered by the landlords. In disputes over security deposits, courts have often considered basic carpet cleaning to be part ...

Do you have to clean carpets before you vacate?

Others require tenants to clean the carpets before vacating. Quite a few live in states that won’t allow them to deduct standard carpet cleaning from the deposit. As with most landlord/tenant laws, what to do varies from state to state.

Can you deduct carpet cleaning from your deposit?

However, if the tenant fails to do so, landlords can’t deduct the standard cleaning from the deposit. They will have to recoup the costs another way.

How long does it take for a rental car to repair?

“All repairs are not the same, but the general timeframe is within 24 to 48 hours, unless it is an emergency,” White says.

What is repainting an apartment?

Repainting covers nicks, scrapes, and other imperfections, and it also provides a clean, fresh look for the next tenant. According to White, repainting is usually done at turnover for every apartment home.

Do landlords clean carpets before a new tenant?

“However, carpets should always be professionally cleaned and sanitized prior to a new tenancy,” Valine says.

Why is it important to take photos before and after a rental?

The Importance of Taking Before and After Photos of a Rental. This is a vital step of the rental process for both landlords and tenants. By taking photos of the unit before and after tenancy, both sides have proof should they need it. If you, as the landlord, have a reason to take money out of the tenant’s security deposit for property damage ...

Should you replace fluorescent bulbs with a landlord?

However, long, fluorescent tube lights, or any light bulb designed to last for years of continuous use, should be replaced by the landlord. They can also be dangerous if broken while trying to replace, so as the landlord, you should replace them yourself (or hire help) to avoid a liability.

Can you deduct the cost of repainting a rental?

If your tenant left the walls dirty or they repainted them (without prior approval), you will need to repaint your rental sooner than you normally would have — if you don’t already repaint between each tenant. In this case, you may be able to deduct the cost to repaint from their security deposit.

Can a landlord fix up a rental property?

In other words, landlords cannot fix up their rental property at the cost of the tenant. As a landlord, you must return the tenant’s security deposit — as long as there are no property damages beyond normal wear and tear. If you’re having a hard time spotting the difference between the two, Merriam-Webster defines normal wear ...

Can you charge prior tenant for cleaning?

1. Cleaning. If you choose to have the entire unit professionally cleaned between tenants — as most landlords do — you can’t charge your prior tenant for cleaning fees. However, if the tenant never cleaned the unit during their tenancy and it was left in an inhabitable state for your next tenant, then you may charge extra for a cleaning service due ...

Can you charge for steam cleaning carpet?

Carpet. If you prefer to steam clean the carpet between tenants, then you can’t charge the prior tenant for this cost. If your tenant stained the carpet to the point where it is beyond repair, you may be able to charge them to replace the carpet.

Can a landlord charge for a carpet replacement?

As a landlord , you can’t charge a tenant the full replacement cost of the item unless it was brand new at the time it was damaged. For instance, if a tenant’s pet damaged five-year-old carpet beyond repair, and its life expectancy is an average of 10 years, then the landlord can only charge the tenant half of the cost to replace the carpet. ...


Document Existing Issues

Protect High-Traffic Areas

Protect Carpets During High-Risk Situations

Practice Good Carpet Maintenance

Professionally Clean Your Carpets Regularly

  • Many rental agencies will require a professional carpet cleaning prior to vacating the unit. However, even with professional supplies and equipment, some issues are impossible to eliminate if they have been there for a while. If you plan to live in your rental for longer than a year, consider having an annual professional cleaning to get out stubbo...
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A Note on Pets

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