rooms wall-to-wall carpet cleaning for

by Nola Ondricka I Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

While the thorough routine vacuuming of carpet will remove the majority of dry soil, wall to wall carpet still needs to be cleaned to remove the oily, sticky soil that builds up in a carpets pile as the result of tracked in unwanted soil and odors. There is a false myth that cleaning a carpet before it is necessary will result in rapid resoiling.

Full Answer

Which carpet cleaning method is best for You?

The cylindrical foam carpet cleaning method is best in the commercial installation where they clean regularly and require quick drying. The Rotary shampoo carpet cleaning method uses chemicals similar to those used with cylindrical foam. The rotary floor machine usually has an attached solution tank for the shampoo solution.

Do I need to vacuum before wall to wall carpet cleaning?

With all cleaning methods a wall to wall carpet needs to be thoroughly vacuumed prior to cleaning to remove any heavy soil such as silicates (the primary constituent of soil), without this pre-vacuuming, dirt and sand are forced to the backing of the carpet.

Should you rent a carpet cleaning service?

Or, you can rent a heavy-duty steam cleaner and use the recommended carpet shampoo. Using a professional cleaning service or renting a machine is particularly efficient if you have wall-to-wall carpeting throughout the home, but that can be costly.

What is the best wall to wall carpet color for home?

Striped wall to wall carpets will keep your home up to date and be a tremendous stylish feature that makes a statement. You can go for popular carpet colors like blue, beige, and green, or you can go over the top and choose red, orange, or yellow tones.


How much does it cost to clean wall-to-wall carpet?

The average cost of carpet cleaning is $0.25 per square foot of carpet or between $25 to $70 per room, with most homeowners paying around $50 per room. For an average three-bedroom home, you can expect to pay $175 whereas larger whole house cleans can cost between $300 to $600.

How often should wall-to-wall carpet be shampooed?

To keep your carpet looking and performing at its best, The Carpet and Rug Institute recommends having your carpet professionally deep-cleaned every 12 to 18 months.

How do I clean my wall-to-wall carpet?

The two most accepted professional methods of cleaning fitted wall-to-wall carpeting are by wet application (known as steam cleaning or hot water extraction), or by shampooing (also known as dry application) using foam made from chemicals, powders or solvents. Steam cleaning does not involve steam.

What are the advantages of wall-to-wall carpet?

7 Top Advantages of Investing in Wall-to-Wall CarpetingLuxurious. Have you ever spent an evening or more in a five-star hotel? ... Varied and flexible. Carpets are available in a variety of sizes, styles, designs, and colors. ... Safe. ... Heat insulation. ... Noise absorption. ... Low maintenance. ... Play surface and seating.

Does carpet cleaning remove dust?

Professional carpet cleaning can successfully remove about 98 percent of dirt and pollutants from your carpets. However, if you only do it once every six months, a lot of bacteria could flourish on your carpets in between cleaning.

Should I steam clean my carpet?

Steam cleaning is a really effective and efficient way to lift build up from the carpet fibers, including mold and pet scents. It also is effective at improving the appearance of carpets that have been neglected over time.

Which type of carpet cleaning is best?

The best method of cleaning carpets is usually steam cleaning, which removes over 90% of dirt and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets are ready for foot traffic as quickly as possible.

How do you clean carpet like a professional?

1:393:495 Tips To Clean Your Carpet Like A Pro - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out notMoreDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out not only the dirt and grime. But also the soap. So water only in there.

Can you dry clean wall-to-wall carpet?

Occasionally, wet cleaning may initially remove stubborn spots and spills but they may reappear after the carpet has dried. In this case, a dry cleaning method can be used after the carpet has dried to eliminate the spot that has wicked to the surface.

Is wall-to-wall carpeting unhealthy?

Childhood respiratory infections associated with increased risk of asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic cough. Several factors including wall-to-wall carpets were associated with increased risk of frequent childhood respiratory infections.

Is wall to wall carpet out of style?

Not so long ago, the only carpet trends we could think of is rip them up or cover them with a rug. It's true, carpets have got a bit of a bad rep in the world of interiors, but we are feeling a comeback and 2022 looks like the year.

When did wall to wall carpet become popular?

In 1951 — as the post-World War II housing boom in America was still ramping up — the carpeting industry sold about six million square yards of tufted wall-to-wall carpeting nationwide. Fast forward to 1968 – and the industry sold almost 400 million yards.

Green Cleaning for Every (Carpeted) Room in Your Home

If you have carpet in certain areas of your home, it can be a little complicated to clean those rooms a certain way and other floors differently. You have to buy different products to clean hardwoods verses carpets, for example. When other factors are at play, such as a desire to use organic cleaners, the situation gets even more complex.

Carpet Cleaning with Steam Versus Other Methods

One cleaning method isn’t necessarily better than another. It all depends on the situation, and that’s where the advice of a professional carpet cleaning company can be invaluable! While steam carpet cleaning is an effective method, it may not be the best one for your home.

Can you have carpet in one room?

Many home owners and building managers are opting for flooring alternatives that don’t include carpet. Therefore, you may only have it in one or a few rooms, such as bedrooms. This is a common trend that reduces allergens and makes day-to-day floor cleaning easier for most people.

Can you clean an area rug organically?

With organic cleaning methods, your area rug can be thoroughly cleaned with very little moisture and no harsh chemicals. If you want the option to give your area rugs the best possible care while also looking out for the environment, seek out carpet cleaning companies that are deemed green. This distinction isn’t just handed out. Companies must prove that their carpet cleaning methods are better for the environment and safe for humans, animals, and plants.

What is the best way to clean a carpet?

Using a vacuum with strong suction—and using it often—is the best way to clean carpet. However, if you don't have a vacuum, there are other ways to clean carpet, like an old-fashioned broom or carpet sweeper. For the most thorough vacuum job, take the time to move furniture and any other items from the carpet.

How to get rid of soil on carpet?

Allow the solution to remain on the carpet for five minutes to begin breaking down the soil. Use a microfiber cloth to blot away the solution and the soil. Have a bucket of clean water ready to rinse the microfiber cloth. Change the water frequently as it becomes soiled.

How to get the strongest suction on carpet?

Set the vacuum to the proper height for your type of carpet to get the strongest suction. Vacuum slowly and go over high-traffic areas several times for the best results. Use a lint roller for quick clean-up of crumbs. Run a rubber-edged squeegee over the carpet to collect pet hair.

How to speed up carpet drying?

Open doors and windows to increase the airflow in the room or add oscillating fans to speed drying. Do not allow traffic on the carpet until it is fully dry.

Can you use a cloth to remove mud stains?

Never use a cloth or napkin that might not be colorfast. For more solid mud stains or dropped food, use the edge of a credit card or a dull knife to lift away the solids. NEVER rub a stain with solids, because it will push it deeper into the fibers.

Can vinegar be used to clean carpet?

Before beginning the deep-cleaning process, spray the vinegar solution on the carpet in a hidden location to test the colorfastness of the carpet. Do not use the solution if you see any bleeding or change of color.

Clean it really, really well

I’m not talking about running a vacuum over its surface a few times. Whether you’ve been in your home for awhile or you are just moving in, it’s worth investing a bit of time, money, and energy into giving your wall-to-wall carpet a deep clean.

Layer over it

This is the most popular option for dealing with wall-to-wall carpet you don’t like, but will cost a bit of money. The basic premise is pretty simple though… just ignore the fact that you have carpet and place rugs in your rooms how you would if you were decorating as usual.

When all else fails, distract

If you’re just not into your wall-to-wall carpet or the idea of putting rugs on top—and cleaning didn’t put much of a dent in your hatred of it—you can try the distraction method. Grab enough colorful, patterned, and bold items and place them around the room with the carpet you’re trying to distract from. Keep the colors high and off the ground.

Where to Avoid Carpeting in Your Home

As mentioned above, you’ll want to limit your use of wall-to-wall carpet to bedrooms, playrooms, and sitting or family rooms. An additional (slightly obvious) space you ought to stick to hard flooring in is the kitchen. Small mats in front of your sink and or stove are fine, especially if you spend a lot of time in there.


Veronica began at Wilmot’s in 2017 with the grand opening of the New Bedford branch. She credits her design and color expertise to learning from her artist mother, a love for creating art herself, and having studied interior design at New York Institute of Art & Design.

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