rv carpet cleaning tips

by Nick Bradtke Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Types of Carpets. Most of the carpets you find in RVs are made of synthetic fibers, with the most popular of those being nylon.
  • Equipment. A trip to your local super store’s cleaning aisle will put you in front of a bevy of carpet cleaning solutions.
  • Stain Removal. Spills are inevitable in an RV, either from eating, or from oil, tar, or grease. ...
  • Keeping Your RV Carpet Clean. Even between stains, keep an eye on your carpets. ...

Full Answer

How to replace your RV carpet?

  • Measure the room and purchase a carpet slightly longer and wider than the size of the room. ...
  • Make sure that the subfloor, the layer of flooring underneath the carpet, is properly prepared. ...
  • If necessary, you might have to place floor tacks around the perimeter of the room to attach the carpet to. ...

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How to clean the exterior of your RV?

Rubber Roof Cleaner Recipe for RV

  • 1 gallon of water
  • 2 tablespoons of dish soap
  • 2 tablespoons of mineral spirits

How to deep clean carpet without a machine?

Whole-Room Carpet Cleaning Without a Machine

  • Start by sprinkling baking soda over the carpet and vacuum thoroughly to remove loose debris. ...
  • Add two drops of carpet shampoo and warm water to a clean spray bottle. ...
  • Brush over the carpet with a carpet brush to remove any trapped dirt.
  • Blot the area with dry towels to remove as much moisture as possible.

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How to clean the carpet without a vacuum?

  • Dip your mop in a bucket full of solutions made by you.
  • Make sure to remove any large debris from the carpet at first.
  • Dip the mop in a bucket. Squeeze it to remove any excess water.
  • Rub the mop in the carpet starting from one side to another.
  • Rubbing the mop will refresh the carpet and provide you with a clean carpet.
  • Let it dry completely.


What is the best way to clean RV carpet?

2:313:31THE BEST WAY TO CLEAN CARPET IN AN RV - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipObviously that brush is the most old microfiber towel but that's how I shampoo the inside of RVMoreObviously that brush is the most old microfiber towel but that's how I shampoo the inside of RV carpets or a larger larger carpeted area more efficiently and effectively.

How do you clean a dirty carpet in a camper?

1:299:56The Easiest Way to Clean Your RV Carpets!! - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThis little lever goes up you open this up. You have a screen in there you dump everything out veryMoreThis little lever goes up you open this up. You have a screen in there you dump everything out very simple to clean guys it's very simple to put back together all. Right your hose attachment goes.

Can you steam clean carpet in an RV?

You can steam clean your RV carpets, but only if you dry them quickly and thoroughly.

How do I dry my RV carpet?

Vacuum the RV carpet to dry it out Using a wet vacuum will allow you to dry your car's carpets and rugs effectively. But be careful, do not use the regular vacuum cleaner you clean with: it is not designed for this, and you risk damaging it. Use a wet and dry vacuum cleaner, or a so-called “wet and dry” model.

Can you steam mop RV floors?

STEAM CLEAN YOUR RV or TRAVEL TRAILER You can use your steam cleaner on your upholstery (as long as your manufacturer does not recommend against it) doors, door handles, floors, windows (see note about temperature first), beds and more!

Is there a dry shampoo for carpets?

One pound of Capture Carpet & Rug Dry Cleaner cleans 100 square feet. The Kit is enough to clean most traffic lanes in today's homes.

How do you deep clean an RV?

Below, find 9 steps to getting your RV as clean as possible.Clean Fridge, Freezer, and Cabinets. ... Wipe Down All Surfaces and Fixtures. ... Clean Out Air Vents and Filters. ... Clean Window Screens. ... Sweep and Mop the Floor. ... Water Plus Vinegar Cleans (Almost) Everything. ... Don't Forget About the Exterior. ... Treat Your Awnings With Care.More items...•

How do you clean an RV couch?

The best way I've found is simply by shaking and beating the powder off. A vacuum is of little use to foam. Next you will want to fill a spray bottle with half vinegar and half water and mist both sides of the cushions. Once again let sit in the sun until completely dry.

How do you clean camper seats?

1:4232:40How I Wash Travel Trailer Cushions - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd I did soak them probably a good minutes and put them through two washes. And then I also putMoreAnd I did soak them probably a good minutes and put them through two washes. And then I also put them through two extra rinses so they're super clean now.

Should I vacuum after cleaning carpets?

Vacuum beforehand to remove large particles of soil. Vacuum again after you clean and the carpet is completely dry to pick up soil that wicks to the surface during drying.

What happens if you vacuum wet carpet?

If you vacuum a wet carpet, dirty water could enter the motor and cause damage to it. In severe cases where the carpet is too wet, you could even risk electrocution. Even in a mild scenario, you'd still end up with a soggy mess to deal with when you eventually empty the dust bag.

Why is my carpet wet in my RV?

You might have water lines and connections close to where the towel was placed. A towel or other cotton product will not absorb moisture unless there is a direct source of moisture coming in contact with it. If the inside of the unit is humid, it can feel slightly moist but not soaked.

How do you clean the outside of a travel trailer?

To clean the exterior of your RV, we suggest parking it in a place not in direct sunlight. First, spray it with water to remove dust. Next, using an abundant amount of clean water and a car-washing mitt or sponge, wash your RV from top to bottom. You can also use a mild car-washing soap.

How do you install carpet in a camper?

2:234:23RV Renovation and Remodel - Final Carpet Install & New Gaming Chair ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWe sprayed a generous layer adhesive to the back of the carpet. And the plywood access panel thenMoreWe sprayed a generous layer adhesive to the back of the carpet. And the plywood access panel then waited for a few minutes for the adhesive to get tacky.

What can I use to clean the RV carpet?

To clean the RV carper, you can use either a special carpet solution or a DIY mix. Here are just a few common options:

How to wash an RV rug?

To wash an RV rug you can use black soap or dish soap. To clean a carpet with soapy water, use a soft sponge dampened with water and soap. Rub gently. The carpet should not be excessively wet, otherwise, it will have a hard time drying.

How to deep clean a carpet?

To deep clean your carpet the first solution is to wash it with a sponge impregnated with soapy water (or a mixture of water and household alcohol). If your carpet is clear, dilute a few drops of ammonia in soapy water and scrub the carpet with a rag soaked in this mixture.

How to make your own liquid cleaner?

As we have mentioned above, you can also make your own liquid cleaner. Just pour 4 litres of very hot water into a boiler, then add 2 tbsp. liquid laundry detergent, ¼ cup orange oil all-purpose cleaner and 2 Tbsp. oxygen stain remover powder (Oxy type).

What is a recreational vehicle?

Recreational vehicles come in a variety of shapes and sizes. RVs are designed to provide campers and travellers with comfortable accommodation while on the road or in a park. RVs offer a stove, oven, and refrigerator in the kitchen, cabinets for storage, seating for dining and lounging, beds for sleeping, and a full bathroom for your convenience.

Do RVs have carpet?

While many models have laminate flooring in the kitchens and bathrooms, most RVs have carpets in the living rooms and bedrooms. With proper care, your RV mat can provide comfort and style for many years to come.

How to get rid of pet smell in carpet?

The smell may linger even after the mess is gone, but you can treat this by spraying the area with Febreeze or a similar odor eliminator. Adding a bit of extra baking soda to the carpet will minimize the smell and discourage the pet from returning as well.

What is the best part about RVing?

One of the best parts about RVing is engaging with the community of traveling enthusiasts. iRV2 forums allow folks to chat with other RVers online, and get other perspectives on everything RVing, including products, destinations, RV mods, and much more.

How to get rid of urine stains on a dog?

Give it enough time to soak in (at least 5 minutes) then add some water and blot with towels again. Repeat until there isn’t any sign of urine left. If you’re working on stubborn old stains, a strong solution like an enzymatic pet stain remover might be needed.

What to use to get rid of fur buildup?

A basic vacuum should be able to help you with average fur buildup. I like to use lint rollers as well, especially if you do have fairly flat carpeting. Line rollers are cheap and they’re very effective at picking up hair, fur, lint, and other fuzzy items that may be stuck in your carpet.

Can you deep clean carpet with steam cleaner?

There are a couple of ways to do a deep carpet clean. Of course, you can use an automated carpet cleaner, which is what a lot of industrial-level cleaners will use. Steam cleaners are very effective tools that can blast germs, dirt, and all kinds of gunk out of your flooring.

Can coffee grounds be used to clean a dog's vomit?

Tip: If your pet vomits on a solid surface, you can use coffee grounds to clean it up! Coffee grounds will absorb the fluid and reduce the smell. If you sprinkle coffee grounds over the vomit and give it a few minutes, you’ll be able to easily sweep up the mess and clean the floor beneath it.

Can you clean up urine from fur?

Although you can wait for a while to clean up fur, urine will need to be addressed as soon as possible so you can avoid staining and prevent the smell from locking in. There are several methods and products you can use to clean up these messes.

Why put a rug in front of RV?

Putting a large rug down in front of your RV will help get rid of some of the dirt on people’s shoes before they walk into your home-on-wheels.

How to use deodorizer on carpet?

To use your deodorizer, sprinkle it onto the affected area and vacuum it up. For tougher smells, let the powder sit for up to a day. This powder can also soak up moisture, making it great for cleaning up water spills—but it won’t remove stains, so if something with color is spilled, it should be cleaned with the carpet cleaning solution above.

How to make a sanitizer with essential oil?

Fill your container halfway with baking soda. Add 7–8 drops of essential oil, then shake the ingredients to mix. Fill the container the rest of the way with baking soda and add 7–8 more drops of oil. Shake again to mix, and let sit for about a day before using.

What is the best part about RVing?

One of the best parts about RVing is engaging with the community of traveling enthusiasts. iRV2 forums allow folks to chat with other RVers online, and get other perspectives on everything RVing, including products, destinations, RV mods, and much more.

How to limit traffic in RV?

You can do this by setting up an outdoor fridge/cooler for people to get drinks from, along with offering plenty of outside entertainment. You might also ask your family members to use bathhouses instead of going into the RV to use the restroom.

What is RV trip wizard?

RV Trip Wizard helps you plan the perfect trip and our RV GPS app turns your phone into an RV Safe GPS to get you there safely. Have a question about ANYTHING related to RVing, join the conversation at any of our awesome RV forum communities.

Why don't you need a house in an RV?

It’s not the destination, but the journey. It’s exploring the world. You don’t need a house because when you travel, you’re home. That’s RV LIFE.

Can you clean your kitchenette in an RV?

Whether you’re at home or in your RV, kitchen cleaning is a similar process. However, in an RV kitchenette, you’re dealing with a much smaller space so it’s easy to get overwhelmed with clutter and kitchen supplies overflowing. To make your space tidy, look into these tips on RV kitchen organization!

Can you sit on your RV upholstery?

Sitting for long durations can do a number on your RV upholstery. Sweat, dirt, and dander can get packed in which doesn’t make anyone a happy camper. Below are ways to clean and maintain your vehicle upholstery:

Clean sooner rather than later

The easiest way to keep your RV clean is to promptly remove the dirt, bugs, oils, minerals, and other buildups that make your rig dirty and age your investment. When left untreated:

Keep cleaning supplies in your RV

Save yourself time and money by keeping your RV stocked with the cleaning supplies you’ll likely need during your road trip. Avoid extra trips to the store and prepare yourself for any cleanup on the road.

Clean with non-abrasive multi-surface cleaning products

The general rule of thumb for RV travel is that less is more. Save yourself storage space and buy multi-surface cleaning products. Make sure you read the labels. Abrasive cleaners can scratch or mar your home on wheels.

Clean from the top-down and from side to side

Wash the outside of your RV’s exterior from the top down. This method prevents the dirty water from passing over the clean sections. If you have an Airstream or another RV made with a grained surface, make sure you also wash from top to bottom and from side to side to avoid damage or scratches.

Clean and ventilate areas where you keep food

Cleaning and ventilating your RV while it’s not in use sounds simple enough. Before you park your RV for more than a week or place it in storage, make sure you wipe down your refrigerator and cupboards and look for any leftover food that might have shifted during travel.

Use an RV-friendly car wash

Most RV parks prohibit campers from washing their RVs in the campground. If you need to clean the outside of your RV, consider taking it to an RV-friendly truck wash like Blue Beacon Truck Wash. You can specify what kind of wash you want to avoid damaging your RV’s clear coat.

Detail your RV at least once a year

Just like cars, RVs should be washed and waxed at least once a year. Detailing your RV protects your clear coat and keeps your RV looking good for longer. If you don’t want to tackle the job yourself, hire a professional mobile detailing service. Mobile RV detailers bring the car wash to you — at home and in the campground.

What is RV lifestyle?

On this RV Lifestyle Travel blog, our RV Podcast and our RV Lifestyle YouTube Channel, Mike and Jennifer mention all sorts of RV-related products and gear that they use , So they created a special page that lists all the different items they talk about and show. CLICK HERE to go to it directly.

What kind of vac does Karen recommend?

Karen suggests Swiffer wet jet for the hard floors and a small Dirt Devil vac for the carpet noting that the handle collapses so it stores nicely in the camper.

What kind of vacuum does Ron use?

Ron uses a Shark vacuum and a mop. Karen suggests Swiffer wet jet for the hard floors and a small Dirt Devil vac for the carpet noting that the handle collapses so it stores nicely in the camper. Bob uses Windex and paper towel on floors.

Who publishes the Insiders RV Lifestyle Newsletter?

Each Monday Mike and Jennifer Wendland publish the insiders RV Lifestyle Newsletter, where they share weekly articles about RV travel that inspire and inform. As soon as you sign up, we'll send you for free the RV travel checklist that Jennifer and Mike use. You can save it to your computer and print it out for every trip like we do. No more forgetting things! Plus, besides the insider's newsletter each Monday, you'll get lots of special perks and RV discounts.#N#Enter your info below and you are in!

How many members are there on RV Lifestyle Facebook?

The RV Lifestyle Facebook Group has nearly 40,000 members and is a tremendous asset for your RV questions and ideas. It’s free to join. Just go to

How to get grime off of a car?

Using paste toothpaste, rub the surface and wipe off all that grime!

How to avoid streaking after spraying?

To avoid streaking, use the tried and true method of wiping dry with newspaper after spraying with your favorite solution. It worked 50 years ago and it still works now!

How to get a stain out of a sandpaper?

Fill a spray bottle with 1/3 hydrogen peroxide and 2/3 water. Spray the stain and wait 30 minutes. Wipe it right off!

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