sour smeel after cleaning cat urine from carpet

by Iliana Halvorson Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How to Get Cat Urine Smell Out of Carpet

  1. Blot the Spot to Absorb the Urine. Find the stain as soon as possible and blot up as much of the urine as you can...
  2. Rinse and Vacuum the Area. Next, rinse the area with clean water and remove the liquid with a wet/dry vacuum. ...
  3. Soak the Spot in Enzyme Cleaner. While enzyme cleaners come in a spray bottle, spraying a...

Full Answer

How to get rid of cat urine smell in carpet?

It is categorized as an acid that works effectively to neutralize alkaline salts of dried cat urine. The mixture of water and vinegar can clean the urine odor from the carpet, wall, and floor. Vinegar takes the odor with it and reduces the odor after a few days of applying it.

Why does my cat Pee stink?

Why Cat Pee Stinks. Cat urine is not all that different from other animals’ urine, but what gives cat urine such a bad smell is that the urine is usually left unnoticed until it becomes a problem. Cats have a propensity to mark their territory outside the litter box, be it on the carpet or in hidden corners.

Does ammonia make cat urine smell?

“Ammonia is one component of cat urine, and if cats smell that, they’re more likely to go there,” Dr. Kornreich says. In addition, ammonia and other chemical cleaners can often set the stain—the opposite of what you’re trying to do.

What should you not use to clean up cat urine?

Most importantly, you’ll want to avoid any cleaning products that contain ammonia. “Ammonia is one component of cat urine, and if cats smell that they’re more likely to go there,” Kornreich said. In addition, ammonia and other chemical cleaners can often set the stain—the opposite of what you’re trying to do.


How do you get the sour smell of urine out of carpet?

How to deodorize pet urine: Scenario 1Soak up the pee as best you can with a dry towel. And, like, hurry up! ... Combine 2 cups of warm water, 2 cups of white vinegar and (slowly add) 4 tablespoons of baking soda. ... Let the mixture sit for five minutes.Blot dry with a soft cloth.

Does cat pee smell sour?

And unless there's a urinary tract infection, there are no bacteria — except what's picked up from the surrounding skin and fur as your pet urinates. So what gives cat urine its distinctive odor? Normal cat urine will have a distinctive, pungent and acidic scent.

Why does my carpet still smell like cat pee after shampooing?

Hot water reactivates the bacteria and urea that give urine it's foul odor. Many times, if urine has been sitting in the carpet for a long time (perhaps even years) it has been dormant and the smell has gone away. Other times, a home's occupants have just become accustomed to the faint odor.

Does carpet cleaning remove cat urine smell?

If you happen to have a carpet cleaner machine around, know that it can be highly useful for removing cat pee smells from carpets. Most modern carpet cleaners work by expelling clean water mixed with cleaning solution onto the carpet.

Is cat urine smell permanent?

Effectively, cat urine odour can last forever. It's one of the most persistent smells imaginable, with a way of hanging around no matter how much you try to scrub the stain or cover up the offending smell with air fresheners or pot-pourri.

Why does my cat have a sour smell?

Food lodges in abnormal gum pockets and rots there, and bacterial infections that produce foul odors can proliferate in the unhealthy environment. Bad smells may also develop as a result of foreign material getting lodged in the mouth, trauma to oral tissues, and oral tumors.

Why does carpet smell worse after cleaning?

Reasons your carpet smells bad after cleaning. The leading cause of a carpet that smells bad after cleaning is that the backing has absorbed moisture in the process and is still wet. If not dried properly, the material becomes susceptible to water damage and mildew problems, which can cause the musty smell to appear.

Why does my carpet stink after cleaning?

Wet Dog Smell After Cleaning If your carpet smells like a wet dog after cleaning, the issue is most likely still the underlying backing or padding of the carpet. However, in this case the problem probably isn't mildew. It's more likely whatever stained your carpet in the first place.

Will urine smell eventually go away?

As you've likely noticed, the smell of urine can linger long after the mess has been cleaned up. While it might seem like nothing gets rid of it, it's actually pretty easy to get rid of urine smell. You just need to get something that will break down uric acid—that's what causes the odor.

Does vinegar get rid of pet odor in carpet?

Mix a one-to-one solution of white vinegar and water. Using a sponge, rub the solution onto the stain. Let it sit for 5-to-10 minutes, and then wipe it up with a clean, dry towel. Some experts advise using a more diluted formulation of 1/2-cup vinegar to one gallon of warm water.

Can professional carpet cleaners get urine smell out of carpet?

Professional carpet cleaning technicians have the experience, equipment, and products to clean the worst of cat urine odors – and all pet odors and stains.

Why does my cat's urine smell?

* Cat Urine is a real problem because it contains a high content of salt which makes the urine odor last for many years to come in carpet, furniture and concrete floors. This is why you need a reactive solution as we suggest.#N#* The odor tends to intensify and create odor issues when the humidity is high or the temperature in the room warms up. Ensure you do not let it get to this point by treating as early as possible.#N#* Often over winter time, cat urine odor tends to be quite dull and not a major problem. Then comes the first day of spring and the room is filled with that disgusting cat pee odor as it heats up.

Why does my cat pee in my carpet?

Cat urine is a real problem because it contains a high content of salt, uric acid, and other residual components which makes the urine odor last for many years in carpet , underlay and flooring substrates.

How long does oxidizer stay in carpet?

Although you have extracted and soaked up the residues the product will continue to work in the carpet for one week. One of the components will stay in the carpet and continue to work on any remaining residues that the oxidizer has not destroyed. This is why it is important to leave for a week and ensure your cat can not get back to the same spot and pee again. Cats are quite habitual so make sure you are in the room when ever the cat is around and lock him/her in the garage or outside when you are not home or in that room.

What You Need To Prepare

First of all, prepare a good amount of dry napkins or some clean cloth. Moreover, you will need some clean water to nicely rinse the carpet as well as a vacuum cleaner. Make sure that you are using cold water for this cleaning process.

Some Cleaning Products You Can Try

Cleaning stubborn stains, especially those on carpets, is not easy at all without the assistance of some powerful cleaning products. Therefore, I will suggest some cleaning chemicals you can try in this tutorial:

Tutorial on Getting Rid of Your Feline Pee Smell from Carpets

Follow the steps above in order to get rid of your cat pee smell from the carpet most effectively:


I hope that this article gives you full instruction on how to get cat pee smell out of carpet. Knowing this tip will be extremely beneficial in dealing with cat pee as well as other animals’.

Please Note: Check the Problems with Your Cat

Cats will often go to the litter box to pee or poop when you teach them to do so. So, when your cat is having an unusual behavior, such as peeing on the carpet, it can be a sign of some problems with your cat.

Vinegar Water Spray

Another easy method to clean your pet’s urine odor from the carpet is by using vinegar. The vinegar is also a homemade cleaning solution that you can find in your kitchen.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide is another common cleaning tool you can use to remove cat urine smell from your carpet. It has the properties that can help you deodorize the carpet and remove the smell of the cat urine from it.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is another common homemade ingredient that you can use to remove the cat urine and the odor from your carpet. Often, it is already available in your kitchen, and you can just grab it and use the powder to help clean the mess on your carpet.


These are some easy methods you can follow to clean the cat urine smell from the carpet. Cat urine smell can be very annoying and unpleasant, and unless you do something fast to remove it from the carpet, the smell will only get worse.

What is the best way to get rid of cat urine smell?

Enzyme-Based Cleaners. For odor elimination in carpets, couch cushions, mattresses, and linens, you can try an enzyme -based cleaner. The enzymes in these products actually break down the acid in cat urine, helping to get rid of the smell at the same time.

How to clean cat urine from linens?

One important rule with linens and clothing is: NEVER use bleach—when mixed with ammonia and cat urine, it can cause harmful gases. 1. Rinse the Spot With Cool Water. If your bed linens and clothing are machine washable, first rinse the spot in a sink with cool water.

How to keep cats from peeing on a cushion?

Since cushions take days to dry, lay aluminum foil down before putting the cushion back, then put a second layer of foil over the top of the cushion to discourage your cat from peeing on the cushion again .

Why do older cats not have litter boxes?

Another possible reason that an older cat may forego the litter box is arthritis. “As cats age, they can get arthritis, which makes it harder for them to get into the box,” Dr. Kornreich said. “Perhaps the sides are too tall, or the box is located in a place that requires the cat to do some kind of arduous physical activity to get to, such as up or down a flight of stairs.”

Why does my cat pee outside the litter box?

Medical issues related to inappropriate urination can include urinary tract infections, kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and feline lower urinary tract disease. These can cause a cat to urinate outside the litter box, particularly if they associate the litter box with pain.

What can I use to get rid of cat pee smell?

Several products can help neutralize cat pee odor, including vinegar or baking soda and enzymatic cleaners. Here are some options to help you get rid of the cat pee smell.

What is the smell of skunk urine?

In the second stage of the decomposition process, the urine emits mercaptans, which are compounds that give skunk spray its characteristic bad smell.

What is the best way to get rid of cat urine smell?

Enzyme Cleaners. Enzyme cleaners are an efficient solution for reducing odors from carpets, cushions, mattresses, and other areas. Cat urine consists of acid, and enzymes break it, minimizing urine smell within a short time. The helpful bacteria and natural enzymes kill harmful bacteria and give you an odor-free environment in your home.

How long does it take for pet urine to go away from carpet?

At this point, you have to use a carpet cleaning machine for pet urine to clean the area after 24 hours. Important Note: Using vodka is unsuitable if the wood is used on the floor. It is only suitable when the floor is made of tile or has carpet on it.

How to get rid of a urinated sand?

Fill up a bottle with ½ cup vinegar and 1 ½ cup warm water. And mix it well. Then blot a urinated area with a clean and soft cloth. Rinse the area with the mixture you made and let it sit for 5 minutes. Vinegar is categorized as a natural cleaner, which will kill the bacteria of the urinated area.

Why can't cats smell?

It is essential to keep in mind, clean a urinated area thoroughly so that your cat also can’t smell the place. It is because the area can be used again if your cat smells it.

Can you clean cat urine from carpet?

Dr. Kornreich states, “many cat owners don’t pay attention to cleaning cat urine quickly. Finally, they land with a more concentrated smell.”. Moreover, when the urine dries, it becomes invisible. As a result, you have no other choice except to clean the whole carpet.

Can you use ammonia to clean cat urine?

Never decide to use the ammonia-based product to clean urine odor. Cat urine contains ammonia. As stated earlier, the cat will likely get urine in the same area if the cat smells it. Additionally, the stain can set when you use ammonia – unlike what you are trying to do. Now, let’s look at the methods.

Does vinegar remove cat urine?

Vinegar itself is a bit smelly. It is categorized as an acid that works effectively to neutralize alkaline salts of dried cat urine. The mixture of water and vinegar can clean the urine odor from the carpet, wall, and floor. Vinegar takes the odor with it and reduces the odor after a few days of applying it.

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