stain removal carpet cleaning service

by Jason Mayer Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Stain Removal Tips

Spot Cleaning Procedures
Alcohol/Liquor/Beer 1) Flush with warm tap water or club sod ...
Blood 1) Apply cool dish detergent solution 2) ...
Burns Trim the tips of burned fibers with scis ...
Chocolate 1) Apply cool dish detergent solution 2) ...
Apr 16 2022

Full Answer

How to get stain out of carpet using only vinegar?

Things to Remember When Using Vinegar on Your Carpets

  • Vacuum Regularly. Be sure to regularly vacuum your carpet and clean it with a carpet cleaner so that any vinegar smell that may have been missed will be removed.
  • Test a Small Area. ...
  • Ventilate the Room. ...
  • Rinse and Dry the Stained Areas. ...
  • Dilute the Vinegar. ...
  • Sprinkle Baking Soda. ...

What is the best stain remover for carpet Old stains?

The characteristics of a high-quality carpet stain remover include:

  • Hydrogen peroxide (3% or less)
  • Enzyme-based formula for long-term stain removal
  • Odor neutralization (for pet stains especially)
  • Surfactants for quick lifting power
  • Pleasant odor
  • Oxidized cleaner

How to remove old stains from carpet for good?

Method 1: Use Water And Dish Soap

  • Take a bowl, fill it with water at room temperature, and add a few drops of dish soap.
  • Use a microfiber towel or a normal white towel to start the stain removal process.
  • Make sure you do not saturate the stain with excess water. ...
  • Start scrubbing gently, keeping an eye on the stain so that it does not expand.

More items...

How to remove carpet stains, including the worst offenders?

  • Patrick Tidmarsh has spent 30 years working with thousands of sex offenders
  • He says debunking myths about stereotypes is vital to preventing sex crimes
  • The top criminologist said there are five common traits sex offenders share
  • He said they were often entitled people who objectified women and children


Can professional carpet cleaners get stains out?

Professional cleaning is indeed successful in removing stains from your carpet. With a little professional help from us and the use of top-notch cleaning equipment that we use, you can restore the look of your living room's carpet.

How much does it cost to remove stains from carpet?

Carpet Cleaning Prices Professional carpet cleaning costs between $122 and $236 for most homeowners, with an average of $178. Exact prices vary depending on the size and type of material as well as the cleansing method and whether you need stain removal.

How much does a stain removal cost?

What can you expect to pay for this sort of stain removal help? Well, the cost can be as low as $30 or $40 per hour, and can run upwards from there depending on the skill of the technician, the chemicals used, and the condition of the carpets undergoing the restoration.

Can old carpet stains be removed?

Try Baking Soda + Vinegar Sprinkle a layer of dry baking soda on the stain. Then, mix a cup of white vinegar with a cup of water and a few drops of dish soap in a spray bottle. The vinegar will foam when it hits the baking soda which will clean the stain. Leave it to sit for a few hours.

How do you deep clean carpets?

Mix 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup borax and 1/4 cup vinegar, then apply this paste to deep stains or heavily soiled sections of carpet. Allow the paste to sit on the carpet for several hours until it dries completely, then vacuum it away.

Can professional carpet cleaners remove pet urine?

Professional Carpet Cleaning is EFFECTIVE at removing Pet Odors & Stains.

Does a hygienist get rid of stains?

Your hygienist will professionally clean your teeth, removing all traces of plaque, giving your teeth a brighter appearance. Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that removes stains and gives your smile a boost.

Does whitening remove stains?

Professional teeth whitening can successfully remove surface stains, also known as extrinsic discolouring. It is also incredibly effective for removing intrinsic discolouring by other factors. It is always best to visit your dentist for teeth whitening treatment, in order to receive a safe and effective procedure.

What is AirFlow stain removal?

What is AirFlow® stain removal? The AirFlow® stain removal technique works by applying a jet of aerated water and mildly abrasive particulates that gently clean and polish your teeth. This an extremely effective method of dealing with plaque.

What stains Cannot be removed from carpet?

According to carpet cleaning professionals, these are the 8 hardest stains to remove from a carpet:1) Blood.2) Red wine.3) Other coloured drinks.4) Coffee.5) Ink.6) Animal urine.7) Other bodily fluids.8) Cooking oil.More items...•

Does WD 40 Remove carpet stains?

Often, even the most powerful of vacuum cleaners, carpet cleaners, or home remedies aren't able to get rid of the most stubborn stains. This is when WD-40 comes in handy. Its activated formula equips you to remove carpet stains within a few minutes!

Is OxiClean good for carpet cleaning?

Yes! You can use OxiClean™ Large Area Carpet Cleaner in any carpet cleaning machine. Just use the product as directed and follow all usage directions in the home owned or rental carpet cleaning machine's user guide.

What Oxi Fresh Carpet Cleaning Customers Are Saying

The carpet looked brand new. It only took a short time for it to dry KH. - Carrollton, TX - 02/20/2022

Average 4.7 stars (Out of 5)

The carpet looked brand new. It only took a short time for it to dry KH. - Carrollton, TX - 02/20/2022

Fast-drying solution

Woodard uses a safe, fast-drying solution that will let you get back to relaxing in your favorite chair quickly.

Stain protection treatment

If we have applied our stain protection treatment to your upholstery, rugs or carpets and a spot returns within 6 months, we will reclean it for free.

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