steam carpet cleaning 63020

by Thad Rosenbaum II Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Green & Eco-Friendly

You love your kids and pets, so why would you use a carpet cleaner that includes toxic chemicals? Hypoallergenic Carpet Cleaning using Green Seal Certified Products

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Our Green Carpet Cleaning process will effectively remove any stains and odors while using no soaps, detergents, or harsh chemicals. Our cleaning process is safe for you, your family, kids, and pets!

Affordable Prices

We are the most affordable carpet cleaners in The Area, specializing in residential and commercial services.

Carpet Cleaning Service in The Area

Your carpets are the heaviest surface in your home, and that means they need to be cleaned often to stay presentable.

Thanks guys!

Wow, you guys are the best. You were able to get my carpet cleaner than I thought possible!

It was good to see my carpet once again

It was good to see my carpet once again, now that it has been freshly cleaned. The technicians are always so thorough in their work and they do a really great job on everything from the carpets to upholstery. It’s amazing what can happen when you get your hands dirty!

Simply Amazing

This amazing carpet service will leave your carpets looking like they’re brand new.

How to contact Steampro Carpet Cleaning?

Find out more about Steampro Carpet Cleaning's carpet and rug cleaning services by calling 563-391-8365 or 309-764-5200.

What is the number to call for steam cleaning?

Call 563-391-8365 or 309-764-5200 to learn more about Steampro Carpet Cleaning and what we can do for your home/business reno property. While Steampro Carpet Cleaning is known as a carpet cleaner, we have a number of other service areas. Look to the bottom or give us a call to find out more about what we do.

What are the challenges of cleaning upholstery?

One of the biggest challenges for upholstery cleaning is being able to understand the myriad materials that are used today. From classics like silk and leather to new blends, the right cleaning method and products can be vastly different and a mistake could leave your upholstery severely damaged.

What is the effect of duct cleaning?

Duct cleaning can reduce the effects of air born allergens, such as, dust, pet dander, and smoke . Cleaning your system can also take care of many foul odors coming from the ducts, such as, smoke, rodents, and many food odors.

What is Steam Action's emergency water extraction number?

Call Steam Action 24 hours a day 7 days a week at our emergency water extraction number: 330-330-1207

What is Teflon carpet protector?

Teflon® is a carpet protector that provides superior repellency and outstanding soil protection for all types of residential and commercial carpet and upholstery. Teflon® helps carpets stay cleaner, brighter, newer and fresher through all kinds of daily wear!

What is grout cleaning?

TILE & GROUT CLEANING. Cleaning tile grout is the first line of defense that protects tiles from getting broken down by mildew, grime or moisture. Cleaning grout needs to be done regularly, because floor and shower grout trap dirt and grime on a daily basis.

What happens when the flames are extinguished?

Once the flames have been extinguished or when the waters begin to recede, you’re left with an emotional and financial burden that’s insurmountable. Returning your home or business to its former self can seem like a daunting task.

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