steam carpet cleaning plant city fl

by Tyree Wunsch I Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Does Plant City Steam leave carpet wet?

Plant City Steam Team will not leave your carpet wet, but it may be a little damp. We use a special carpet cleaning fan to force high volumes of air directly at the carpet, allowing it to dry more quickly, but it will take a few hours for the carpet to completely dry for normal use.

Can a professional carpet cleaner clean carpet?

Unlike DIY carpet cleaning, professional carpet cleaners can deep clean your carpet properly, remove stains, and apply soil and stain protectants to your carpet to guard your carpet from future stains.

Can a carpet cleaner get dog urine out?

Can professional carpet cleaners get dog urine out? Yes, professional carpet cleaning removes bad odors from cat or dog urine that have caused mold or mildew to grow in your carpets. Our professional steam carpet cleaning will lift the stains, mold, and mildew from your carpet, leaving it fresh and clean again!

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