steam cleaning carpet and floors yourself

by Alexis Sanford Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Steps to Steam Clean or Shampoo Your Carpet
  • Clear the Floor. Pick up toys, cushions, and everything else everything from the floor. ...
  • Dust and Vacuum Thoroughly. ...
  • Pre-Treat Stains. ...
  • Fill the Carpet Cleaner's Water Tank. ...
  • Work Slowly, Wall to Wall. ...
  • Rinse with Vinegar. ...
  • Let it Dry.
May 24, 2022

Full Answer

How to deep clean your carpet with a steam cleaner?

There are 3 steps you have to follow to deep clean your carpet with a steam cleaner: Step 1: Prepare your carpet. That means to clear and vacuum the area, dust the baseborads, protect the furniture and treat the stains. Step 2: Use the Steam Cleaner!

What is steam cleaning?

However, today it is widely accepted that the term steam cleaning actually refers to hot water extraction, the most common carpet cleaning process. Professional cleaners may use either a truck-mounted unit or a portable machine.

Do you have to vacuum before steam clean carpet?

Before you start to steam clean your carpet, you have to vacuum the carpet first to get any ground-in dust out of your carpet. Vacuuming is important to suck up all the loosen dust particles and debris from the carpet. If you want to get your carpet steam cleaned, you need to make sure that there is no dirt or dust in it.

What are the benefits of steam cleaning your carpet?

It eliminates mold, mildew, dust, etc. Steam cleaning provides you great help in getting rid of allergens and toxins that might have been bugging you for long. Deep cleaning your carpet with a steam cleaner will provide you with a healthy environment and better indoor air quality. No harsh chemicals are necessary for this purpose.


Can you steam clean your carpets yourself?

Most carpet steam cleaners are carpet shampooers that use steam to break down dirt and stains. While you can always hire this out, you can save a lot of money doing it yourself with a quality steam cleaner. Be sure to follow all the machine instructions thoroughly, as they will differ between machines.

Is it OK to steam mop carpet?

Carpet fibers can trap germs and pathogens without you even realizing it. But the good news is that steam is hot water vapor, which can kill bacteria present on your carpet. Steam mopping can also kill dust mites which are more common with carpets than hardwood floors (2).

Does steam cleaning actually clean carpet?

Steam Cleaning Using carpet extraction is probably the best deep-cleaning method you can use on your carpets. Because it combines hot water with chemicals, it cleans much more than just the surface of your carpet-it can remove dirt and debris that have sunk deep into your carpet.

Is it better to mop or steam clean floors?

Unlike traditional mops, the mop head absorbs the dirt, and the heat of the steam is able to kill most of the bacteria and dust mites on the floor. It is not only a faster means of cleaning but also a more sanitary one.

Is steam cleaning better than shampooing carpets?

When choosing between steam cleaning and shampooing your carpet, you really can't go wrong with both, but steam cleaning would be the better option. It removes more unseen pests and dirt, and can handle heavy-duty cleaning without making you wait long for drying.

Can I use a handheld steam cleaner on carpet?

Fabrics, upholstery, and furniture are also easily spot cleaned with a handheld steam cleaner. Using one of the attachments, you can gently and carefully remove stains, freshen, and take out wrinkles from in baby cribs, carpet, curtains, furniture fabrics, fabric shower curtains, sofa covers and cushions, and pet beds.

Can you use shark steam mop on carpet?

The Shark Floor Steamer, also known as the Euro-Pro Shark Steam Mop, is a device for cleaning tile, wood and other hard surface floors that uses heat to lift off stains. It can also be used on carpet with an extra attachment.

How often should carpet be steam cleaned?

every 12-18 monthsMost carpet manufacturers recommend having a professional steam clean the carpets every 12-18 months to maintain the warranty. That's the absolute minimum, according to the people who make carpet!

Which is better steam clean or Chem-Dry?

Getting your carpets professionally cleaned is the only way to tackle certain kinds of stains; and while many people believe that steam cleaning is the only solution for deep cleaning, Chem-Dry provides a much more effective, efficient, and safer carpet cleaning solution.

Why you shouldn't use a steam mop?

Stocki says it's best to avoid using a steam mop on laminate, which is made of fiberboard, because the heat could damage the plastic surface. And linoleum is actually similar to wood in that it's made of wood particles and linseed oil, so it's porous and susceptible to moisture issues.

Where does the dirt go when you steam clean?

So, where does the dirt go when you steam clean? Actually, it doesn't go anywhere. Instead, the heat and vapour of steam cleaning ensure that all the unwanted substances or stains are fully broken down and easy to get rid of.

Why is my floor sticky after I steam mop?

Sticky floors after steam mopping are often the result of residue from cleaning products that had been used on the floor. Using a dirty mop pad also can cause sticky floors.

Can a shark steam mop be used on carpet?

The Shark Floor Steamer, also known as the Euro-Pro Shark Steam Mop, is a device for cleaning tile, wood and other hard surface floors that uses heat to lift off stains. It can also be used on carpet with an extra attachment.

How does steam cleaning work on carpets?

Steam cleaning machines are used to shoot extremely hot water into the carpets and suck back those jets of water along with dirt and grime. The technique is called 'hot water extraction' method. The high temperature of the water and the pressure removes bacteria and toxins from your carpets.

Does steam cleaning carpet remove stains?

Steam cleaning is highly effective at removing stains, but it's not foolproof. There are a couple of situations where your stains may persist even after steam cleaning. In this case the backing of the carpet may also be stained as the thinning left it exposed.

How do you steam clean a carpet without a steam cleaner?

Refresh and disinfect the fibers of your carpet without renting a steam cleaner with the help of a simple homemade solution and a scrub brush. In a bowl or small bucket, mix one part white vinegar with three parts water. Dip the bristles of the scrub brush into the solution and rub them into the carpet.

How to make a carpet steam cleaner?

When making this carpet steam cleaning formula, use a sealable container large enough to fit the citrus peels through the top. Add the ingredients, seal the cap, and shake well. After shaking, untwist the cap only slightly.

Why do you steam clean carpets?

In addition to cleaning the carpets for aesthetic purposes, steam cleaning carpets also rids your home of unwanted dust mites, bacteria, and molds. These allergens often contribute to health concerns such as sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, and headaches. As a result, regularly steam cleaning your carpet is crucial for maintaining a home ...

How to get coffee stains out of carpet?

While using the cleaner as a spot treatment first is a great way to get coffee and tea stains out of carpet, adding it directly to the steam cleaning machine is just as effective.

Why do you vacuum your carpet?

By vacuuming your carpet thoroughly, you ensure dirt and grime do not circulate back into the carpeting during steam cleaning. It also makes it easier for the steam cleaner to seep further down into the carpet when the fibers loosen from one another and allow for deeper access.

What are the drawbacks of steam cleaning?

One of the drawbacks to using a steam cleaner is how expensive the products are. Rather than spending all your money on professional carpet cleaning products, use laundry detergent. You don’t even have to use that much to get your money’s worth out of the cleaning. tb1234.

How to get a carpet to smell fresh?

Substitute the Borax with baking soda if necessary. Both leave your carpet smelling fresh and deodorized. This process works exceptionally well in small areas or on an area rug.

How long does it take for carpet to dry after steam cleaning?

The drying time for most carpets after steaming lasts anywhere from six to ten hours. That’s a long time for chemicals to be on your carpet.

What Is Carpet Steaming, and Why Should You Steam Your Carpets?

Carpet steaming is the process of using steam to clean your carpets. This involves injecting hot water and detergent into the carpet fibers and then a powerful vacuum cleaner to extract the dirt, grime, and other residues.

How to Steam Carpets: Step-by-Step Guide

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to steam your carpets correctly.

Tips for Maintaining Your Carpets After Steaming

It’s essential to maintain your carpets properly to keep them looking and smelling fresh. Here are a few tips:

Necessary Safety Precautions When Using Steam Cleaners

Below are safety tips to keep in mind when you use steam mo steam mops, steam cleaners, and other types of steam machines.

FAQs About Carpet Care and Maintenance

The best way to care for your carpets is by regularly vacuuming them and having them steam cleaned every 12-18 months. You should also avoid allowing any dirt, dust, or other allergens to accumulate on the carpets.

Steam Cleaning Carpets Safely

Steaming is the most effective way to clean deep down into your carpet’s fibers and remove all the dirt, dust, and allergens hidden there.

Additional Resources

Elsie is a full-time housewife and domestic goddess that loves to try out all the latest cleaning hacks. If you need help getting your laundry done in less than an hour or want tips on how to get the stains out of anything, Elsie has just what you need!

What is steam cleaning?

This is different from the process of true steam cleaning. However, today it is widely accepted that the term steam cleaning actually refers to hot water extraction, the most common carpet cleaning process.

Why is it important to clean nylon carpet?

This is the primary source of nylon's resiliency. When the fibers have been flattened down due to foot traffic, cleaning reactivates the hydrogen molecule, causing the fibers to literally bounce back. The cleaning will actually revive the carpet and enhance performance.

How Often Should You Clean Your Carpet?

To keep your carpet looking and performing well for as long as possible, manufacturers recommend having your carpet cleaned at minimum every 12–18 months, depending on the amount of traffic in your home. In fact, such frequent cleaning is a condition of many warranties —be sure to carefully read your warranty information.

What happens when carpet is flattened down?

When the fibers have been flattened down due to foot traffic, cleaning reactivates the hydrogen molecule, causing the fibers to literally bounce back. The cleaning will actually revive the carpet and enhance performance.

Why is my carpet wet?

Wet carpet indicates that the machine was not powerful enough to do the job effectively. If your carpet is very wet after cleaning, use fans to speed up the drying, and be sure to stay off it until it is dry. Do not replace the furniture before the carpet is completely dry.

Do you need to clean carpets every time?

If you are concerned about the cost of having a professional come to clean your carpets, consider having only the "traffic areas" cleaned. This means that your big pieces of furniture, like the sofa, bed, etc., are left in place and the cleaner simply goes around them. Not only do you not see the carpet under these large pieces of furniture, but it is not exposed to the air, light, and foot traffic the way that the rest of your carpet is so it makes sense that it does not require cleaning as often.

Is it a good idea to have a small cleaner on hand?

If your household is prone to spills or accidents that are difficult to clean, a small cleaner may be a worthwhile purchase to have on hand. However, for more general cleaning of your entire carpet surface, it's highly recommended to have a professional come to do it.



  1. Remove everything from the room. Steam cleaning is most effective when you remove all toys, papers, and general clutter from the floor. Move all tables, chairs, and furniture out of the room. Clear as much of the floor space as you can. If some furniture is too heavy to move, place squares of wax paper, foil, wood blocks, or plastic film under the legs to protect them fr…
  2. Dust the baseboards. As you run the steam cleaner, you might knock dust off the baseboard…
See all 4 steps on



Having your carpets cleaned is a chore that usually falls into the same category as spring cleaning: not very fun to do but necessary, and should occur at approximately the same level of frequency. Most carpet owners, however, will only have their carpets cleaned once every few years (and some not even that). Carpe…
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  • To keep your carpet looking and performing well for as long as possible, manufacturers recommend having your carpet cleaned at minimum every 1218 months, depending on the amount of traffic in your home. In fact, such frequent cleaning is a condition of many warrantiesbe sure to carefully read your warranty information.
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  • While regular cleaning is important for all types of carpet, it is especially true in the case of nylon carpeting. Nylon contains a hydrogen molecule. This is the primary source of nylon's resiliency. When the fibers have been flattened down due to foot traffic, cleaning reactivates the hydrogen molecule, causing the fibers to literally bounce back. The cleaning will actually revive the carpet …
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  • The method of carpet cleaning recommended by most carpet manufacturers is hot water extraction, which is more commonly (though slightly incorrectly) known as steam cleaning. In the hot water extraction method, hot water is essentially sprayed on the carpet and then sucked back into the machine, along with any dirt that was on the carpet. There is u...
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  • Professional cleaners may use either a truck-mounted unit or a portable machine. The portable machine has obvious benefits, such as being able to be used in apartment and condo buildings in units that would otherwise be beyond the reach of a truck-mounted unit's hose. However, truck-mounted units are more powerful than portable units and should be used whenever possible for …
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  • Generally, DIY machines do not heat the water to the same high temperature as professional machines, which results in less effective cleaning. In addition, these machines are not as powerful as the ones professionals use, which means that they are not able to extract as much of the water (and therefore dirt) from the carpet.
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