well standard encapsulation carpet cleaning

by Marlee Balistreri Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

When encapsulation is provided as part of a carpet maintenance program the soil can be kept under control and a good appearance can be maintained. Positives of encapsulation carpet cleaning are its ability to clean using less water. Typically one gallon of mixed encap solution will clean about 300 square feet of carpet.

Full Answer

What is Encapsulation carpet cleaning?

Many refer to encapsulation carpet cleaning as “encap” or “encapping.” Although often misunderstood, the cleaning system has gained tremendous popularity in recent years. Encapsulation has been around since the late 1990’s or early 2000’s. The method often uses similar equipment as the “Shampoo” method.

What is well-formulated encapsulation detergent?

Well-formulated encapsulation detergents remove the stickiness in the carpet. Also, due to their chemical make up, they will never leave behind a sticky residue of their own. A well-formulated encap will crystallize. It can then be removed during routine vacuuming.

How do I get Started with encapsulation cleaning?

In general, there are two broad steps to follow; pre-vacuuming and encapsulation. Each cleaner may find their preferred method of encapsulation but to get you started, Damon Williams from has an article on his website outlining the basics of encapsulation cleaning in greater detail.

Which mytee carpet cleaning machine is best for encapsulation cleaning?

For the best cleaning results, use one of Mytee’s ECO PRO Orbital All Surface Floor Machines. The ECO PRO Orbital All Surface Floor Machines are perfect for Encapsulation Cleaning. The orbital motion of the cleaning head works the encapsulation chemical deep into the carpet fibers for a thorough clean.


What is encapsulation in carpet cleaning?

Encapsulation carpet cleaning involves encapsulating soils in a cleaning agent, and then vacuuming the dried crystals away. The Whittaker Smart Care® system is built around our CRYSTAL DRY® chemistry, which traps dirt in a clear polymer that is invisible to the naked eye.

Is encapsulation actually cleaning?

Encapsulation carpet cleaning is an interim, low-moisture carpet cleaning method that dries quickly. While encapsulation does not eliminate deep cleaning methods like hot water extraction, it can prolong the cycle for which deep cleaning of carpet is required.

Can encapsulation be used in place of hot water extraction?

Low-moisture encapsulation is one such method. It is a form of interim maintenance that facilities can complete between daily vacuuming and hot water extraction.

How do you use carpet encapsulation?

1:334:37How to Clean Carpets using Encapsulation Products - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOkay next step is to agitate now how do we agitate the idea with agitation is we're trying to loosenMoreOkay next step is to agitate now how do we agitate the idea with agitation is we're trying to loosen the soil that that's uh in the carpet.

What is encapsulation explain?

By definition, encapsulation describes the idea of bundling data and methods that work on that data within one unit, like a class in Java. This concept is also often used to hide the internal representation, or state of an object from the outside. This is called information hiding.

What does VLM mean in carpet cleaning?

Very Low MoistureFirst, let's break down what VLM cleaning is exactly. It stands for Very Low Moisture, and refers broadly to carpet cleaning processes designed to dry much quicker than traditional extraction cleaning by using little to no water.

Is hot water extraction the same as steam cleaning?

In hot water extraction method, all the water has not been converted into hot gas vapor. Steam carpet cleaning method gets water hotter and converts it all into steam so less water is used. However, steam cleaning does not rinse or remove dirt & stains as effectively as hot water extraction carpet cleaning does.

How can I clean my carpet with less water?

Use baking soda, much like you would use a carpet freshener powder. Sprinkle the baking soda on your carpet let it sit for about 10 minutes. Vacuum the baking soda up. It helps to removes stains, dirt, and keeps your house smelling refreshed.

Can I clean carpet with a buffer?

3:065:45How to clean carpet using a buffer machine - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWe clean it just so we can glide over the carpet a little. Easier. Put it down the wet side down.MoreWe clean it just so we can glide over the carpet a little. Easier. Put it down the wet side down.

How do I shampoo my carpet machine?

1:153:30How to Use a Carpet Shampoo Machine - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe trigger injects cleaning solution into the carpet. And start the suction. Pull the nozzle slowlyMoreThe trigger injects cleaning solution into the carpet. And start the suction. Pull the nozzle slowly backwards across the surface. Move in overlapping lines across the carpet. Until it's all done.

The Highest Standard In Encapsulation Cleaning

Whittaker Systems is the industry leader in encapsulation fiber care technology. They are well known in the carpet cleaning and restoration industry as offering the highest standard in green cleaning for fiber care and cleaning. They are one of the few carpet cleaning systems that offer both Green Seal and WoolSafe certifications.

Dry Carpet Cleaning Encapsulation Method

As an alternative to steam cleaning (hot water extraction), encapsulation cleaning has become a preferred choice for savvy homeowners. Not only is it safer and residue-free, but it also leaves your carpet feeling cleaner and softer.

The Better Way To Clean Rugs

It is a little-known fact that encapsulation rug cleaning often produces better results than immersion washing. Excessive amounts of water and chemicals in the immersion process can cause permanent damage to rug fibers, particularly natural fibers such as wool and silk.

The Smart Way to Clean Office Carpet

In recent years, encapsulation carpet cleaning for commercial interiors has become the trusted choice for office managers and building maintenance professionals.

What is encapsulation cleaner?

Brief Overview. In short, encapsulation cleaners are simply detergents that contain polymers. These polymers aid in both the cleaning and encapsulation of soil and residue. When you use an encap product you are dispensing and agitating your cleaning solution into the carpet fiber. The polymer is also being incorporated into ...

What are the two types of encaps?

Encaps can be divided into two categories – crystallizing and film forming. While similar in make-up, crystallizing encaps contain a high – or excess – amount of polymer. Film forming products contain a low polymer count.

What is encapsulation carpet cleaning?

According to the ICS Cleaning Specialist, encapsulation carpet cleaning is proven to result in a preferred aesthetic appearance compared to traditional carpet cleaning methods, keeping the carpet looking cleaner for longer periods of time. The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave the carpet dull and unattractive. Encapping traps soil held in the carpet so stains and dirt may finally be extracted and new soil can’t attach itself to carpet.

What is encapsulating cleaner?

Encapping is a “very low moisture” (VLM) type of cleaning using a special encapsulating cleaner that features polymers to encapsulate and crystallize stains and dirt for immediate vacuuming. These polymers act like small sponges.

What is non absorbent pad?

Non-absorbent pads are usually fiber-based and pull very little soil or moisture from the carpet. For encapsulation cleaning, non-absorbent pads would be used for agitating carpet or pre-scrubbing. This would generally be followed up with an absorbent pad.

Can you vacuum sticky soil off carpet?

The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave the carpet dull and unattractive. Encapping traps soil held in the carpet so stains and dirt may finally be extracted and new soil can’t attach itself to carpet.

Does encapsulation work on carpet?

The crystals absorb and hold dirt and soil to be vacuumed out, leaving no sticky residue and providing a deep clean. For the past few decades, encapsulation has gained popularity and garnered a reputation for both commercial and residential carpet cleaning.

1. What is carpet encapsulation cleaning?

Encapsulation carpet cleaning is a dry or low moisture method for interim scheduled maintenance of commercial and domestic carpets.

3. When is carpet encapsulation the ideal cleaning method?

Encapsulation cleaning is suitable for commercial and residential carpet care where areas need to be cleaned and back in use immediately with minimal downtime.

4. What are the limitations of carpet encapsulation cleaning?

Encapsulation is not a deep cleaning system but is a fantastic maintenance cleaning system at facilities where carpets are cleaned regularly. Carpet encapsulation has it's limitations so keep the following points in mind...

5. Carpet care program with encapsulation

Many people ask, “Which is better… encap or hot water extraction?” There is not a simple answer. They both have their pros and cons which is why they work brilliantly together in a complete carpet care program.

7. Choosing the right equipment for carpet encapsulation?

Some machines used with particular pads, brushes and bonnets can cause damage to carpets over a period of time so choosing the right combination is very important.

9. Frequently asked questions about carpet encapsulation cleaning

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions. In most cases diluting with warm to hot water is fine provided your machine can also handle the heat. The vast majority of encapsulation chemicals in the field are diluted with room temperature water however heat will improve the effectiveness a lot of the time.

Congratulations... You've finished this training!

Now you've heard the theory, are you confident encapsulation really works? Is it for you?

An Easy Approach to Carpet Care

So, what is encapsulation carpet cleaning? Low-moisture encapsulation is an interim carpet maintenance method. This means that it is regularly conducted between vacuuming and hot water extraction carpet cleaning sessions. Some facilities conduct encapsulation cleaning every few days while others opt for once a month or bi-monthly.

How Hot Water Extraction Fits into Carpet Care

Hot water extraction (HWE) uses very hot and higher volumes of water to target stains, dirt and allergens that settle on and in carpet. In order to successfully perform carpet cleaning with hot water extraction, you will need the following:

How much water does a carpet need to be encapsulated?

Consider the fact that low-moisture encapsulation typically uses one gallon of water for every 1,000 square feet of carpet .

How does encapsulation work?

In the simplest terms, encapsulation functions by using a machine to apply a mild surfactant onto the carpet along with a small amount of water. A machine with cylindrical brushes is best for activating the chemistry, which then helps the solution slip between the carpet fiber and the soil.

How often should I use hot water extraction?

In some cases, facilities can go three years before needing hot water extraction if they have kept up with vacuuming and encapsulation. Others schedule hot water extraction every 12-24 months.

What percentage of Americans say dirty carpet is bad?

According to a Harris Poll of 2,012 U.S. adults ages 18 and older conducted in March 2020, the majority of Americans (93%) say dirty carpet with things like stains, animal hair or food residue in a facility would negatively impact their perception of that business or organization.

Why is it important to clean and disinfect?

Consistent cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing helps reduce pathogen loads, thereby protecting the health and safety of groups like employees, students, faculty, children, the elderly and visitors.

Is hot water extraction accurate?

Hot water extraction is often referred to as steam cleaning, but that isn’t entirely accurate. This is because the hot water extraction process uses very hot water to release dirt trapped deep within carpet fibers. Meanwhile, with steam cleaning, all of the water is converted into a vapor.

Can hot water extraction damage carpet?

Common Mistakes and Tips for Success. Two of the top misconceptions about hot water extraction are that the carpet will dry quickly and the process won’t damage carpet. If done properly, you can rest assured that hot water extraction will make carpet look great again. If the process is rushed, it can cause problems.

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