what is encapsulation carpet cleaning

by Ms. Amy Yost III Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Encapsulation carpet cleaning involves encapsulating soils in a cleaning agent, and then vacuuming the dried crystals away. The Whittaker Smart Care® system is built around our CRYSTAL DRY® chemistry, which traps dirt in a clear polymer that is invisible to the naked eye.Sep 6, 2016

What is the process of encapsulation?

The encapsulation cleaning system applies a cleaning solution containing a crystallizing, acrylic polymer. It is this polymer that helps create the magic of encapsulation. Encapsulation formulas also contain other cleaning components such as surfactants.

What is the need of encapsulation?

Encapsulation cleaning, or “encapping” is a relatively new cleaning method in the industry, as compared to traditional wand cleaning. What is encapsulation carpet cleaning? Encapping is a “very low moisture” (VLM) type of cleaning using a special encapsulating cleaner that features polymers to encapsulate and crystallize stains and dirt for immediate vacuuming.

How to clean carpets using low moisture encapsulation?

It is a method of cleaning carpet with minimal water and chemicals that offers deep, restorative cleaning. Encapsulation cleaning uses a special encapsulating cleaner that uses polymers to encapsulate and crystalize dirt and stains so they can be vacuumed away. It provides a deep clean and leaves behind no residue. Benefits of Encapsulation Cleaning

What is encapsulation and why is encapsulation important?

Encapsulation carpet cleaning is a form of “very low moisture” (VLM) cleaning that uses a special encapsulating cleaner with polymers to trap and crystallize dirt and grime for vacuuming right off the bat. The cleaner can be applied using a counter-rotating brush, rotary machine, a compression sprayer, or a brush applicator.


How do you use carpet encapsulation?

0:202:02How to Clean Carpets Using Low Moisture Encapsulation - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFollow these simple steps to clean carpet after vacuuming the carpet. 1 dilute the encapsulationMoreFollow these simple steps to clean carpet after vacuuming the carpet. 1 dilute the encapsulation cleaner as directed. And apply evenly with a low pressure sprayer.

What is the most effective carpet cleaning method?

steam cleaningThe best method of cleaning carpets is usually steam cleaning, which removes over 90% of dirt and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets are ready for foot traffic as quickly as possible.

Why should you always vacuum before encapsulation or extraction procedures?

The encapsulated soil and detergents then crystallize and become brittle, making them easy to remove by simple vacuuming. Carpet is free of detergent residue, which helps prevent rapid re-soiling.

Which is better wet or dry carpet cleaning?

Wet vs Dry Cleaning Summary The wet method (specifically professional truck-mounted carpet cleaning) is the best choice for heavily soiled and heavily trafficked areas. If drying time is of the essence, the dry cleaning method may be preferable, especially in an office situation.

Is it better to shampoo or steam clean carpets?

When choosing between steam cleaning and shampooing your carpet, you really can't go wrong with both, but steam cleaning would be the better option. It removes more unseen pests and dirt, and can handle heavy-duty cleaning without making you wait long for drying.

How often should you clean your carpets?

As a general rule, it is best to have your carpets cleaned at least once per year. This will ensure your carpet warranty is maintained and most of the dirt, dust, and allergens that typically build up in your carpets will be kept under control.

Is encapsulation actually cleaning?

Encapsulation carpet cleaning involves encapsulating soils in a cleaning agent, and then vacuuming the dried crystals away. The Whittaker Smart Care® system is built around our CRYSTAL DRY® chemistry, which traps dirt in a clear polymer that is invisible to the naked eye.

What is encapsulation explain?

By definition, encapsulation describes the idea of bundling data and methods that work on that data within one unit, like a class in Java. This concept is also often used to hide the internal representation, or state of an object from the outside. This is called information hiding.

What is bonnet carpet cleaning?

Bonnet cleaning involves pre-spraying the carpets with a special solution before the cleaning process begins. One of the main benefits of bonnet cleaning with a professional cleaning service is that it's typically cheaper than steam or other types of carpet cleaning.

Is steam clean the same as dry clean?

With dry cleaning, you drop off your clothing one day and pick it up another. The professionals do all the work. You pay for their service, but doing so allows you to focus on everything else in your life, not dirty clothing. Steam cleaning can remove stains, easy to remove stains.

What are the different type of carpet cleaning?

Top 5 Types of Carpet Cleaning Methods used by CompaniesHot Water Extraction Cleaning. Commonly known as steam carpet cleaning, hot water extraction cleaning use high pressured hot water to agitate the carpet fibre and dissolve dirt in the carpet. ... Carpet Shampooing. ... Encapsulation. ... Bonnet Cleaning. ... Dry Carpet Cleaning.

Are steam cleaners good for carpets?

Steam cleaners are very effective on carpet and on rugs. They can deep clean, help to loosen and dissolve dirt, cut grease, and grime, and sanitize your carpet or rug. Plus they are so easy to use and are quick too!

What is encapsulation carpet cleaning?

According to the ICS Cleaning Specialist, encapsulation carpet cleaning is proven to result in a preferred aesthetic appearance compared to traditional carpet cleaning methods, keeping the carpet looking cleaner for longer periods of time. The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave the carpet dull and unattractive. Encapping traps soil held in the carpet so stains and dirt may finally be extracted and new soil can’t attach itself to carpet.

What is encapsulating cleaner?

Encapping is a “very low moisture” (VLM) type of cleaning using a special encapsulating cleaner that features polymers to encapsulate and crystallize stains and dirt for immediate vacuuming. These polymers act like small sponges.

What are the steps of encapsulation cleaning?

Encapsulation cleaning is a fairly simple process. In general, there are two broad steps to follow; pre-vacuuming and encapsulation.

What is non absorbent pad?

Non-absorbent pads are usually fiber-based and pull very little soil or moisture from the carpet. For encapsulation cleaning, non-absorbent pads would be used for agitating carpet or pre-scrubbing. This would generally be followed up with an absorbent pad.

Can you vacuum sticky soil off carpet?

The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave the carpet dull and unattractive. Encapping traps soil held in the carpet so stains and dirt may finally be extracted and new soil can’t attach itself to carpet.

Does encapsulation work on carpet?

The crystals absorb and hold dirt and soil to be vacuumed out, leaving no sticky residue and providing a deep clean. For the past few decades, encapsulation has gained popularity and garnered a reputation for both commercial and residential carpet cleaning.

Is an encap machine good?

Encap machines easy to use and clean quickly and thoroughly. An encap machine and a vacuum are enough to get the job done.

What is encapsulation carpet?

If you want to give your carpets a thorough cleaning, encapsulation, also known as encap, is a good option worth exploring. This cleaning method has received increasing attention in recent years for commercial and residential carpet cleaning, despite being widely misunderstood.

How long does it take for a carpet to dry after encapsulation?

The good news is that encapsulation has the benefit of drying carpets in almost any case within just 30 minutes. This ensures that the carpets should be dry by the time the cleaning process is completed.

What determines the efficacy of a carpet solution?

However, more importantly, the solution’s efficacy is influenced by different variables, such as the amount of soil in the carpet and the carpet type.

Why do hectic houses benefit from encapsulation?

Hectic households and businesses can benefit a lot from encapsulation due to its quick drying time.

Is encapsulation a good solution?

Fortunately, encapsulation is a very gentle solution close to neutral on the PH scale, so it is guaranteed to be an environmentally sustainable product.

Why is encapsulation important?

The cost-effectiveness of encapsulation is one of the most compelling reasons to use it. Encapsulation produces about twice as much as extraction.

Why is water better for carpet?

These include fewer spots reappearing on the carpet’s surface, a decreased incidence of carpet delamination, and a lower risk of over-wetting.

How Does Encapsulation Carpet Cleaning Work?

Encapsulation carpet cleaning involves spraying an encapsulating chemical onto the carpet. The carpet cleaning products are then agitated with carpet cleaning equipment. The product then encapsulates the dirt and soil particulates and crystalizes. These crystals can be vacuumed away. Oftentimes, this results in a better clean than other methods.

Encapsulation: More Effective, Less Costly

The encapsulation carpet cleaning method has many advantages over the extraction method. The extraction method tends to be quicker, saving businesses time and money.

How to test if encapsulation is dry?

It's very easy. Just take a few drops of the product and dry it in a glass dish overnight. Check the content the next day. Did it form a true crystal? Does it readily release from the dish? Or did it dry sticky, gooey? Was it not completely dried? Or was it possibly stuck like a barnacle to the dish?

Do commercial carpets need encapsulation?

A number of the largest commercial carpet manufacturers in the country are recommending and/or using various forms of encapsulation cleaning to maintain their commercial floor coverings.

Can you vacuum soil from carpet?

Keep in mind that crystallization is the medium that holds the soil in suspension until it can be extracted with post-vacuuming. The soil can't be vacuumed from the carpet if poor crystallizing or no crystallizing occurs.

What is encapsulation cleaning?

Encapping is a “very low moisture” (VLM) type of cleaning that uses polymers to encapsulate and crystallize stains and dirt for immediate vacuuming. These polymers act like small sponges. The crystals absorb and hold dirt and soil to be vacuumed out, leaving no sticky residue and providing a deep clean. For the past few decades, encapsulation has ...

How does an orbital carpet cleaner work?

First, the head rotates around the center of the driver plate, producing a second random orbital movement that results in little to no torque for smooth operation.

What is an orbital encap?

The ECO-17 Orbital Encap / Floor Machine is a very-low moisture machine featuring a built-in spray system that shoots a fine mist of spray, making it first in its class for environmental and water conservation efforts.

Can you vacuum sticky soil off carpet?

The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave the carpet dull and unattractive. Encapping traps soil held in the carpet so stains and dirt may finally be extracted and new soil can’t attach itself to carpet.

Is encapsulation carpet cleaner good?

According to the ICS Cleaning Specialist, encapsulation carpet cleaning is proven to result in a preferred aesthetic appearance compared to traditional carpet cleaning methods, keeping the carpet looking cleaner for longer periods of time. The majority of soil is removable by conventional dry vacuuming but oily or sticky soil can leave ...

Is an encap machine good?

Encap machines easy to use and clean quickly and thoroughly. An encap machine and a vacuum are enough to get the job done.

What is encapsulation cleaner?

Brief Overview. In short, encapsulation cleaners are simply detergents that contain polymers. These polymers aid in both the cleaning and encapsulation of soil and residue. When you use an encap product you are dispensing and agitating your cleaning solution into the carpet fiber. The polymer is also being incorporated into ...

Why are encaps crystallizing?

For a long time film forming encaps were very prominent (and in some cases still are). One of the primary reasons for this is because it was difficult to produce a crystallizing encap that cleaned as well as a film forming encap. However, this has changed over the years and the crystallizing encaps we see today will match (and often times surpass) most film forming products.

Can encaps make carpets stiff?

Any encap if over mixed (using more product than the suggested dilution ratio) can potentially cause a carpet to feel ‘stiff’. With that in mind, this condition can be quickly removed with vacuuming (typically 1 – 2 post clean cycles). Using low quality film forming ‘sticky’ encaps that use very little in the way of polymer can lead to conditions that are conducive to re-soiling. By simply following suggested dilution rations and using quality products, you’re very likely to avoid these issues.

Can film forming encaps be removed?

Film forming encaps, while containing less polymer, will also dry down and encapsulate captured contents. However, the film former will not crystallize and shatter. Instead it will form (again, as the name implies) a film. This film is not as easily removed. Instead, it has what would best be described as an adherence to the fiber. Though it will eventually find its way free of the fiber and be removed with repeated vacuuming.

Is encap a straight forward process?

This is a fairly straight forward process. Even so, there are variations of encap which impacts process, results, cost, etc.

Is low moisture cleaning a polymer?

Low moisture cleaning is not at all dependent on polymers. In fact, there are non-polymer crystallizing products that can be very effective:

What is encapsulation cleaning?

In this process, the encapsulating chemical is sprayed onto and then brushed into the carpet using a cylindrical or rotary brush machine or bonnet. The encapsulation chemistry surrounds each soil particle and crystallizes it so it can’t attract other soils. The encapsulated soil particles release from the carpet fiber and are removed by normal vacuuming, which will generally be done by the janitorial staff at regularly scheduled times.

How does encapsulation work?

The encapsulation chemistry surrounds each soil particle and crystallizes it so it can’t attract other soils. The encapsulated soil particles release from the carpet fiber and are removed by normal vacuuming, which will generally be done by the janitorial staff at regularly scheduled times.

What to do after carpet is dry?

After the carpet is dry, encourage the property owner to vacuum. Continual vacuuming will pick up the encapsulated debris.

How to get rid of dry soil on carpet?

Thoroughly vacuum the carpet to remove dry soils. Using a pump-up sprayer, spray Matrix Double Strength Encapsulant diluted per the label instructions. Allow 10–15 minutes of dwell time. Using a bonnet machine, grooming brush, or cylindrical brush machine, work the encapsulant into the carpet. After the carpet is dry, encourage ...

Can carpets be put back into use?

Since this is a low-moisture system, carpets can be put back into use promptly. This process allows maintenance companies to provide a continual high level of appearance at a lower price than other cleaning methods while generating high levels of productivity. This method is designed for commercial maintenance only.

Why use encapsulation method?

Here are Watt’s top 10 reasons to clean carpet using the encapsulation method: The encapsulation method can extend the optimum appearance of carpet on a day-to-day basis. Carpet typically dries in an hour or less, so facilities can be put back into service faster.

How much water does carpet extraction use?

Carpet extraction uses about 20 gallons of water to clean 1,000 square feet; encapsulation uses about four or less.

Is carpet extraction the only method of cleaning?

When it comes to carpet cleaning, most cleaning professionals and building managers think carpet are cleaned with only extractors. While this is a very effective way to clean carpet, it is not the only method. Another method frequently used to clean carpet that complements carpet extraction is the encapsulation method. This is considered a very low moisture, or VLM, method to clean carpet.

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