when cleaning my carpet with rug doctor should i let nature's miracle dry first

by Sarai Grady Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

No. The Rug Doctor is a water-based carpet cleaning machine. Despite this, it is not advisable to use Nature’s Miracle carpet cleaner in a Rug Doctor.

For odor removal, wipe up excess odor-causing material, then thoroughly soak area. Leave treated area wet and let it air dry. Odor will fade as the product dries.

Full Answer

Can a Rug Doctor clean your carpet?

A Rug Doctor carpet cleaner can't perform miracles, but it can make a significant difference in the appearance of even the dirtiest carpet. You can buy a Rug Doctor machine, or rent one at many supermarkets and home improvement centers.

How often should you clean your carpets and rugs?

Experts recommend deep cleaning your carpets and rugs once per year, and if you’re tired of paying for professionals to do the job, you might be eyeing a product like the Rug Doctor Deep Carpet Cleaner.

How to clean a dirty carpet without removing it?

Empty the bag or canister of your vacuum cleaner and vacuum carpeted floors thoroughly. Vacuum each room twice, once moving vertically, the next time working horizontally to remove as much loose dirt and debris as possible. Though some stains are almost impossible to remove completely, pretreating helps to improve even the dirtiest carpet.

What is the best way to clean rugs?

The best way to clean your area rugs is by taking them outside or to your garage on a concreted floor and cleaning them there with a Rug Doctor. Once they are completely dry the rugs can be returned to the hardwood flooring or carpeted area.

How do you use nature's miracle in carpet cleaner?

0:241:13How-To Use Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipFirst wipe up the same. Using our new easy pour cap soak the stain until it's fully saturated whoaMoreFirst wipe up the same. Using our new easy pour cap soak the stain until it's fully saturated whoa that's good. And wait nature's miracle products use action-packed ingredients to break down stains.

Should I let carpet dry before cleaning again?

Your carpet will be only slightly damp to the touch after your cleaning. Most carpets typically need 6-10 hours to dry completely. However, it could take up to 24 hours to dry depending on the time of year your carpets are cleaned, and the air circulation, humidity and temperature in your home.

How long does Nature's Miracle take to dry?

Allow area to dry for 24 hours. For severe, old or stubborn stains (feces or vomit/hairball), follow steps 1-2 above and follow with gently scrubbing the stain with a soft bristle brush for 1 minute, then allow to dry for 24 hours.

What should you do before using a cleaning solution on your carpet?

Prepare your carpet and areas to be shampooed Begin by removing furniture from the room and then thoroughly vacuum the carpet preferably with a powerhead vacuum cleaner, before shampooing to remove loose dirt, pet hair and other particles. This should also expose the carpet stains, if there are any.

How do I get the best results from Rug Doctor?

1:453:01Rug Doctor® Cleaning Tips - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDon't repeat cleaning swipes unless needed for a particularly dirty. Area you can best clean high-MoreDon't repeat cleaning swipes unless needed for a particularly dirty. Area you can best clean high-traffic paths and other problem areas by making the second pass at a right angle to the first.

How long does it take for Rug Doctor to dry?

around two hoursDrying time is usually around two hours, dependent on weather and carpet thickness. Open windows and doors, or turn on air conditioning, dehumidifier or fan heater for faster drying. To prevent stains, if replacing furniture before carpet is completely dry, place plastic or aluminium foil under furniture legs.

Does Nature's Miracle leave a residue?

Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer for dogs is tough on strong dog urine and the yellow, sticky residue that comes along with it. The bacteria-based formula produces enzymes when it comes in contact with bio-based messes to target urine and freshens with a light fresh scent.

Does Nature's Miracle actually work?

For around eight years I used the enzymatic spray whenever Uli or a friend's dog had an accident. I never purchased another brand because Nature's Miracle works really well. It's made using a mix of good bacteria and enzymes that eat any remaining fluids left after you wipe up the majority of your dog's mess.

Does nature's miracle work on old stains?

Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover with nature's enzymes completely eliminates dog and cat stains and odors including urine and feces accidents, food, drooling, bedding stains & odors and other hard-to-get-out messes. Safe and effective, Nature's Miracle will also work on old and deep-set stains & odors.

How do you use a Rug Doctor to clean carpet?

0:001:21How to Use a Rug Doctor - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSolution with hot water remove. The white bucket and pour the cleaning solution into the lower redMoreSolution with hot water remove. The white bucket and pour the cleaning solution into the lower red tank to start cleaning plug the machine in and flip the switch to carpet.

Should I vacuum after carpet cleaning?

Conclusion. Ultimately, running your vacuum over your carpets after a professional deep clean is great but remember to do it only after your carpet is completely dry. Vacuuming your carpet when it's still damp could cause dirt to be transferred from your vacuum cleaner, so patience does pay off.

How many times do you have to shampoo carpet until water is clear?

It's not unusual for DIY carpet cleaners to need eight or even 10 passes on a carpet before the water runs clear.

How to remove stains from carpet?

For sticky, oily stains like motor oil, food grease or lipstick, use Hi-Traffic Pre-Treatment. Stains from food, ink, dirt and unidentified substances respond well to Spot & Stain Remover. Treat pet accidents and other bodily fluid stains with Urine Eliminator. Spray the appropriate treatment onto your carpet's dirty spots, and let the formula soak in for several minutes while you ready the Rug Doctor machine for cleaning.

How to treat a sticky stains on carpet?

Rug Doctor recommends using their products to pretreat stains. For sticky, oily stains like motor oil, food grease or lipstick, use Hi-Traffic Pre-Treatment.

Can you use a rug doctor on silk?

But the manufacturer recommends against using their machine on certain natural fibers. It’s not advisable to use a water-extraction machine like the Rug Doctor on Oriental rugs made with silk or wool, hand-loomed or braided wool rugs, sisal or jute. It's safe to use a Rug Doctor on wool Berber carpet, but because the closely looped weave retains moisture, plan on extra time vacuuming up the water.

Can you use Rug Doctor on wool carpet?

It's safe to use a Rug Doctor on wool Berber carpet, but because the closely looped weave retains moisture, plan on extra time vacuuming up the water.

Can a rug doctor clean carpets?

A Rug Doctor carpet cleaner can't perform miracles, but it can make a significant difference in the appearance of even the dirtiest carpet. You can buy a Rug Doctor machine, or rent one at many supermarkets and home improvement centers.

How much does Rug Doctor cost?

Rug Doctor is known to be a high-end brand, and this particular model is actually one of its most affordable options, retailing for around $275. However, as carpet cleaners go, this is still on the higher end of the price scale.

How much suction does Rug Doctor have?

The nice thing is that the wide, 12-inch head allows for fewer passes than narrower carpet cleaners. The Rug Doctor claims to provide 75 percent more suction compared to other upright deep carpet cleaners, which means it sucks up more water.

Does Rug Doctor deep carpet cleaner work?

If you’re looking for a carpet cleaner that can get deep into medium- to high-pile rugs, the Rug Doctor Deep Carpet Cleaner will certainly get the job done, pulling up dirt you didn’t even know was there. However, if you’re looking for a versatile model with an array of useful features, this isn’t your best option.

How long does it take to clean a rug doctor?

Hire a carpet cleaning machine from 4 to 24 hours from your local supermarket or hardware store.

How do I clean area rugs?

The best way to clean your area rugs is by taking them outside or to your garage on a concreted floor and cleaning them there with a Rug Doctor. Once they are completely dry the rugs can be returned to the hardwood flooring or carpeted area.

How to get rid of pet urine smell in carpet?

To eliminate pet urine use Rug Doctor Stain Remover. For pet odours use Rug Doctor Odour Remover. Cats and dogs make wonderful companions and are very trainable. However, they sometimes develop habits that can damage your carpeting.

How do I clean stairs with a Rug Doctor?

To clean the stairs you use the Upholstery/Hand Tool attachment. Set the machine to “ON” for Upholstery/Hand Tool cleaning and use Rug Doctor Carpet Cleaning solution in the tank. Position the Machine at the top or bottom of the stairway.

How to clean a mattress without squeezing?

Clean one side of the mattress, making sure you go over your cleaning paths a second time without squeezing the Hand Tool lever so that the second pass is vacuum only. Once you have finished one side of the mattress, leave the mattress on its side and let it dry completely before continuing to the next side.

Where can I hire a rug doctor?

Rug Doctor carpet cleaning machines can be hired from your local supermarket or hardware store. There are over 550 stockists throughout New Zealand where you can hire a carpet cleaning machine from 4 to 24 hours, as well as buy specialty carpet cleaning products.

How long does it take for carpet to dry?

Drying time is usually around two hours, dependent on weather and carpet thickness. Open windows and doors, or turn on air conditioning, dehumidifier or fan heater for faster drying. To prevent stains, if replacing furniture before carpet is completely dry, place plastic or aluminium foil under furniture legs.

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