expert carpet cleaning tips

by Prof. Alta Weissnat Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Shampoo your carpet. Wash carpets every three months using one of our top rated carpet cleaning machines, from the likes of Bissell or Vax.
  • Remove carpet indents. Heavy furniture can leave stubborn indents and impression marks in carpets. To remove these, simply rub an ice cube over the affected area.
  • Avoid stains. Take care with liquid stains — over-blotting could push the spill further into the carpet fibres, making the stain worse.
  • Dry thoroughly. Avoid letting your carpet get too wet – the dyes from any underlay or backing materials could leach through.
  • Vacuum. Make sure you vacuum the edges of your carpet and under radiators with the crevice tool. This will help to prevent black lines forming around the skirting board.

Here are top ten carpet cleaning tips that you may want to consider.
  1. Vacuum Height/Pressure. ...
  2. “Professional” Spot Clean Equipment or Commercial Grade Equipment. ...
  3. DIY Steam-cleaning Machines. ...
  4. Go Easy on the Carpet Shampooer. ...
  5. Go Easy on the Water. ...
  6. Tackle Stains Immediately. ...
  7. Vacuum Regularly. ...
  8. Declutter Before Your Appointment.
Jul 2, 2021

Full Answer

What is the best carpet cleaning technique?

Why Are There So Many Carpet Cleaning Techniques?

  • Hot Water Extraction. Otherwise known as steam cleaning, this is easily the most common professional carpet cleaning technique.
  • Absorbent Compound. Absorbent compound cleaning is more commonly known as “dry carpet cleaning”. ...
  • Bonnet Cleaning. ...
  • Carpet Shampooing. ...
  • Encapsulation. ...

How to clean carpet like a pro?

There are many detergents that you can choose from which include:

  • Liquid – These are the most common, and you can find them anywhere. ...
  • Powder – These work well for all types of dirt and stains. ...
  • Foam – If you have tried deep cleaning your carpet, but you still have a stain that isn’t going away, you need foam cleaner. ...
  • Spray – These are made specifically to treat spots where there are stains. ...

How to prepare for carpet cleaning?

Prepare for Your Professional Carpet Cleaning

  • Remove Breakables from the Area. We ask that you remove any items that can easily break from the area. ...
  • Secure Pets. Our technicians love pets! ...
  • Pick-Up Items off the Floor. ...
  • Bonus Tips for Professional Carpet Cleaning. ...
  • About Woodard Cleaning & Restoration. ...

Do professional carpet cleaners vacuum first?

Yes, vacuum before a professional carpet cleaning. In short, yes, carpet should be vacuumed before a professional carpet cleaning and YOU should be the one to take care of the cleaning. You will ensure that you’re keeping your home cleaner and that germs, fleas, and urine are not being brought into your home via a traveling vacuum.


How do you clean carpet like a professional?

1:393:495 Tips To Clean Your Carpet Like A Pro - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out notMoreDon't add any soaps or any sort of additives to this water you want this to rinse the carpet out not only the dirt and grime. But also the soap. So water only in there.

What is the most effective carpet cleaning method?

The best method of cleaning carpets is usually steam cleaning, which removes over 90% of dirt and bacteria from carpeting. Dry cleaning carpeting is also effective for ensuring carpets are ready for foot traffic as quickly as possible.

What do professional carpet cleaners use on carpets?

Hot Water ExtractionHot Water Extraction Otherwise known as steam cleaning, this is easily the most common professional carpet cleaning technique. Steam cleaning uses hot water at high pressure to penetrate into carpet fibers, breaking down the dirt and bacteria stored deep within.

How can I get my carpets really clean?

Mix 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup borax and 1/4 cup vinegar, then apply this paste to deep stains or heavily soiled sections of carpet. Allow the paste to sit on the carpet for several hours until it dries completely, then vacuum it away.

Is steam cleaning better than dry cleaning?

Both systems can be effective; however, steam cleaning will have a much longer drying time and may not be as effective as dry cleaning with stain removal. Carpet Dry Cleaning uses minimal moisture, so your floors will be ready to walk on straight away and totally dry in 1 to 2 hours.

Is steam cleaning better for carpets?

Steam Cleaning Using carpet extraction is probably the best deep-cleaning method you can use on your carpets. Because it combines hot water with chemicals, it cleans much more than just the surface of your carpet-it can remove dirt and debris that have sunk deep into your carpet.

Should you vacuum before professional carpet cleaning?

Vacuum. Vacuuming high-traffic areas before your carpet cleaners arrive helps them get right down to business. Removing dirt and debris from the carpet allows the carpet cleaner to focus on the dirt that is embedded in your carpet fibers.

How do you make high-traffic carpet look new?

How To Make High-Traffic Carpet Look New AgainVacuum your carpet.Deep clean your carpet every few months.Use a steam cleaner once or twice a year.Consider using a rug or runners in high-traffic areas.If you have any pets, groom them regularly.Avoid walking on wet carpet as much as possible.

Should you vacuum after carpet cleaning?

Conclusion. Ultimately, running your vacuum over your carpets after a professional deep clean is great but remember to do it only after your carpet is completely dry. Vacuuming your carpet when it's still damp could cause dirt to be transferred from your vacuum cleaner, so patience does pay off.

How can I make my carpet fluffy again?

Give the Fibers a Blow Out Dampen the dented area by spraying plain water on the fibers. Hold the blow dryer about two inches from the carpet and use your fingers to separate and fluff the fibers as you move the hot air back and forth. Repeat if needed and finish by vacuuming the carpet.

What does baking soda do for carpets?

TLDR: Baking soda can be used to clean carpet because it is a powerful alkaline solution that when combined with acid produces dioxide gases. These oxidized gases are highly effective at removing stains from carpet and other materials with ease.

What is the cheapest way to deep clean carpet?

Cheap effective solutions for cleaning your carpetA mixture of water vinegar and soap. Add half tsp of white vinegar to about 0.5l of warm water. ... Use club soda for blood and wine stains. Club soda has proven to effectively clean up blood and wine stains. ... Use non-dyed shaving cream to remove stains.

What's the best way to clean a carpet myself?

Invest in one of our top rated carpet cleaning machines and use it every three to six months to give your carpets a thorough wash. Choose a good quality carpet shampoo that includes a stain protector to help guard against future stains. Always air the room to allow the carpet to dry thoroughly before replacing furniture.

How can I get rid of indents in a carpet?

Fans of rearranging the furniture will be familiar with stubborn indents left by heavy pieces of furniture. To remove these, simply place an ice cube on the affected area, allow it to melt a little and the moisture will revive the carpet pile.

How can I treat stains on a carpet?

Certain stains such as chocolate and mud should be treated once the stain has dried and you can pick out or vacuum away the dried debris. However, foods like tomato sauce, coffee, tea and red wine should be removed when wet. Take care with liquid spills — over-blotting could push the spill further into the carpet fibres, making the stain worse.

When should I call in a professional to clean a carpet?

If you’ve got very expensive carpets or dirt that won’t shift, it might be time to call in the professionals. The National Carpet Cleaners Association is the best place to find professionally trained and insured carpet cleaners in your area.

Carpet cleaning kit

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What is the best way to clean a carpet?

When cleaning the carpet using a rag. It’s better to use white cloth rather than dyed or patterned rags as the color may transfer to the carpet. Paper towels are also a great alternative and adequate solution for cleaning fresh stains. Also, avoid using brushes because it may damage the carpet fibers.

How to vacuum a carpet in all directions?

Carpet fibers are usually twisted and vacuuming in all directions can ensure that every part of the carpet has cleaned thoroughly. Start vacuuming the carpet forward and back the going from left to right. 4.

How to get a stain out of a carpet?

Avoid scrubbing the carpet. Instead, gently dab the affected area using white cloth with a little amount of the solution. Rubbing the carpet vigorously will make the stain harder to take off. Minimize the use of cleaners or soap as it may attract more dirt when left on the carpet. 9.

How to keep pets from getting dirt on carpet?

If your pets have a litter box, make sure to place them far away from the carpet for easy cleaning. But if it can’t be helped, you can buy a rubber litter mat and put it under their litter box to maintain a clean carpet. 20.

How long does it take for carpet to dry?

If not possible, use the air conditioners, carpet dryers, fans, blowers, or air movers for fast drying. It may take 6 to 24 hours to dry the carpet depending on the method you chose to use.

Can you put dye on carpet?

You should try to apply it to a small area on the carpet. Do not put it directly on the stain as it can wash the dye of the carpet. Some products are not compatible with the type of carpet you have so it’s best to test it first.

Can you clean a carpet barefoot?

So you should not be barefooted when cleaning your carpet. You can wear socks, plastic covers, or booties to protect your feet. Never wear shoes while cleaning to avoid attracting dirt into the carpet.

1. Paper Towels Are Your Friend (So Treat Them Gently)

Use them to soak up everything from vomit to urine. Blot with them but don’t step on them or grind them into the carpet. The harder you press, the more you’ll push the liquids into the carpet and even to the subflooring. The best course is to hire a professional like S&G Carpet Cleaning.

2. Store-Bought Bio-Enzymatic Cleaners Are Not Enough

It’s tempting to use a store-bought bio-enzymatic cleaner, but do not be fooled into thinking that a spray bottle of enzymes will be enough to combat urine. You need to contact a professional such as S&G Carpet Cleaning to clean the carpets.

3. Never Steam Clean – Instead Use Hot Water Extraction

This is a big no-no because the heat will bond the odor and the stain to the carpet fibers, giving you a permanent change you don’t want. It’s important to note that hot water extraction is NOT the same as steam cleaning, and is the preferred method of cleaning carpet.

4. Use A Putty Knife

If you have a putty knife it can be used to pull solids out of your carpet. It works best with a small putty knife using the edge-side (not the flat side). Slide a putty knife edge under the solid and into the carpet to scrape and lift it out of the fibers.

5. Just Say No to Home Remedies

It’s tempting to reach for quick fixes you heard worked for someone once but resist the temptation. While solutions like baking soda and vinegar seem to work temporarily, they only mask odors and leave you with the original problem. You need a trained professional to come and clean out any urine or feces.

6. Get Creative to Clean Pet Fur

You can buy a lint roller…or wrap duct or masking tape around a paint roller to make your own—connect a broom handle to create a floor cleaner and use it before you vacuum to avoid clogging your vacuum cleaner. Rubber-bristled carpet rakes are also helpful for cleaning pet hair. Remember to vacuum several times a week.

7. Plan Ahead For Carpeting

If you’re thinking ahead, invest in pet-friendly carpeting made from nylon fibers. They’re durable and stain resistant—and affordable—making it easier to avoid messes and to clean them if they happen.

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