is hot water extraction carpet cleaning steam clenaing

by Prof. Alayna Blick II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The truth is we do not actually steam clean carpet. At Stanley Steemer, we use a process called hot water extraction to clean your home. This is often referred to as steam cleaning because of the steam you see as we clean, but we don't actually use steam to clean.

How to hot water extract carpet?

Hot-water extraction (using a pull back/self-contained unit): 800 to 1,800 square feet per hour Hot-water extraction followed by bonnet cleaning: 400 to 500 square feet per hour High-flow extraction rinse (with auto dump and fill): 1,500 to 2,500 square feet per hour

What water temperature is best for carpet cleaning?

Water Temperature

  • MD'z Floors & More. What water temperature is your machine running at for most of your carpet cleaning?? ...
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  • MD'z Floors & More. Same here... ...
  • Robin Metzger. I have tested both the Tms I am using.. ...
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Why do we use hot water extraction?

What can be fooled?

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Is cold water as effective as hot water extraction?

Proponents of cold-water extractors acknowledge that hot water does clean better than cold — but only by itself. When using chemicals, cold works as well, if not better. “If you were going to attack dirt with hot water with no chemical and cold water with no chemical, hot water cleans better,” says Rothstein. “But that’s an age-old look at things.

Is steam cleaning the same as hot water extraction?

In hot water extraction method, all the water has not been converted into hot gas vapor. Steam carpet cleaning method gets water hotter and converts it all into steam so less water is used. However, steam cleaning does not rinse or remove dirt & stains as effectively as hot water extraction carpet cleaning does.

Is a carpet extractor the same as a steam cleaner?

As we mentioned before, a carpet extractor does in fact differ from a steamer, and it does so in terms of the water temperature that is being utilized. For example, the water used in a carpet extractor is heated, but it is nowhere near as hot as in a steam cleaner.

What is extraction carpet cleaning?

Extraction carpet cleaning, also called hot water extraction, involves spraying the carpet with hot water using a spraying machine while simultaneously vacuuming the dislodged dirt and debris using a vacuum cleaner. Very little or no detergent is added to the hot water.

Why is hot water extraction best for your carpets?

Hot water extraction is an eco-friendly way of making the carpets free of dust, allergens and germs without risking the health of the people. The high temperature of the water disinfects the carpets and is a much gentle solution for cleaning the commercial carpets.

Do steam cleaners actually steam?

How Do Steam Cleaners Work? Steam cleaners are equipped with an internal boiler which heats ordinary tap water past the boiling point—about 225 degrees F—then forces it out under pressure as steam.

Do professional carpet cleaners use hot water?

Hot water extraction is the better choice for cleaning, and this is the method used by most professional carpet cleaners, even those that refer to their cleaning as “steam cleaning.” As steam cleaning doesn't rinse the fibers, it's important to ask the cleaners to explain their cleaning method in detail.

What is hot water extraction cleaning?

Hot Water Extraction (HWE) is a method of carpet cleaning. It involves a combination of hot water and cleaning agents being injected into the fibers of a carpet at high pressure and all lifted soil being removed by a powerful vacuum.

How does hot water extraction carpet cleaning work?

Hot water extraction works by spraying water at high temperatures that's mixed with special cleaning agents to loosen up dirt, grime, and other contaminants in your carpet. After the dirt is lifted off, a powerful vacuum sucks it up and leaves your carpet looking like brand new.

What is the difference between a carpet cleaner and a carpet extractor?

A carpet extractor is a machine that utilizes vacuum power to remove ground-in dirt from carpets. A carpet cleaner, on the other hand, uses water heated to over 140 degrees Fahrenheit to remove dirt from the surface of a carpet.

Can you clean carpets with just hot water?

The best way to clean carpet is to skip putting the shampoo into the carpet shampooer and fill it with plain old water instead. Cleaning with water will not only get your carpet clean, but will also keep it cleaner longer.

Should you shampoo carpets with hot water?

Using Hot Water Hot water helps loosen dirt and works best for most stains and carpet types. Combine hot water with a carpet cleaning solution and you will clean your carpets without hiring a professional.

Can I clean carpet with boiling water?

Quickly be sure all children and pets have exited the room where the stain is located (if on carpet). Use hot pads to pour the boiling hot water over the stained area—really saturate it. Use a towel (or even a couple folds of paper towels) to soak it all up. Try not to rub the area.

What is the difference between steam cleaning and hot water extraction?

Differences. The main difference between steam cleaning and hot water extraction is the temperature used during the process. Steam cleaning uses actual steam and requires heating water to a high enough temperature to convert it from liquid to gas. Applying straight steam to carpets isn’t overly effective because there’s no rinsing ...

Which is better for carpet cleaning: steam or hot water?

Hot water extraction better choice. The terms steam cleaning and hot water extraction have become jumbled, which makes it more confusing when you’re trying to make the best choice. Hot water extraction is the better choice for cleaning, and this is the method used by most professional carpet cleaners, even those that refer to their cleaning as ...

What is the best way to remove stains from carpet?

Carpet manufacturers usually recommend cleaning their products with hot water extraction for effective stain removal. Cleaning natural fiber carpets and rugs requires a lower temperature to avoid shrinking and other damage.

Does hot water extraction use steam?

Hot water extraction requires water hot enough to clean effectively and deeply but not hot enough that it converts to steam. There’s usually visible steam during hot water extraction cleaning, but it’s just very hot water and not pure steam.

Is steam good for carpet?

Applying straight steam to carpets isn’t overly effective because there’s no rinsing of the fibers so while it may help kill germs and reduce allergens, it’s not the best way to remove stains and soil. Hot water extraction requires water hot enough to clean effectively and deeply but not hot enough that it converts to steam.

What is the best way to clean carpets?

When hot water extraction — the most common and effective method — is used to clean your carpets, high-pressure tools are used to propel a mixture of cleaning agents and hot water into your carpet. This process helps to loosen the grime, dirt, debris, and soil that can lurk, often unseen, in your carpets. The high-powered vacuum used by Embassy ...

What does Embassy Cleaners do?

Along the same vein are the vacuum systems that Embassy Cleaners uses to remove the moisture, cleaning agents, stains, and dirt from your carpets. 5.

How does hot water extraction work?

In the hot water extraction method, firstly, a cleaning solution is applied to the surface . The dirt is broken down and loosened. Then hot water is released that cleans the fibers. Soil and stains are worked on. Then the dirt and water are extracted.

Why do you need a steam cleaner?

The high temperature helps to disinfect the surface as pests, bacteria, allergens, etc can't survive the heat. You can buy a steam cleaner that is the most suited for your purpose as there is a type of this machine that is designed to steam clean carpets while others are for steam cleaning mirrors or floors, etc.

Do you need appliances to do hot water extraction?

If you decide to carry out the hot water extraction yourself, you will need some appliances along with the cleaning agents. That might not be super expensive but will still cost you some money.

Can you clean natural fibers with hot water?

It is suggested that natural fibers should be cleaned with the hot water extraction method. It is more suitable for such materials and prevents shrinkage. Another noticeable factor is that the cleaning agent added to the water removes stains as well.

How HWE is done, is it better, and what are the benefits

we have had many customers asking us, How Does Hot Water (steam) Extraction Carpet Cleaning Work? Carpets are a great way to add a dynamic look to your house and make it more aesthetically pleasing.

How does HWE carpet cleaning work?

In HWE, a vacuum-type machine is used to clean your carpet. The HWE machine has two compartments, a solution tank, and a recovery tank. In HWE, the water is first mixed with numerous cleaning agents and then heated, which makes the water hot.

What is the difference between steam cleaning and dry cleaning?

Both of the cleaning methods are different and use different cleaning tools. Some of the differences are listed below.

Why you should choose hot water extraction?

There are numerous benefits for which people should choose hot water extraction to get their carpets cleaned. Some of the most popular and effective ones are specified below.


Hot Water Extraction vs Steam Cleaning

  • Carpet manufacturers usually recommend cleaning their products with hot water extraction for effective stain removal. Cleaning natural fiber carpets and rugs requires a lower temperature to avoid shrinking and other damage. Hot water extraction treats and removes stains whereas steam cleaning can actually cause stains to set in permanently.
See more on

Differences Between Hot Water Extraction and Steam Cleaning

Final Verdict


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