marketing commercial carpet cleaning

by Tanner Effertz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Commercial carpet cleaning marketing can be tricky because the sales cycle for these services can be lengthy. In addition, the long sales cycle makes it challenging to track results. As a result, business owners may grow impatient and start to pester potential clients.

Full Answer

How to pick a commercial carpet cleaning company?

  • Spot removal, odor control, special deodorizing or protective treatments
  • Traffic patterns
  • Budgeting requests
  • Health standards and expectations

How much does it cost to clean commercial carpet?

However, if you want to rent a professional carpet cleaner – the type that professional cleaning agencies use for end-of-tenancy cleans, you will need to be prepared to spend quite a bit more. According to Samson, 'assuming you will be renting the carpet cleaner for 24 hours, the cost will vary from $60 - $100 per day.

What is the best commercial carpet cleaner?

  • Vacuum the carpet first. Before using a cleaner, it’s a good idea to vacuum the carpet to remove debris and pet hair.
  • Test a small patch of your carpet for colorfastness. ...
  • Shake enzymatic cleaner before using. ...
  • Rinse the carpet with water. ...
  • Treat stains as soon as they happen or within the first few days. ...

How do you clean commercial carpet?

Spot Cleaning

  • Follow these steps for effective spot cleaning.
  • For heavier stains like dyes, glue residue, and even ketchup and mustard, you may need to call on a professional.
  • It’s also a good idea to have someone regularly check your carpeting for any stains to spot clean them. ...


How do I get customers for my carpet cleaning business?

How To Get More Carpet Cleaning CustomersSell Yourself with a Story.Focus on Retaining Repeat Customers.Try Online Marketing.Use Social Media to Your Advantage.Make Some Promotional Products.Use the Best Equipment.Sponsor an Event.Study Your Competitors.More items...•

How do you write a cleaning advertisement?

How to Write Compelling Cleaning Ads + Ad Copy ExamplesShowcase Deals. If you have any deals going on for your cleaning company, ads are the perfect spot to highlight them. ... Emphasize Convenience. ... Inspire Trust. ... Be Mindful of Length. ... Include a CTA.

What is the best method for commercial carpet cleaning?

Top 5 Types of Carpet Cleaning Methods used by CompaniesHot Water Extraction Cleaning. Commonly known as steam carpet cleaning, hot water extraction cleaning use high pressured hot water to agitate the carpet fibre and dissolve dirt in the carpet. ... Carpet Shampooing. ... Encapsulation. ... Bonnet Cleaning. ... Dry Carpet Cleaning.

How can I promote my office cleaning business?

Best ways to market a cleaning businessDistribute flyers. Many people are looking for cleaners — you just need these people to know about you. ... Spread your brand via social media. ... Create a refer-a-friend program. ... Use digital marketing. ... Set yourself apart from the competition.

How can I promote my cleaning business on social media?

13 Cleaning Social Media Tips to Grow Your BusinessCreating hyper relevant posts.Using short videos that sell your work.Getting happy clients to write great reviews.Using hashtags to become more discoverable.Use social media ads to generate high-quality leads.

How can I promote myself as a cleaner?

15 Ways How to Market Your Cleaning BusinessLearn Your Audience. Start by researching who your cleaning business is looking to reach. ... Create a Brand. ... Develop a Conversion-Focused Website. ... Invest in Pay Per Click Advertising. ... Utilize Social Media. ... Invest in Effective CRM Software. ... Grow Your Email List. ... Network.More items...

What do professional carpet cleaners use for pet urine?

We use a special pet stain carpet cleaner to destroy urine smells at the source, neutralizing odors for good! Thanks to P.U.R.T., Chem-Dry can eliminate even the most stubborn urine odors and stains. Instead of simply masking urine odors, we destroy the chemical compounds that cause these smells.

Which is better wet or dry carpet cleaning?

Wet vs Dry Cleaning Summary The wet method (specifically professional truck-mounted carpet cleaning) is the best choice for heavily soiled and heavily trafficked areas. If drying time is of the essence, the dry cleaning method may be preferable, especially in an office situation.

What equipment do professional carpet cleaners use?

The Professional Carpet Cleaning ToolkitVacuum Cleaner. A vacuum cleaner is one of the essential carpet cleaning tools your staff will need to complete cleaning jobs. ... Carpet Cleaner. Carpet cleaners remove deeply embedded dirt, bacteria, and stains. ... Defoamer. ... Stain Remover. ... Air Scrubber. ... Carpet Rake. ... Smartphone.

How do I make my cleaning business stand out?

Keeping your customers updated with your arrival time helps establish trust between your cleaning service business and the customer. It shows that you respect their time and, therefore, value them as a client.

What is the target market for a commercial cleaning service?

For example, if you have a commercial cleaning business your target market is typically building owners and facilities managers. For residential cleaning businesses, a person in your target market could be homeowners who have extra disposable income and want to save time.

What do customers want from a cleaning company?

Customers want trustworthy, courteous, and well-trained employees. Other important aspects of what customers are looking for, has to do with your cleaning technicians and office personnel. Your role as the owner of the cleaning business is important, but your employees act as the face of your company.

How do you introduce a cleaning business?

A cleaning business introduction letter should start with a warm greeting and a thank you to the new client for trusting you with their cleaning needs. Mention how excited you are to work with them and how much you look forward to the business relationship between you. Next, provide a bit of your company history.

How do I advertise cleaning services on Facebook?

Let's begin:Step 1: Go to your ads manager.Step 2: Click on your account. It may prompt you to create an Ad account. ... Step 3: Install the Facebook Pixel on your website. ... Step 4: Go back to your Ads Manager, and click "Create Campaign."Step 5: Choose your goal. ... Step 6: Name your Ad.

How do I write a cleaning blog?

8 Blog Content Ideas for Cleaning Companies (for Better SEO)Write About Your Cleaning Process and Products. ... Write an Article About Your Top Search Engine Term. ... Publish a List of Home Tidying Tips. ... Make a List of Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services. ... Highlight a Member of Your Team. ... Share Customer Testimonials.More items...•

Find your local niche

The key to building repeat business is finding customers you can take care of better than anyone else. Somewhere on your home turf is just such an under-served market. Here’s how some members of the carpet cleaning industry’s Truck Mount Forums found a niche for their carpet cleaning business.

Work the digital angles

There are a number of Jobber Academy posts available on the basics of getting your carpet cleaning business set up online: a website, a Facebook page, a Google listing, etc. Taking things to the next level, here are a couple of tactics other successful carpet cleaners use to market their services.

Leverage marketing technologies

There are a number of marketing technology tools than can help you achieve the goals of your digital marketing strategy. Here are a few to get you started.

How to sell carpet cleaning?

For example, you might like to tell them about how they can maintain their carpets once you're finished, and show any products you sell to help with that. Giving them your time will also make them more likely to refer you to their friends and neighbors. You can add your name and logo to every product you sell so that people remember your business every time they use it. This can help people to see your business as the go-to company for cleaning.

What to do when a client leaves a review?

You should give a proper and polite response that addresses their comments. You may be able to help them if they had a bad experience, or give them extra reasons to remember you if they had a good one.

How to keep customers coming back?

Another great way to keep your customers coming back is to give them merchandise. This could mean a pen, a mug, or something else. People generally don’t refuse something if it’s free. You can then put your details on the merchandise so that they can contact you in the future without having to look for your contact information.

Do you have to have a cleaning vehicle?

You will likely have a cleaning vehicle already, and if you don't have one now, then you should get one. Once you do have one, then you should have it decorated with your carpet cleaning name, logos, colors, and telephone number. This is an easy way for you to get noticed and will leave a good impression if you park outside a client's home whilst you help them. It also helps to have logos on your business equipment.

How to market your business better?

Always keep track of your competitors’ marketing campaigns, to make sure that you’re not left biting the dust when it comes to creative things that you could be doing to market your business. Never do the exact same thing that your competitor is doing, that would just make you seem unoriginal and make people detest you. But keep an eye on their marketing tactics; it might inspire you to come up with something new and unique that you could use to market your business better.

How to get your business name out there?

Actively Posting on Social Media. Having an active social media presence on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook is one of the easiest ways to get your business’ name out there and introduce it to the world. However, there’s no point to being active on social media if your words are falling against deaf ears.

What is cross promoting?

By cross-promoting products, you’ve let your customers know that you sell other things beside cleaning carpets. The next time they want a product that is related to carpet like a fabric softener, even, they’ll think about calling you, if they like your product and your service quality.

How to respond to a review?

Make sure that you engage with reviews that customers leave behind since it is a reflection of how your business treats its customers. Respond politely to reviews from dissatisfied customers. If the fault was genuinely from your side, then apologize and reassure them by saying that you will do everything in your power to try and rectify the mistake. If it is within your budget, then give them promotional coupons that might help retain them as a customer.

Is Pinterest a good marketing tool?

This might seem like too basic a marketing idea, but you’d be surprised at how effective this is. Nothing attracts attention like a catchy well designed pin-up. And it needn’t be just a physical poster/notice about your business. Websites such as Pinterest have essentially brought the same to the internet, where you can post an interesting stat/infographic/fact along with your company’s logo to attract more traffic to your website. Which brings us to our next point:

Learn from others who have commercial clients

I’d like to share just one very simple and inexpensive, yet effective technique that we’ve been using for years.

The busy season

Once May and June arrived, there was no need to send more promotions. We were as busy as we wanted to be with our regular spring cleaning business.

Get graphic

It’s smart to include graphics. They add life to an otherwise dull, uninteresting document.

What is a special offer for carpet cleaning?

There are 2 major functions that a special offer plays in your carpet marketing campaign: Enticing prospects to try out your product or service. • Rewarding current customers and ensuring future loyalty. So a special offer is not an afterthought for your carpet cleaning marketing….

How many rules are there for carpet marketing?

Whatever marketing medium you’re using, there are 2 rules for winning the carpet marketing game:

What to do when you spot a negative review on cleaning service?

When you spot a negative review online, make sure to comment on it and respond with a sincere apology and offer to remedy whatever occurred that was dissatisfactory with their cleaning service.

How much did Ayoub spend on postcard marketing?

And — on one of their campaigns, Ayoub spent $13,950 and generated $224,500 back in revenue.

How much does a Persian rug cost?

You own a Persian rug that cost $20,000. You and your spouse bought it at an open-air market in Casablanca while on a once-in-a-lifetime vacation to Morocco. This rug is basically irreplaceable. And your dog just trampled mud on it.

Do you need to discriminate when advertising for carpet cleaners?

If you want to avoid wasting money with your carpet cleaner advertising , you need to discriminate!

Is direct mail a marketing tool?

Direct mail remains a time-tested carpet cleaner marketing tool — yes, even in our digital age! Consider these numbers: 79% of consumers say they open direct mail immediately. 54% of consumers say they prefer direct mail marketing the most.

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