youtube how to winterize a butler carpet cleaning

by Theo Waelchi IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Part of a video titled Winterizing your Butler Truckmount - YouTube
Level in the two and a half gallon antifreeze container hold the three-foot high-pressureMoreLevel in the two and a half gallon antifreeze container hold the three-foot high-pressure winterizing hose above the antifreeze level in the container. Open the shut-off valve on the high-pressure.

How do you winterize a carpet cleaner?

0:485:15How to Winterize Your Truckmount Chemical Metering System: Episode 2YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipTake it away well you just need a few supplies first of all these are gonna winterize the chemicalMoreTake it away well you just need a few supplies first of all these are gonna winterize the chemical metering system right here there needs some antifreeze with which to do it.

How do you winterize a Truckmount?

3:486:43How to Winterize Your Truckmount: Episode 1 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe next step after that will be to actually get into the truck. And start filling up that emptyMoreThe next step after that will be to actually get into the truck. And start filling up that empty water box with a hundred percent you know pure antifreeze from a container.

How do I keep my Truckmount from freezing?

Freeze-guard the unit. Since evacuating all the water from a modern truckmount is nearly impossible, adding antifreeze is the only sure way to protect it.

How do I keep my carpet cleaning van warm in the winter?

0:515:40How to keep your truckmount equipment warm. Winterization for ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBill tip number two is to make sure that you have radiator fluid inside of the truck. And if youMoreBill tip number two is to make sure that you have radiator fluid inside of the truck. And if you have a water cooled carpet plane of truck mount make sure you keep it in there too.

How do you winterize a semi?

8 tips on how to winterize your semi-truckCheck your battery and electrical systems. ... Look over the fuel filter and water separator. ... Start using fuel additives. ... Install an electric block heater. ... Inspect the cooling system. ... Prepare your windshield. ... Check your tires. ... Clean the air tanks the inspect the air dryer.

How much does it cost to get a car winterized?

Answer provided by. “Unless you need a new battery or a set of winter tires, you can expect to pay between $50 and $100 to winterize your vehicle.

What do you need to winterize your car for Alaska?

Get a jump on winterizing your car for the Alaskan winter with the following tips!Test your car battery.Clean battery terminals.Lubricate window weather stripping.Lubricate door locks.Lubricate latches and door hinges.Check tread depth on your tires.Check tire pressure.Switch to winter tires if necessary.More items...•

How do you winterize an old truck?

How to Winterize a Pickup TruckCheck the antifreeze. This is a must-do for all makes and models of cars, but one that's easy to forget. ... Check the battery. Give your truck battery a thorough inspection to make sure all connections are clean and tight. ... Prepare your tires. ... Protect your bed. ... Oil check.

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